The Year's Best Australian Science Fiction And Fantasy

Derryl Murphy

  The Year's Best Australian Science Fiction And Fantasy  Derryl Murphy  Prime Books.   For readers accustomed to massive Prime Books. For readers accustomed to massive "year's best" anthologies, this Australian import may seem lightweight with only 11 tales, but it's a fine sampling of mostly cross-genre fiction from Down Under. Lynette Aspey's endearing, character-driven "Dreaming Dragons" plays with Vietnamese myth. Terry Dowling's "Flashmen," a gripping tale of a future Earth beset by a truly alien invasion, explores the meaning of heroism. Brendan D. Carson's "Occam's Razing" is a short but highly imaginative story of religious contagion. Damien Broderick offers a thoughtful postnanotech fable, "The Meek." In "The Dreaming City" by Ben Peek, Mark Twain dreams of an encounter with an aboriginal spirit and is moved to write a book in defense of Australia's native population. Congreve and Marquart provide an excellent introduction to the vicissitudes of the Australian genre market, as well as information about publications and some recommended reading....

Ornaments of the Metropolis : Siegfried Kracauer and Modern Urban Culture

Henrik Reeh

  Ornaments of the Metropolis : Siegfried Kracauer and Modern Urban Culture  Henrik Reeh  Book DescriptionFor Siegfried Kracauer, the urban ornament was not just an aspect of design; it was the medium through which city dwellers interpreted the metropolis itself. In Ornaments of the Metropolis , Henrik Reeh traces variations on the theme of the ornament in Kracauer's writings on urbanism, from his early journalism in Germany between the wars to his Book DescriptionFor Siegfried Kracauer, the urban ornament was not just an aspect of design; it was the medium through which city dwellers interpreted the metropolis itself. In Ornaments of the Metropolis , Henrik Reeh traces variations on the theme of the ornament in Kracauer's writings on urbanism, from his early journalism in Germany between the wars to his "sociobiography" of Jacques Offenbach in Paris. Kracauer (1889-1966), often associated with the Frankfurt School and the intellectual milieuof Walter Benjamin, is best known for his writings on cinema and the philosophy of history. Reeh examines Kracauer's lesser-known early work, much of it written for the trendsetting newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung in the 1920s and early 1930s, and analyzes Kracauer's continuing reflections on modern urban life, through the pivotal idea of ornament. Kracauer deciphers the subjective experience of the city by viewing fragments of the city as dynamic ornaments; an employment......

Bones Hooks: Pioneer Negro Cowboy

Bruce G. Todd

  Bones Hooks: Pioneer Negro Cowboy  Bruce G. Todd  Book DescriptionBorn in northeast Texas in 1867, Matthew Book DescriptionBorn in northeast Texas in 1867, Matthew "Bones" Hooks was a true pioneer who not only built a town, schools, and churches, but also broke down racial barriers as one of the first black cowboys to work alongside whites as a ranch hand. After his retirement as a cowboy, Hooks heard of a horse nobody could ride. He challenged the horse?s owner to let him try and his success became known across the country as "The Ride." Throughout his life, Hooks negotiated between both sides of the railroad track, using his uncommon charm to gain the support of the wealthy to provide resources for the poor. He helped many people buy homes, educate their children, and start businesses in his adopted hometown of Amarillo, Texas. His is the seldom-heard story of how blacks pioneered the American west....

Warren Beatty : A Private Man

Suzanne Finstad

  Warren Beatty : A Private Man  Suzanne Finstad Exclusive: Joe Laitin and Warren Beatty Excerpted Interview Excerpt and photographs courtesy of the author, Suzanne Finstad, by permission of Peter Laitin. Beatty withJoe Laitin JL: There apparently aren't that many people who really know you anyway. I don't know whether you deliberately keep people at arm's length. I suppose you do... WB: I am finding more and more that it's really very hard to please a lot of people. And I would say it's impossible. And so I have been allowing that need to try to please a lot of people to slip away from me in the past couple of years. So that I realize now that...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Exclusive: Joe Laitin and Warren Beatty Excerpted Interview Excerpt and photographs courtesy of the author, Suzanne Finstad, by permission of Peter Laitin. Beatty withJoe Laitin JL: There apparently aren't that many people who really know you anyway. I don't know whether you deliberately keep people at arm's length. I suppose you do... WB: I am finding more and more that it's really very hard to please a lot of people. And I would say it's impossible. And so I have been allowing that need to try to please a lot of people to slip away from me in the past couple of years. So that I realize now that......

The Audience in Everyday Life: Living in a Media World

S. Elizabeth Bird

  The Audience in Everyday Life: Living in a Media World  S. Elizabeth Bird  Book DescriptionThe Audience in Everyday Life argues that a media audience cannot be studied in front of the television alone--their interaction with media does not simply end when the set is turned off. Instead, we must study the daily lives of audiences to find the undercurrents of media influence in everyday life. Applying new developments in cultural anthropology and folklore to media studies, S. Elizabeth Bird offers a series of empirically based audience studies of phenomena that include media scandals, fan culture, representations of race and ethnicity, tabloid journalism, and runaway media hoaxes. Bird provides a host of useful tools and methods for scholars and students interested in the ways media is consumed in everyday life.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe Audience in Everyday Life argues that a media audience cannot be studied in front of the television alone--their interaction with media does not simply end when the set is turned off. Instead, we must study the daily lives of audiences to find the undercurrents of media influence in everyday life. Applying new developments in cultural anthropology and folklore to media studies, S. Elizabeth Bird offers a series of empirically based audience studies of phenomena that include media scandals, fan culture, representations of race and ethnicity, tabloid journalism, and runaway media hoaxes. Bird provides a host of useful tools and methods for scholars and students interested in the ways media is consumed in everyday life....

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The Year's Best Australian Science Fiction And Fantasy. Derryl Murphy . Книги.

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