Commitment in Organizations: Accumulated Wisdom and New Directions (Siop Organizational Frontiers Series)

Howard J. Klein

  Commitment in Organizations: Accumulated Wisdom and New Directions (Siop Organizational Frontiers Series)  Howard J. Klein  Commitment is one of the most researched concepts in organizational behavior. This edited book in the Commitment is one of the most researched concepts in organizational behavior. This edited book in the "SIOP Organizational Frontiers" series, with contributions from many scholars, attempts to summarize current research and suggests new directions for studies on commitment in organizations. Commitment is linked to other concepts i.e. satisfaction, involvement, motivation, and identification and is studied across cultural lines. Both the individual and group levels of building and maintaining commitment are discussed in this book....

The Adventures of Lilly Lou: The First Day at Camp Who Who

Paula Gendreau

  The Adventures of Lilly Lou: The First Day at Camp Who Who  Paula Gendreau  Lilly Lou is a young girl who goes to Camp Who Who for one week. Her nervousness is soon replaced with the adventures of her new enviroment. Lilly Lou makes new friends, and can't wait to return to Camp Who Who next summer.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lilly Lou is a young girl who goes to Camp Who Who for one week. Her nervousness is soon replaced with the adventures of her new enviroment. Lilly Lou makes new friends, and can't wait to return to Camp Who Who next summer....

Ромео и Джульетта

Уильям Шекспир

  Ромео и Джульетта  Уильям Шекспир  Азбука-классика.   Азбука-классика. "Ромео и Джульетта", "печальнейшая на свете повесть" о двух юных влюбленных, ценой своей смерти примиряющих издавна враждовавшие веронские семейства Монтекки и Капулетти, - первая значительная трагедия Уильяма Шекспира. Остродраматические коллизии пьесы, возвышенная свобода и глубина чувств главных героев во многом определили эмоциональный мир и ценности новоевропейской любовной культуры и открыли перед современным искусством возможность виртуозной игры на тему "влюбленного Шекспира". Трагедия публикуется в переводе Бориса Пастернака....

Red Land, Black Land: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt

Barbara Mertz

  Red Land, Black Land: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt  Barbara Mertz  Internationally renowned Egyptologist Barbara Mertz transports us back thousands of years and immerses us in the sights and sounds of day-to-day life in a vanished desert culture. Their civilization has inspired myriad films, books, pieces of art, myths, and dreams, and they built grand monuments that still stagger the imagination five thousand years later. But who were these people? Mertz ushers us into their homes, workplaces, temples, and palaces to give us an intimate view of the everyday worlds of royals and commoners alike. Displaying the unparalleled descriptive power, unerring eye for detail, keen insight, and trenchant wit that have made the novels she writes (as Elizabeth Peters and Barbara Michaels) perennial New York Times best-sellers, Barbara Mertz brings a buried civilization to vivid life, taking us closer than ever before to the people of a great lost culture so different from—yet so surprisingly similar to—our own.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Internationally renowned Egyptologist Barbara Mertz transports us back thousands of years and immerses us in the sights and sounds of day-to-day life in a vanished desert culture. Their civilization has inspired myriad films, books, pieces of art, myths, and dreams, and they built grand monuments that still stagger the imagination five thousand years later. But who were these people? Mertz ushers us into their homes, workplaces, temples, and palaces to give us an intimate view of the everyday worlds of royals and commoners alike. Displaying the unparalleled descriptive power, unerring eye for detail, keen insight, and trenchant wit that have made the novels she writes (as Elizabeth Peters and Barbara Michaels) perennial New York Times best-sellers, Barbara Mertz brings a buried civilization to vivid life, taking us closer than ever before to the people of a great lost culture so different from—yet so surprisingly similar to—our own....

Immigration: A History of Controversy

  Immigration: A History of Controversy  Alfred A. Amato  Alfred A. Amato  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Alfred A. Amato...

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Commitment in Organizations: Accumulated Wisdom and New Directions (Siop Organizational Frontiers Series). Howard J. Klein . Книги.

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