A Caledon Sketchbook

Richard Nevitt

  A Caledon Sketchbook  Richard Nevitt  Presented in the form of a journal and including ruminations and more than sixty pen-and-ink drawings, A Caledon Sketchbook illustrates chance moments of solitude and articulates a sense of communion with the spiritual side of the Caledon Hills. North and to the west of Toronto, this rolling landscape is home to artist Richard Nevitt. Working from nature is what he loves best, and in this collection his drawings demonstrate the degree to which a simple line scratched with a pen nib can elicit a deep appreciation of a geographic place.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Presented in the form of a journal and including ruminations and more than sixty pen-and-ink drawings, A Caledon Sketchbook illustrates chance moments of solitude and articulates a sense of communion with the spiritual side of the Caledon Hills. North and to the west of Toronto, this rolling landscape is home to artist Richard Nevitt. Working from nature is what he loves best, and in this collection his drawings demonstrate the degree to which a simple line scratched with a pen nib can elicit a deep appreciation of a geographic place....


Стефани Эш

  Искушение  Стефани Эш  Книжный клуб Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Белгород, Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Харьков. Грешные желания. В цивилизованном мире иногда трудно найти компромисс между любовью и карьерой. Любовь приказывает остаться в Лондоне, а карьера манит на солнечный Крит, принять участие в раскопках, которые могут прославить тебя. И снова этот выбор, старый как мир, - остаться в уютном, хотя и скучном гнезде или расправить крылья и окунуться в опасный, но увлекательный водоворот жизни....

Cross Channel

Julian Barnes

  Cross Channel  Julian Barnes  Picador.   No one has a better perspective from which to see things from both sides of the Channel than Julian Barnes. In these exquisitely crafted stories, spanning several centuries, he takes as his universal theme the British in France, our fascination with the country, our various and mixed reasons for being there and our sometimes ambiguous reception. Формат: 13 см х 19,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Picador. No one has a better perspective from which to see things from both sides of the Channel than Julian Barnes. In these exquisitely crafted stories, spanning several centuries, he takes as his universal theme the British in France, our fascination with the country, our various and mixed reasons for being there and our sometimes ambiguous reception. Формат: 13 см х 19,5 см....

Pathways to Teaching Series: Teaching Methods

NCAC National Center for Education Information, Charlotte Danielson

  Pathways to Teaching Series: Teaching Methods  NCAC National Center for Education Information, Charlotte Danielson  Teaching is extraordinarily important, complex, and demanding work, and a teacher’s workday consists of making hundreds of decisions that promote high-level student learning. The work is and should be daunting. Grounded and concise, this first edition text provides readers with theory-based practices that will illuminate the art and craft of teaching. Through specific examples and sound theories that help teachers build successful classrooms, Teaching Methods presents instruction as a complex profession requiring high-level cogitative work from each teacher. The book successfully synthesizes theories, observations, and research into practical guidelines for instructional planning focused on the emerging needs of the 21st Century. Part 1 describes the foundations of educational practice: what we know about important learning, and how that learning is assessed, how students learn, and how they are motivated to work hard and engage in high-level learning. The theoretical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Teaching is extraordinarily important, complex, and demanding work, and a teacher’s workday consists of making hundreds of decisions that promote high-level student learning. The work is and should be daunting. Grounded and concise, this first edition text provides readers with theory-based practices that will illuminate the art and craft of teaching. Through specific examples and sound theories that help teachers build successful classrooms, Teaching Methods presents instruction as a complex profession requiring high-level cogitative work from each teacher. The book successfully synthesizes theories, observations, and research into practical guidelines for instructional planning focused on the emerging needs of the 21st Century. Part 1 describes the foundations of educational practice: what we know about important learning, and how that learning is assessed, how students learn, and how they are motivated to work hard and engage in high-level learning. The theoretical......

Невероятный Халк. Первый ряд

  Невероятный Халк. Первый ряд  АСТ, Астрель, Харвест.   Брюс Бэннер пытается уничтожить в себе Халка - зеленого неуправляемого громилу. Со времени того неудачного эксперимента, когда Брюс начал превращаться в него, прошло пять лет. Все это время Брюс искал лекарство от гамма-облучения, а армия Соединенных Штатов следила за ним. Военные даже создали монстра сильнее Халка. Сможет ли Брюс победить его? Вспомни самые волнующие моменты фильма!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель, Харвест. Брюс Бэннер пытается уничтожить в себе Халка - зеленого неуправляемого громилу. Со времени того неудачного эксперимента, когда Брюс начал превращаться в него, прошло пять лет. Все это время Брюс искал лекарство от гамма-облучения, а армия Соединенных Штатов следила за ним. Военные даже создали монстра сильнее Халка. Сможет ли Брюс победить его? Вспомни самые волнующие моменты фильма!...

<<<  Царский декамерон. От Николая I до Николая II. В 2 книгах. Книга 2. ...             Философия и общество, № 3, 2004.  >>>

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A Caledon Sketchbook. Richard Nevitt . Книги.

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