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Forecasting for Real Estate Wealth: Strategies for Outperforming Any Housing Market Ed Ross
Learn how to identify the bottom of your local real estate market and understand when to buy by using the tools and tips in Forecasting for Real Estate Wealth: Strategies for Outperforming Any Housing Market. Take advantage of the great deals created by falling real estate prices and discover the four questions every real estate investor must ask before buying, selling, or holding any property. With this guide, you can forecast the value of any property in 1 or 5 years, predict which investment property will give you maximum return, and secure low-cost financing....
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Садовые деревья и кустарники О. А. Петросян
Вече. Данная книга содержит информацию о садовых деревьях и ягодных кустарниках. Довольно большое место в ней отводится внедрению новых сортов, клоновых подвоев, выращиванию саженцев. Рассмотрены различные системы формирования скороплодных деревьев, способы регулирования роста и плодоношения деревьев, агротехнические мероприятия. Описаны современная технология закладки многолетних насаждений и ухода за ними, а также защита плодовых деревьев и кустарников от вредителей и болезней....
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Bangladesh Internet and E-Commerce Investment and Business Guide: Regulations and Opportunities (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Bangladesh Internet and E-Commerce Investment and Business Guide: Regulations and Opportunities...
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Doing Business and Investing in Somalia Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Doing Business and Investing in Somalia Guide...
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Developmental Assignments: Creating Learning Experiences without Changing Jobs (Dutch) Cynthia D. McCauley
This book is modeled after "Eighty-Eight Assignments for Development in Place," one of the Center for Creative Leadership's most popular publications. In the years since that report was published, we have learned more about development in place--from research, from working with managers and organizations that are making use of developmental assignments, and from our colleagues in the field. We believe it is time once again to consolidate our knowledge into one tool to help leaders add developmental assignments to their own jobs and help others do the same. The tables inside this book are full of assignments. You'll also find cross-references to CCL's assessment tools: 360 by Design, Executive Dimensions, Benchmarks, Prospector, and Skillscope. If you want to target the development of specific competencies as a result of receiving feedback from any of these, the cross-references will direct you to appropriate assignments....
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Forecasting for Real Estate Wealth: Strategies for Outperforming Any Housing Market. Ed Ross . Книги.
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