Secrets to Building a Winning Business

Andrew Griffiths

  Secrets to Building a Winning Business  Andrew Griffiths  Book Description This manual answers the question What makes businesses that succeed different from the rest? and offers advice on how to improve all areas of a business. A range of fast, practical, and inexpensive actions are suggested that help turn a bright idea into a winning, money-making business. Creating an impressive corporate and personal image, building strong relationships, and displaying commitment to customers are just some of the successful strategies and steps covered.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This manual answers the question What makes businesses that succeed different from the rest? and offers advice on how to improve all areas of a business. A range of fast, practical, and inexpensive actions are suggested that help turn a bright idea into a winning, money-making business. Creating an impressive corporate and personal image, building strong relationships, and displaying commitment to customers are just some of the successful strategies and steps covered....

Asian Management Systems

Min Chen

  Asian Management Systems  Min Chen  International Thomson Business Press.   This volume looks at four main management systems in the East Asian region: Japanese, mainland Chinese, overseas Chinese and Korean. Through a comparative analysis of organizational structures, competitive strategies and cultural influences the workings of each system is made clear. Practical guidelines make this book a vital guide for international executives and students alike.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин International Thomson Business Press. This volume looks at four main management systems in the East Asian region: Japanese, mainland Chinese, overseas Chinese and Korean. Through a comparative analysis of organizational structures, competitive strategies and cultural influences the workings of each system is made clear. Practical guidelines make this book a vital guide for international executives and students alike....

Futures Beyond Dystopia: Creating Social Foresight (Futures and Education Series)

Richard A. Slaughter

  Futures Beyond Dystopia: Creating Social Foresight (Futures and Education Series)  Richard A. Slaughter  Book DescriptionThis analysis of current futures practice is split into six sections: the case against hegemony, expanding and deepening a futures frame, futures studies and the integral agenda, social learning through applied foresight, strategies and outlooks, and the dialectic of foresight and experience.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis analysis of current futures practice is split into six sections: the case against hegemony, expanding and deepening a futures frame, futures studies and the integral agenda, social learning through applied foresight, strategies and outlooks, and the dialectic of foresight and experience....

The Impossible Musical: The "Man of la Mancha" Story

Dale Wasserman

  The Impossible Musical: The Book DescriptionMan of La Mancha is arguably the most popular musical drama of all time, most recently on Broadway starring Brian Stokes Mitchell. Dale Wasserman, however, had more trouble getting it on to a Broadway stage than Don Quixote ever had with those damn windmills. For centuries, writers all over the world had tried to stage Cervantes' comic masterpiece, and all had failed. On a sabbatical to Spain in the late 1950s, screenwriter-stage director Dale Wasserman had the insight to change that - Don Quixote the novel was too rambling to be dramatized, but the almost equally incredible story of the novel's creator wasn't. Wasserman wrote, first, a tv drama of Man of La Mancha (Cervantes is the Man, not Quixote, by the way), which David Susskind produced as "I, Don Quixote." What happened next, and for the next several decades, to this remarkable drama is an incredible drama in its own right. Many writers tried to get Wasserman to contribute to an "official" account of the making......

The Oxford Book of Eighteenth-Century Verse

  The Oxford Book of Eighteenth-Century Verse  Book DescriptionThis extraordinarily comprehensive volume includes not only a generous selection of verse by such renowned poets as Swift, Pope, Johnson, Gray, Smart, Goldsmith, Cowper, Blake, and Burns, but also a large number of poems by lesser-known and previously ignored poets. Intermixing the familiar styles and preoccupations of Book DescriptionThis extraordinarily comprehensive volume includes not only a generous selection of verse by such renowned poets as Swift, Pope, Johnson, Gray, Smart, Goldsmith, Cowper, Blake, and Burns, but also a large number of poems by lesser-known and previously ignored poets. Intermixing the familiar styles and preoccupations of "polite" taste with much less familiar verse from all social levels, it reveals the willingness of the century's poets to respond graphically, humorously, or unconventionally to all aspects of rural and urban life. Topics range from golf and hypnotism to amorous adventure and marital discord, from growing sensitivity to natural beauty to fear of the effects of the Industrial Revolution, and from the anguish of poverty and unemployment to animated political exchanges in the wake of the French Revolution. Taken together, these poems reveal that both unpredictability and familiarity played as significant a role as Augustan reason played in the world of......

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Secrets to Building a Winning Business. Andrew Griffiths . Книги.

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