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Жозеф Бальзамо. В двух томах. Том 2 А. Дюма
СЕЙМЪ. Во второй том вошли главы с 73 по 164. В центре романа - образ таинственного графа Калиостро (он же - Жозеф Бальзамо) великого магистра, руководящего скрытыми силами французского общества....
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Свято-Русские Веды. Книга Велеса
ФАИР. "Книга Велеса" - священное писание славян. Была начертана на березовых дощечках в IX веке н. э. волхвом Ягайлой Ганом. Книга содержит сказания о пращурах и богах славян, рассказывает об истории славян и многих иных народов Евразии от эпохи прародителей до IX века н. э. Издание сопровождается обширным богословским, источниковедческим и историческим комментарием и впервые включает тексты из архивов Ю.П.Миролюбова, поступившие в Госархив РФ в 2003 г....
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The Most Beautiful Bibles
Taschen. In the beginning was the word, and in the Middle Ages was the zenith of the Bible. It was a time when bibles were commissioned by kings, princes, and high-ranking members of the Curia, whose wealth and influence begat ornately illustrated bibles of extraordinary craftsmanship. The Most Beautiful Bibles covers examples from every epoch of the Middle Ages, presenting the Bible as it was visualized in both theological and historical contexts. As the beauty and significance of the illustrations are undeniable, the manuscripts are also examined from an art historical point of view. Texts by Andreas Fingernagel, Stephan Fussel, Christian Gastgeber, and a team of 15 scientific authors describe each manuscript in detail and explore the evolution of the Bible as well as the medieval understanding of history that is inherent in these versions of the Bible; also included is a glossary of important terms so that those not versed in bible history can enjoy the texts as well. Формат: 25......
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Primary Colours Class: Starter (аудиокнига на 2 CD) Diana Hicks, Andrew Littlejohn
Cambridge University Press. This exciting six-level course is packed with fun activities. Right from the start, children are fully involved in thinking for themselves, doing things themselves, and making things themselves. The topics in the Pupil's Books encourage children to think about the world around them and, at the higher levels, are linked to other subject areas in the school curriculum. This approach makes language learning more meaningful and memorable. Regular revision pages, and "I can" sections in the Activity Books allow children to evaluate their own progress, giving them a real sense of achievement. The Songs and Stories CD can be used in the classroom or at home and is a fun way of providing extra practice. Delightfully illustrated Vocabulary Cards are also available to practise the target language for Starter and level 1. The Starter level, for children in the early stages of literacy, provides a full year of work and focuses on listening and speaking. Level 1, which can also be......
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Turkmenistan (The Bradt Travel Guide) Paul Brummell
A dedicated travel guide to Turkmenistan. This resource caters to business people, volunteer workers, archaeologists and intrepid adventures. It includes information on Silk Road archaeological treasures, ex-Soviet era relics and post-independence monuments along with horse trekking, how to buy Turkmen carpets and other highlights....
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На главную
Жозеф Бальзамо. В двух томах. Том 2. А. Дюма . Книги.
Обнинск, Хабаровск, Ярославль, Тольятти, Череповец, Уфа, Рязань, Екатеринбург, Глазов, Пятигорск, Ульяновск, СергиевПосад, Димитровград, Пятигорск,
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