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Adam Bede George Eliot
Wordsworth Editions Limited. Wordsworth Classics. "Adam Bede" (1859), George Eliot's first full-length novel, marked the emergence of an artist to rank with Scott and Dickens. Set in the English Midlands of farmers and village craftsmen at the turn of the eighteenth century, the book relates a story of seduction issuing in "the inward suffering which is the worst form of Nemesis". But it is also a rich and pioneering record - drawing on intimate knowledge and affectionate memory - of a rural world that we have lost. The movement of the narration between social realism and reflection on its own processes, the exploration of motives, and the constant authorial presence all bespeak an art that strives to connect the fictional with the actual....
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Русская церковь в IX - первой трети XII в. Принятие христианства О. М. Рапов
Высшая школа. Русская церковь в IX - первой трети XII в. Принятие христианства. В книге исследуются причины принятия христианства Русью, сам процесс введения новой религии в Киевском государстве. Раскрываются важнейшие мероприятия, проведенные князем Владимиром ДЛя внедрения христианского вероучения в народные массы. Выясняется истинная хронология этапов первоначального крещения наследия страны. Показано влияние христианства на развитие классового общества, феодальных отношений, культуры и быта жителей Киевской державы....
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Financial Market Risk: Measurement & Analysis (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking) Cornelis A. Los
This new book uses advanced signal processing technology to measure and analyze risk phenomena of the financial markets. It explains how to scientifically measure, analyze and manage non-stationarity and long-term time dependence (long memory) of financial market returns. It studies, in particular, financial crises in persistent financial markets, such as stock, bond and real estate market, and turbulence in anti?persistent financial markets, such as anchor currency markets. It uses Windowed Fourierand Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis to measure the degrees of persistence of these complex markets, by computing monofractal Hurst exponents and multifractal singularity spectra. It explains how and why financial crises and financial turbulence may occur in the various markets and why we may have to reconsider the current wave of term structure modeling based on affine models. It also uses these persistence measurements to improve the financial risk management of global investment......
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The Go-Getter: A Story That Tells You How To Be One Peter B. Kyne, Alan Axelrod
The classic motivational parable (over 500,000 copies sold worldwide) that shows you how to make your own opportunities in life, updated for the modern reader by bestselling business author Alan Axelrod Ever since its first printing by William Randolph Hearst in 1921, The Go-Getter has inspired employees and entrepreneurs to take initiative, increase their productivity, and excel against the odds. Now, more than half a million copies later, Alan Axelrod, bestselling author of Patton on Leadership and Elizabeth I, CEO, updates the tale to address today's most pressing work issues. In The Go-Getter , Bill Peck, a war veteran, persuades Cappy Ricks, the influential founder of the Rick's Logging & Lumbering Company, to let him prove himself by selling skunk wood in odd lengths-a job that everyone knows can only lead to failure. When Peck goes on to beat his quota, Rick hands Peck the ultimate opportunity and the ultimate test: the quest for......
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Psychology of Sustainable Development Peter Schmuck, P. Wesley Schultz
Human activity overuses the resources of the planet at a rate that will severely compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Changes toward sustainability need to begin within the next few years or environmental deterioration will become irreversible. Thus the need to develop a mindset of sustainable development - the ability of society to meet its needs without permanently compromising the earth's resources - is pressing. The Psychology of Sustainable Development clarifies themeaning of the term and describes the conditions necessary for it to occur. With contributions from an international team of policy shapers and makers, the book will be an important reference for environmental, developmental, social, and organizational psychologists, in addition to other social scientists concerned with the impact current human activity will have on the prospects of future generations....
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На главную
Adam Bede. George Eliot . Книги.
Димитровград, Смоленск, Электросталь, Киров, Миасс, Махачкала, Сургут, Йошкар-Ола, Киров, Ухта, Бийск, Оренбург, Элиста, Коломна,
Фондовый рынок| Теория киноискусства, премии, фильмы| Естественные науки в целом| Распознавание и синтез речи| Искусство. Архитектура. Религия. Традиции.| Графика| Декоративно-прикладное искусство. Дизайн| Раскраски| Коммерческое и акционерное право| Бухгалтерский учет на компьютере| Фильмы-катастрофы| История экономики| Коммерческое право| Организационный и производственный менеджмент| Драмы отношений| Альбомы, анкеты, дневнички| Право. Юриспруденция| Военные комедии| Химическая и лесная промышленность. Полиграфия| Психология| Науки о Земле| Статистика| Батально-исторические фильмы| Финансовый менеджмент| Чешский, польский, венгерский| Кантри| Сборники, игровые энциклопедии, модификации (MOD)| Караоке| Киноарт, фестивали и награды| Графические редакторы, верстка| Атласы и контурные карты по географии| Алгебра. Геометрия| Авантюрные приключения| Мистика и ужасы| Люди шоу-бизнеса| Глобусы, контурные карты и атласы| Биографии писателей| Индийские боевики| Международное право| Научная фантастика| Строительство| 3D графика, видео и анимация| Исторические драмы| Искусство. Культура| Фильмы на иностранных языках| Программы Discovery| Телесериалы| Иронический детектив|
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