Fassaden / Facades : Gebaudehullen fur das 21. Jahrhundert / Building Envelopes for the 21st Century

  Fassaden / Facades : Gebaudehullen fur das 21. Jahrhundert / Building Envelopes for the 21st Century  Book DescriptionDie zweite Auflage dieses erfolgreichen Buches wurde um 70 neue Beitrage erweitert und vereint Ideen und Losungen von Fassadenkonzepten, die stadtebaulich, architektonisch, technisch und funktional au?ergewohnlichsind. Dafur stehen rund 250 internationale Architekturbeispiele und innovative Planungen renommierter Architekten, die gebaudetypologisch geordnet einen Uberblick uber die technischen Moglichkeiten moderner Gebaudehullen aufzeigen – ausgewahlte Objekte u.a. von WS Atkins & Partners, Murphy/Jahn, Richard Meier & Partners, Daniel Libeskind, Ingenhoven Overdiek, Gehry Partners, BRT Architekten, Foster and Partners.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDie zweite Auflage dieses erfolgreichen Buches wurde um 70 neue Beitrage erweitert und vereint Ideen und Losungen von Fassadenkonzepten, die stadtebaulich, architektonisch, technisch und funktional au?ergewohnlichsind. Dafur stehen rund 250 internationale Architekturbeispiele und innovative Planungen renommierter Architekten, die gebaudetypologisch geordnet einen Uberblick uber die technischen Moglichkeiten moderner Gebaudehullen aufzeigen – ausgewahlte Objekte u.a. von WS Atkins & Partners, Murphy/Jahn, Richard Meier & Partners, Daniel Libeskind, Ingenhoven Overdiek, Gehry Partners, BRT Architekten, Foster and Partners....

Double Spell

Janet Lunn

  Double Spell  Janet Lunn  Book Description “Ever since we’ve had this doll,” Elizabeth said hesitantly, “we’ve had funny things happen – the same dreams and knowing things and stuff like that.” Twins Jane and Elizabethare twelve years old and have outgrown dolls. Nevertheless, on a cold wet spring Saturday they find themselves in an antique store, inexplicably drawn to a small, tattered old fashioned doll. Even the owner of the store seems to understand that the doll somehow belongs to the girls. Once the twins buy the doll, stranger and stranger things begin to happen, and a young girl from the past seems to be calling out to them. The search to discover the history of the little doll brings the twins terrifyingly close to the world of the supernatural as they finally solve a tantalizing mystery. Janet Lunn’s first novel, long unavailable, is republished in a fresh, beautiful edition.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description “Ever since we’ve had this doll,” Elizabeth said hesitantly, “we’ve had funny things happen – the same dreams and knowing things and stuff like that.” Twins Jane and Elizabethare twelve years old and have outgrown dolls. Nevertheless, on a cold wet spring Saturday they find themselves in an antique store, inexplicably drawn to a small, tattered old fashioned doll. Even the owner of the store seems to understand that the doll somehow belongs to the girls. Once the twins buy the doll, stranger and stranger things begin to happen, and a young girl from the past seems to be calling out to them. The search to discover the history of the little doll brings the twins terrifyingly close to the world of the supernatural as they finally solve a tantalizing mystery. Janet Lunn’s first novel, long unavailable, is republished in a fresh, beautiful edition....


Kathleen Duey

  Rex  Kathleen Duey  Book DescriptionSix young friends become Time Soldiers when they stumble onto a secret time portal, leading them to an ancient world of dinosaurs and danger. The Time Soldiers fight to survive, to escape the T-Rex's fury ? and to make it home alive. By the time they do, young readers can't wait for the next adventure.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSix young friends become Time Soldiers when they stumble onto a secret time portal, leading them to an ancient world of dinosaurs and danger. The Time Soldiers fight to survive, to escape the T-Rex's fury ? and to make it home alive. By the time they do, young readers can't wait for the next adventure....

Firefly Nights (Sagwa, 2)

Cynthia Benjamin

  Firefly Nights (Sagwa, 2)  Cynthia Benjamin  Book Description Sagwa's older brother, Dongwa, proves that he's a grown-up cat so that he can stay up to watch the fireflies' amazing fireworks.The rich Chinese culture and kid-friendly character art combine to create a truly unique coloring book with lots of pictures for children to color, and activities that are fun and educational.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Sagwa's older brother, Dongwa, proves that he's a grown-up cat so that he can stay up to watch the fireflies' amazing fireworks.The rich Chinese culture and kid-friendly character art combine to create a truly unique coloring book with lots of pictures for children to color, and activities that are fun and educational....

Socrates And Athenian Society In His Day: A Biographical Sketch

A. D. Godley

  Socrates And Athenian Society In His Day: A Biographical Sketch  A. D. Godley  Kessinger Publishing.   1896. This work is not intended for classical scholars or professed Platonists; but rather for the large and increasing class of students who do not wish to be debarred altogether from an acquaintance with Greek literature by their ignorance of the Greek language. For the benefit of such readers I have endeavored, with the help of extracts selected mostly from Plato, to draw a picture of Socrates' relation to his immediate entourage and to Athenian society in general. Contents: Athens Before and After the Persian Wars; The Part Played by Socrates in History; Socrates in Plato's Dialogues: The Sophists; The Better Teachers of the Time: Gorgias and Protagoras; The Worse Teachers: Euthydemus and Thrasymachus; Socrates Among the Young: Lysis and Charmides; The Symposium; The Xenophontic Socrates; The Clouds; Trial and Death of Socrates; and The Story of Er.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kessinger Publishing. 1896. This work is not intended for classical scholars or professed Platonists; but rather for the large and increasing class of students who do not wish to be debarred altogether from an acquaintance with Greek literature by their ignorance of the Greek language. For the benefit of such readers I have endeavored, with the help of extracts selected mostly from Plato, to draw a picture of Socrates' relation to his immediate entourage and to Athenian society in general. Contents: Athens Before and After the Persian Wars; The Part Played by Socrates in History; Socrates in Plato's Dialogues: The Sophists; The Better Teachers of the Time: Gorgias and Protagoras; The Worse Teachers: Euthydemus and Thrasymachus; Socrates Among the Young: Lysis and Charmides; The Symposium; The Xenophontic Socrates; The Clouds; Trial and Death of Socrates; and The Story of Er....

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Fassaden / Facades : Gebaudehullen fur das 21. Jahrhundert / Building Envelopes for the 21st Century. . Книги.

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