Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics (The Clinics: Internal Medicine)

  Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics (The Clinics: Internal Medicine)  James L. Levenson, David Gitlin, Catherine Crone  James L. Levenson, David Gitlin, Catherine Crone  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин James L. Levenson, David Gitlin, Catherine Crone...

Thinking Theologically: The Preacher As Theologian (Elements of Preaching)

  Thinking Theologically: The Preacher As Theologian (Elements of Preaching)  Ronald J. Allen  Ronald J. Allen  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ronald J. Allen...

Let's All Listen: Songs for Group Work in Settings That Include Students With Learning Difficulties and Autism

Pat Lloyd

  Let's All Listen: Songs for Group Work in Settings That Include Students With Learning Difficulties and Autism  Pat Lloyd  Jessica Kingsley Publishers.   Music provides a unique and powerful means of promoting communication and social interaction in students with learning difficulties. This complete resource contains activities and guidance for effective musical group work, and a collection of songs specifically written or adapted in response to the needs of students with communication problems. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Music provides a unique and powerful means of promoting communication and social interaction in students with learning difficulties. This complete resource contains activities and guidance for effective musical group work, and a collection of songs specifically written or adapted in response to the needs of students with communication problems. "Let's All Listen: Songs for Group Work in Settings That Include Students With Learning Difficulties and Autism" contains 46 songs with a vocal line and piano accompaniment for music specialists, as well as simplified guitar versions for non-specialists and an audio CD featuring all of the songs from the book. Pat Lloyd provides suggestions for how each song can be used and developed to encourage communication and social interaction, and lists a range of possible objectives for each one. Advocating a flexible approach, she demonstrates how musical activity can be adapted easily and successfully to the specific needs of individual students.......

Long Time Leaving: Dispatches from Up South

Roy Jr Blount

  Long Time Leaving: Dispatches from Up South  Roy Jr Blount  Knopf.   “I left the South in search of the Enlightenment. I’m pro-choice, in favor of gay marriage, and against creationism and the war in Iraq. But both my parents’ people are deep Southern from many generations, and I spent a little over a third of my life, including the presumably most formative years (toilet training through college), living in the South. Mathematically, that makes me just about exactly as Southern as the American people, 34 percent of whom are Southern residents. But it goes deeper than math—my roots are Southern, I sound Southern, I love a lot of Southern stuff, and when my [Northern] local paper announces a festival to ‘celebrate the spirit of differently abled dogs,’ I react as a Southerner. I believe I care as much about dogs’ feelings as anybody. It is hard for me to imagine that a dog with three legs minds being called a three-legged dog.” A sly, dry, hilarious collection of essays—his first in more than ten years—from the writer who, according to The New York...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Knopf. “I left the South in search of the Enlightenment. I’m pro-choice, in favor of gay marriage, and against creationism and the war in Iraq. But both my parents’ people are deep Southern from many generations, and I spent a little over a third of my life, including the presumably most formative years (toilet training through college), living in the South. Mathematically, that makes me just about exactly as Southern as the American people, 34 percent of whom are Southern residents. But it goes deeper than math—my roots are Southern, I sound Southern, I love a lot of Southern stuff, and when my [Northern] local paper announces a festival to ‘celebrate the spirit of differently abled dogs,’ I react as a Southerner. I believe I care as much about dogs’ feelings as anybody. It is hard for me to imagine that a dog with three legs minds being called a three-legged dog.” A sly, dry, hilarious collection of essays—his first in more than ten years—from the writer who, according to The New York......

Me and You and Memento and Fargo: How Independent Screenplays Work

  Me and You and Memento and Fargo: How Independent Screenplays Work  J. J. Murphy  J. J. Murphy  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин J. J. Murphy...

<<<  The Maverick Millionaire. Jordan Wirsz             Философия и общество, № 3, 2004.  >>>

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Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics (The Clinics: Internal Medicine). James L. Levenson, David Gitlin, Catherine Crone . Книги.

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