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Soul Coaching Denise Linn
Hay House. SOUL COACHING is a four-week program dedicated to an in-depth clearing and cleansing of the different aspects of your life: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. If not now, when? By following the practical, carefully crafted steps presented here, yu’ll find that you’re able to uncover your authentic self. This book is for you if you want to know: • who you are • why you’re here • what your mission is This book is also for you if you are ready to start: • putting your needs before veryone else’s • living life at a peaceful, moderate pace • loving yourself By utilizing the energy of the elements of nature: Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, this program allows you to clear away old blockages so that you can truly begin tohear the secret messages of your soul....
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Complete Wing-T Offensive Line Play: Coaching the Skilled Athlete in the Wing-T
Phil Willenbrock...
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The Promise of Scriptural Reasoning (Directions in Modern Theology)
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500 Metal Vessels: Contemporary Explorations of Containment
Lark Books. Juried by Fred Fenster, a distinguished presence in the field, "500 Metal Vessels" features page after page of superbly crafted bowls, teapots, vases, chalices, urns, and other exquisite handmade hollowware. Made from diverse metals and techniques (forging, raising, casting, forming, soldering, and welding), these eye-catching pieces also display gorgeous applied surface embellishments, from enamel to repouss?. Explore Sarah Perkin's luminous enamel bowls; the monumental vessels, made by Kim Cridler out of unassuming steel rods; and the work of Tom Ferrero, whose fascination with architecture and Gothic forms inspired his meticulous surface designs....
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Painting Songbirds With Sherry C. Nelson: 15 Beautiful Birds in Oil Sherry C. Nelson
North Light Books. Features birds and flowers-both perennially favorite subjects-in bright colors and stunning settings. Fine artists, leisure painters, and decorative painters alike love author’s timeless and realistic style. Teaches all the basic skills from brush loading and blending to creating shape and texture. The follow up to the bestselling Painting Garden Birds, this book is aimed at beginning oil painters but contains vivid examples that will attract even the most advanced artists. Master decorative painter Sherry C. Nelson provides 15 step-by-step projects, each highlighting a specific feature of the songbird, a variety of poses, and tips on capturing the flowers and foliage unique to the bird’s habitat. Included are everyone’s most beloved songbirds: blue jays, sparrows, doves, and more-all accented with lady bugs, butterflies, and other cute insects."...
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Soul Coaching. Denise Linn . Книги.
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