Environmental Policy Analysis With Limited Information: Principles and Applications of the Transfer Method (New Horizons in Environmental Economics.)

William H. Desvousges, F. Reed Johnson, H. Spencer Banzhaf

  Environmental Policy Analysis With Limited Information: Principles and Applications of the Transfer Method (New Horizons in Environmental Economics.)  William H. Desvousges, F. Reed Johnson, H. Spencer Banzhaf  The transfer method, a technique used in cost-benefit analysis, is an increasingly important tool used by government agencies to assess environmental regulatory policy. This innovative book develops protocols for using the transfer method to approach environmental problems and introduces several significant conceptual and methodological advances that refine the transfer process. The transfer approach to quantitative policy analysis adapts information and data from existing studies and so provides aneconomical way to assess potential benefits and costs for projects. The book presents a detailed framework for examining the transfer of information, outlines the basic steps of the method, and discusses solutions to frequently encountered problems. It then illustrates the method with an extensive case study of environmental externalities from electricity generation. This case study provides the opportunity to discuss salient aspects of the transfer method in more detail, including...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The transfer method, a technique used in cost-benefit analysis, is an increasingly important tool used by government agencies to assess environmental regulatory policy. This innovative book develops protocols for using the transfer method to approach environmental problems and introduces several significant conceptual and methodological advances that refine the transfer process. The transfer approach to quantitative policy analysis adapts information and data from existing studies and so provides aneconomical way to assess potential benefits and costs for projects. The book presents a detailed framework for examining the transfer of information, outlines the basic steps of the method, and discusses solutions to frequently encountered problems. It then illustrates the method with an extensive case study of environmental externalities from electricity generation. This case study provides the opportunity to discuss salient aspects of the transfer method in more detail, including......


Lorraine Korman, Felice Primeau Devine

  COSMETOLOGY CAREER STARTER 2E  Lorraine Korman, Felice Primeau Devine  Cosmetology Career Starter, 2E is extremely helpful to anyone who is interested in embarking on a career in the beauty industry. The new edition has been thoroughly updated with a complete directory of cosmetology programs, more practical information that every candidate needs to know, a step-by-step guide through the certification process, comprehensive exploration of career paths and new trends, and a greatly expanded resource section with emphasis on online resources.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cosmetology Career Starter, 2E is extremely helpful to anyone who is interested in embarking on a career in the beauty industry. The new edition has been thoroughly updated with a complete directory of cosmetology programs, more practical information that every candidate needs to know, a step-by-step guide through the certification process, comprehensive exploration of career paths and new trends, and a greatly expanded resource section with emphasis on online resources....

The Meat You Eat: Corporate Farming and the Decline of the American Diet

Ken Midkiff

  The Meat You Eat: Corporate Farming and the Decline of the American Diet  Ken Midkiff  "We have given up to the agribusiness corporations a crucial part of our responsibility as human beings and we must now think of ways to take it back." - Wendell Berry, from the Foreword In this eye-opening book, Sierra Club Director Ken Midkiff exposes the dangers posed by corporate control of agriculture (agribusiness)--to our health, and to the health of the nation's economy, security, and the environment. The Meat You Eat explores the current practices of the corporations taking over the raising and slaughtering of farm animals (and farmed fish, such as salmon). These companies use a model that has transformed livestock farming from quality-driven family-owned operations into big businesses concerned with volume, efficiency, uniformity, and profits above all. Midkiff reveals the true cost of agribusiness on all levels-environmental, financial, moral, legal, and medical-balancing startling truths with practical solutions. Rather than advocate......

Info-line: Leadership Development

Cat Sharpe Russo, Milo Sindell

  Info-line: Leadership Development  Cat Sharpe Russo, Milo Sindell  Whether you are looking to develop your own leadership skills or those of others, this issue guides you in fostering leadership behaviors and qualities, including: knowledge, strategic thinking, communication skills, self-awareness, and developing others. Includes a self-assessment form, leadership assessment diagnostic tool, and guidance on how to communicate more effectively.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Whether you are looking to develop your own leadership skills or those of others, this issue guides you in fostering leadership behaviors and qualities, including: knowledge, strategic thinking, communication skills, self-awareness, and developing others. Includes a self-assessment form, leadership assessment diagnostic tool, and guidance on how to communicate more effectively....

Organizational Behavior with Student CD and PowerWeb

Robert Kreitner, Angelo Kinicki

  Organizational Behavior with Student CD and PowerWeb  Robert Kreitner, Angelo Kinicki  The Fifth Edition of Organizational Behavior targets undergraduates and MBA programs and is the most current text on the market. Kreitner and Kinicki's approach to organizational behavior is based on the authors' belief that reading a comprehensive textbook is hard work, but that the process should be interesting (and sometimes fun). Thus, they consistently attempt to find a way to make complex ideas understandable through explanations, contemporary examples, and/or learning exercises. Wolves remain as a central theme because Kreitner and Kinicki see wolves as an instructive and inspiring metaphor for modern Organizational Behavior. Wolves are dedicated team players, great communicators, and adaptable. These are key success attributes in today's workplace. Kreitner and Kinicki is user driven; the authors have made extensive improvements to the text, based on reviewer and adopter feedback, as well as their own experiences teaching from the text.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Fifth Edition of Organizational Behavior targets undergraduates and MBA programs and is the most current text on the market. Kreitner and Kinicki's approach to organizational behavior is based on the authors' belief that reading a comprehensive textbook is hard work, but that the process should be interesting (and sometimes fun). Thus, they consistently attempt to find a way to make complex ideas understandable through explanations, contemporary examples, and/or learning exercises. Wolves remain as a central theme because Kreitner and Kinicki see wolves as an instructive and inspiring metaphor for modern Organizational Behavior. Wolves are dedicated team players, great communicators, and adaptable. These are key success attributes in today's workplace. Kreitner and Kinicki is user driven; the authors have made extensive improvements to the text, based on reviewer and adopter feedback, as well as their own experiences teaching from the text....

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Environmental Policy Analysis With Limited Information: Principles and Applications of the Transfer Method (New Horizons in Environmental Economics.). William H. Desvousges, F. Reed Johnson, H. Spencer Banzhaf . Книги.

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