Effective Environmental Regulation : Learning from Poland's Experience

Halina Szejnwald Brown, David Angel, Patrick G. Derr

  Effective Environmental Regulation : Learning from Poland's Experience  Halina Szejnwald Brown, David Angel, Patrick G. Derr  Challenging views prevalent among Western and Polish scholars, this book explains Poland's surprising success in developing effective environmental and occupational regulatory systems while achieving remarkable socioeconomic growth, despite the toxic legacy of the Communist era. It offers rich insights into the questions of how one can achieve both economic growth and improved environmental and safety protection, and of the extent to which regulatory systems can be transferred across national and cultural boundaries. The authors develop a theoretical framework for assessing regulatory success, then use it to analyze Poland's recent experience. Grounded in five case studies of recently privatized firms, the analysis also presents a new survey of privatelyowned firms, extensive policy and data analysis, and interviews with key policy leaders, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Challenging views prevalent among Western and Polish scholars, this book explains Poland's surprising success in developing effective environmental and occupational regulatory systems while achieving remarkable socioeconomic growth, despite the toxic legacy of the Communist era. It offers rich insights into the questions of how one can achieve both economic growth and improved environmental and safety protection, and of the extent to which regulatory systems can be transferred across national and cultural boundaries. The authors develop a theoretical framework for assessing regulatory success, then use it to analyze Poland's recent experience. Grounded in five case studies of recently privatized firms, the analysis also presents a new survey of privatelyowned firms, extensive policy and data analysis, and interviews with key policy leaders, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals....

Dictionary of Insurance Terms

Harvey W. Rubin

  Dictionary of Insurance Terms  Harvey W. Rubin  Barron's.   Books in Barron's pocket-sized Business Dictionaries series list thousands of specialized terms alphabetically and present concise definitions. The authors of books in this series are recognized authorities in their fields. Newly updated editions reflect new technologies, their business applications, and recent business trends. This book defines more than 4,200 insurance terms that should be understood by agents, brokers, actuaries, underwriters, personnel professionals dealing with employee-benefit programs, and consumers who need to understand the insurance policies they plan to buy. Terminology covers life, health, property, and casualty insurance, as well as retirement plans. This new, heavily updated edition has been expanded with approximately 200 new terms, and updatings of many other terms to reflect the current state of the insurance industry.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Barron's. Books in Barron's pocket-sized Business Dictionaries series list thousands of specialized terms alphabetically and present concise definitions. The authors of books in this series are recognized authorities in their fields. Newly updated editions reflect new technologies, their business applications, and recent business trends. This book defines more than 4,200 insurance terms that should be understood by agents, brokers, actuaries, underwriters, personnel professionals dealing with employee-benefit programs, and consumers who need to understand the insurance policies they plan to buy. Terminology covers life, health, property, and casualty insurance, as well as retirement plans. This new, heavily updated edition has been expanded with approximately 200 new terms, and updatings of many other terms to reflect the current state of the insurance industry....

История государства Российского. В 3 книгах. Книга 2. Тома 5-8

Н. М. Карамзин

  История государства Российского. В 3 книгах. Книга 2. Тома 5-8  Н. М. Карамзин  Олма-Пресс.   Олма-Пресс. "История" Карамзина - один из величайших памятников русской национальной культуры. Это книга, которую должен прочесть каждый патриот, всякий образованный человек. Данное издание рассчитано на широкие круги любителей истории. Оно снабжено обширным комментарием ведущего специалиста по творчеству Карамзина - доктора исторических наук, профессора А.Ф.Смирнова. Образы героев Русской истории оживают на уникальных гравюрах, многие из которых не переиздавались с XIX века....

Язык, языкознание, языковеды

В. К. Журавлев

  Язык, языкознание, языковеды  В. К. Журавлев  Едиториал УРСС.   Книга представляет собой рассказ языковеда о своей профессии, истории, проблемах и задачах языкознания, о выдающихся лингвистах, о роли языка и языкознания в развитии общества, развитии цивилизации. Книга написана в форме живых бесед языковеда с представителями других наук. Это - ответы языковеда на вопросы, диспуты на самые разнообразные темы - от первобытного человека до эпохи НТР. Для всех, кто интересуется языкознанием.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Едиториал УРСС. Книга представляет собой рассказ языковеда о своей профессии, истории, проблемах и задачах языкознания, о выдающихся лингвистах, о роли языка и языкознания в развитии общества, развитии цивилизации. Книга написана в форме живых бесед языковеда с представителями других наук. Это - ответы языковеда на вопросы, диспуты на самые разнообразные темы - от первобытного человека до эпохи НТР. Для всех, кто интересуется языкознанием....

Theory and Applications of Higher-Dimensional Hadamard Matrices (Combinatorics and Computer Science)

Yi Xian Yang, Yang Yi Xian

  Theory and Applications of Higher-Dimensional Hadamard Matrices (Combinatorics and Computer Science)  Yi Xian Yang, Yang Yi Xian  This is the first book on higher dimensional Hadamard matrices and their applications in telecommunications and information security. It is divided into three parts according to the dimensions of the Hadamard matrices treated. The first part stresses theclassical 2-dimensional Walsh and Hadamard matrices. Fast algorithms, updated constructions, existence results, and their generalised forms are presented. The second part deals with the lower-dimensional cases, e.g. 3-, 4-, and 6-dimensional Walsh and Hadamard matrices and transforms. One of the aims of this part is to simplify moving smoothly from 2-dimensional cases to the general higher-dimensional cases. This part concentrates on the 3-dimensional Hadamard and Walsh matrices. Constructions based upondirect multiplication, and upon recursive methods, and perfect binary arrays are also introduced. Another important topic is the existence and construction of 3-dimensional Hadamard matrices of orders 4k and 4k + 2 respectively, and a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is the first book on higher dimensional Hadamard matrices and their applications in telecommunications and information security. It is divided into three parts according to the dimensions of the Hadamard matrices treated. The first part stresses theclassical 2-dimensional Walsh and Hadamard matrices. Fast algorithms, updated constructions, existence results, and their generalised forms are presented. The second part deals with the lower-dimensional cases, e.g. 3-, 4-, and 6-dimensional Walsh and Hadamard matrices and transforms. One of the aims of this part is to simplify moving smoothly from 2-dimensional cases to the general higher-dimensional cases. This part concentrates on the 3-dimensional Hadamard and Walsh matrices. Constructions based upondirect multiplication, and upon recursive methods, and perfect binary arrays are also introduced. Another important topic is the existence and construction of 3-dimensional Hadamard matrices of orders 4k and 4k + 2 respectively, and a......

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Effective Environmental Regulation : Learning from Poland's Experience. Halina Szejnwald Brown, David Angel, Patrick G. Derr . Книги.

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