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Maximizing The Enterprise Information Assets Timothy D. Wells, Christine Sevilla
Filled with practical advice, this book describes how information changes the way the enterprise is managed, how a focus on information changes the organizational structure, how the value of information is enhanced and depreciated. It enables readers to define information in their enterprises, identify barriers that reduce information's value, and plan changes to increase information's value. It demonstrates how and why enhancing the value of information could require modifying the information itself, defining training needs, adding constructive relationships, changing organizational structure via departmental function and outsourcing, altering job definitions, and even changing organizational policy....
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Misspecification Tests in Econometrics: The Lagrange Multiplier Principle and Other Approaches (Econometric Society Monographs, 16) L.G. Godfrey
By bringing together results from the growing literature in econometrics on misspecification testing, this study provides theoretical analyses and convenient methods for the implementation of tests in applied work. Although the main emphasis is on the Lagrange multiplier principle, several other approaches are discussed and the relationships among different methods are examined. The author reviews general checks of model adequacy that do not involve the formulation of an alternative hypothesis. General and specific tests are discussed in the context of multiple regression models, systems of simultaneous equations, and models with qualitative or limited dependent variables. This wide-ranging but integrated book will be useful to a wide audience of applied and theoretical researchers, graduate students, and professional economists....
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Globalizacion George Yip, George S. Yip
Comprensiva y bien documentada guia para el gerente internacional, que trata todos los aspectos de la estrategia global y cristaliza las cuestiones de integracion global. Aqui se ofrece un marco de referencia total para todos los gerentes que tiene que luchar con una competencia mundial en este mundo sin fronteras....
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The Essential Biotech Investment Guide: How to Invest in the Healthcare Biotechnology & Life Sciences Sector C. Mark Tang
This invaluable book tells the reader how to invest in the healthcare biotechnology and life sciences sector, one of the fast-growing sectors of the US economy. Aimed at biotech investors as well as bioentrepreneurs and venture capitalists, it has been written from the perspectives of risk management and asset management/allocation. It strives to teach readers how to fish, rather than giving them fish. The author has over ten years of Wall Street experience in biotech research, investment banking and asset management. He holds an MBA in Finance and a PhD in Biochemistry....
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Installing and Managing Workable Knowledge Management Systems Albert H. Rubenstein, Eliezer Geisler
Every organization should have some method of capturing, storing, transforming, retrieving, and using knowledge and lessons learned. This book has been written to help managers throughout the organization to design and develop knowledge management systems that are effective and lasting. Successful knowledge management systems are integrated into the corporate culture and the existing information systems apparatus. They are introduced gradually, so as not to clutter the testing phase with too many details. And simple and appropriate metrics are utilized at each stage of the design and operating process. The book concludes with a concise summary of all the necessary steps to ensure success....
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Maximizing The Enterprise Information Assets. Timothy D. Wells, Christine Sevilla . Книги.
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