Утренний кофе для любимой

Пенни Джордан

  Утренний кофе для любимой  Пенни Джордан  Радуга.   Любовный роман.   У Люси Блэйн началась полоса неприятностей - развод с мужем, разорение собственной компании. Что теперь делать? Правда, банкир Маркус Кэннинг предлагает ей свою финансовую помощь, но Люси на это ни за что не пойдет. Потому что... она любит Маркуса.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Радуга. Любовный роман. У Люси Блэйн началась полоса неприятностей - развод с мужем, разорение собственной компании. Что теперь делать? Правда, банкир Маркус Кэннинг предлагает ей свою финансовую помощь, но Люси на это ни за что не пойдет. Потому что... она любит Маркуса....

Robin Hopper Ceramics: A Lifetime of Works, Ideas and Techniques

  Robin Hopper Ceramics: A Lifetime of Works, Ideas and Techniques  Krause Publications.   Appeals to the international ceramics community - including more than 8,000 members of The American Ceramic Society Easy-to-understand techniques and inspiring ideas from an internationally known master artist, teacher and arts activist Brilliant full-color photos showcase finished pieces, ideas and instructions ceramists can easily apply to their own work Master artist Robin Hopper opens the door to his more than 50-year exploration of ceramics, and ceramists from every area of the field benefit from this intriguing Krause Publications. Appeals to the international ceramics community - including more than 8,000 members of The American Ceramic Society Easy-to-understand techniques and inspiring ideas from an internationally known master artist, teacher and arts activist Brilliant full-color photos showcase finished pieces, ideas and instructions ceramists can easily apply to their own work Master artist Robin Hopper opens the door to his more than 50-year exploration of ceramics, and ceramists from every area of the field benefit from this intriguing "best of" guide. Through Hopper's innovative insight and personal reflection, ceramists learn the "hows" and "whys" behind his artistry. The book also provides a portrait of the artist, and the fascinating journey of his life, presenting readers with a true compilation of this master artists' life work. This book: *Brings ceramists into the mind of a renowned artist, inspiring and encouraging artists to push themselves further in their work *Introduces readers......

Economics from the Outside in: "Better Than Plowing" and Beyond (Texam a&M University Economics Series)

James M. Buchanan

  Economics from the Outside in: Nobel laureate in economics James Buchanan has been called--and indeed, calls himself--an outsider in American economics. Original and even unorthodox in his pioneering contributions to public choice theory and variously revered or berated for his influence on the economic policies that took hold in the Reagan years, he has stimulated a productive vein of economic inquiry and an important strain of public policy. First published in 1992 under the title Better Than Plowing And Other Personal Essays, this collection of autobiographic writings was hailed as engaging, honest, and fascinating. The four new chapters of the present volume fill some gaps in his earlier reflections and add valuable assessments of the roots of his academic work. Economics from the Outside In provides a fascinating look at the humble origins and academic development of a recipient of the Nobel Prize, the intellectual underpinnings of a key American economic policy, and the role......

Бисероплетение для "чайников" и "продвинутых" мастериц

И. Е. Клименко, Т. Н. Береснева

  Бисероплетение для . Город мастеров. Книга обращена к взрослым рукодельницам, которые в детстве не успели обучиться бисероплетению, но сделать украшение своими руками им все-таки хочется. Книга состоит из двух частей. Первая часть является самоучителем по изготовлению женских украшений из бисера. Авторы, исходя из собственной практики, в доходчивой форме поясняют основные элементы бисероплетения (низания) и дают методику изготовления простых и изящных украшений. Вторая часть предназначена для низальщиц, уже имеющих небольшой опыт. В ней приведены более сложные элементы бисероплетения, даны схемы и описание изготовления оригинальных и эффектных украшений. Для широкого круга читателей....

The Science of James Bond: From Bullets to Bowler Hats to Boat Jumps, the Real Technology Behind 007's Fabulous Films

Lois H. Gresh, Robert Weinberg

  The Science of James Bond: From Bullets to Bowler Hats to Boat Jumps, the Real Technology Behind 007's Fabulous Films  Lois H. Gresh, Robert Weinberg  The science behind the gadgets, exploits, and enemies of the world's greatest spy From the sleek Aston Martin that spits out bullets, nails, and passengers at the push of a button to the microjet that makes hairpin turns to avoid a heat-seeking missile, the science and technology of James Bond films have kept millions of movie fans guessing for decades. Are these amazing feats and gadgets truly possible? The Science of James Bond takes you on a fascinating excursion through the true science that underlies Bond's most fantastic and off-the-wall accoutrements. The acclaimed science-fiction authors Lois Gresh and Robert Weinberg provide a highly entertaining, informative look at the real-world achievements and brilliant imaginations behind such singular Bond gadgets as the buzz-saw Rolex, the car that turns into a submarine, and the ever-popular rocket-firing cigarette. They examine hundreds of Q Division's ingenious inventions; analyze Bond's astonishing...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The science behind the gadgets, exploits, and enemies of the world's greatest spy From the sleek Aston Martin that spits out bullets, nails, and passengers at the push of a button to the microjet that makes hairpin turns to avoid a heat-seeking missile, the science and technology of James Bond films have kept millions of movie fans guessing for decades. Are these amazing feats and gadgets truly possible? The Science of James Bond takes you on a fascinating excursion through the true science that underlies Bond's most fantastic and off-the-wall accoutrements. The acclaimed science-fiction authors Lois Gresh and Robert Weinberg provide a highly entertaining, informative look at the real-world achievements and brilliant imaginations behind such singular Bond gadgets as the buzz-saw Rolex, the car that turns into a submarine, and the ever-popular rocket-firing cigarette. They examine hundreds of Q Division's ingenious inventions; analyze Bond's astonishing......

<<<  Как привлечь удачу.              Философия и общество, № 3, 2004.  >>>

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Утренний кофе для любимой. Пенни Джордан . Книги.

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