Marc Klionsky

John Russell

  Marc Klionsky  John Russell  Book DescriptionIn this richly illustrated volume, the artist's work and life are explored in depth and his renowned achievements in portraiture demonstrated in full.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn this richly illustrated volume, the artist's work and life are explored in depth and his renowned achievements in portraiture demonstrated in full....

X/1999, vol 16: Nocturne


  X/1999, vol 16: Nocturne  Clamp  VIZ Media LLC.   This dark poetic tale foretelling the end of the world stars Kamui, a gifted psychic who holds humanity's destiny in his hands. Visually stunning illustrations complement the haunting story, in which Kamui faces the opposing forces that would protect - or destroy - the earth.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин VIZ Media LLC. This dark poetic tale foretelling the end of the world stars Kamui, a gifted psychic who holds humanity's destiny in his hands. Visually stunning illustrations complement the haunting story, in which Kamui faces the opposing forces that would protect - or destroy - the earth....

Ascension: A Novel

Steven Galloway

  Ascension: A Novel  Steven Galloway  Amazon.comIn Steven Galloway's Ascension the story of Salvo Usari, a Romany tightrope walker, begins where it ends: almost 1,400 feet about the streets of New York City in a fictional 1976 performance on a wire suspended between the World Trade Center towers. From this first moment, Galloway establishes a careful balance between a thrilling adventure story enriched by circus lore and ca haracter-driven tale reflecting Salvo's complex life and remarkable immigrant history. Leaving New York, Galloway shifts to Savlo's youth in Transylvania, circa 1919. Salvo's father, Miksa, has taught his nine-year-old son the essential myths that form the Rom, or gypsy, identity, but the legends cannot prepare the boy for an abrupt tragedy, an accident at a gadje church, that leads to the murder of his father and mother and to Salvo's long separation from his brother and baby sister. Salvo climbs to the pinnacle of the mammoth church steeple, tears out his soul--flinging it towards...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Amazon.comIn Steven Galloway's Ascension the story of Salvo Usari, a Romany tightrope walker, begins where it ends: almost 1,400 feet about the streets of New York City in a fictional 1976 performance on a wire suspended between the World Trade Center towers. From this first moment, Galloway establishes a careful balance between a thrilling adventure story enriched by circus lore and ca haracter-driven tale reflecting Salvo's complex life and remarkable immigrant history. Leaving New York, Galloway shifts to Savlo's youth in Transylvania, circa 1919. Salvo's father, Miksa, has taught his nine-year-old son the essential myths that form the Rom, or gypsy, identity, but the legends cannot prepare the boy for an abrupt tragedy, an accident at a gadje church, that leads to the murder of his father and mother and to Salvo's long separation from his brother and baby sister. Salvo climbs to the pinnacle of the mammoth church steeple, tears out his soul--flinging it towards......

Contemporary Class Piano

Elyse Mach

  Contemporary Class Piano  Elyse Mach  Book DescriptionThis comprehensive introductory text for the keyboard makes playing the piano fun, yet does so without compromising the book's strong emphasis on musical theory. This book's richly diverse repertoire includes jazz, popular, and classical compositions, as well as 12-bar blues improvisation. Short sight-reading studies and selections featuring teacher accompaniment-all carefully graded in difficulty and correlated with the concepts presented in each unit-keep students on track with vital concepts while maintaining a high level of interest.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis comprehensive introductory text for the keyboard makes playing the piano fun, yet does so without compromising the book's strong emphasis on musical theory. This book's richly diverse repertoire includes jazz, popular, and classical compositions, as well as 12-bar blues improvisation. Short sight-reading studies and selections featuring teacher accompaniment-all carefully graded in difficulty and correlated with the concepts presented in each unit-keep students on track with vital concepts while maintaining a high level of interest....

New and Selected Poems

Ruth Bidgood

  New and Selected Poems  Ruth Bidgood  Book Description Showcasing poems from her five earlier collections as well as an assortment of new poetry, this landmark collection celebrates one of Wales's most important and consistent poets, Ruth Bidgood. In addition to many of her most characteristic poems, including Book Description Showcasing poems from her five earlier collections as well as an assortment of new poetry, this landmark collection celebrates one of Wales's most important and consistent poets, Ruth Bidgood. In addition to many of her most characteristic poems, including "Sheep in the Hedge," "At Strata Florida," and "Edward Bache," which reflect her often darkly suggestive and mysterious themes and evoke the storied landscape and history of mid-Wales, the anthology features a selection of Ruth Bidgood's more recent work. Among them are "Llanvetherine Angel," from her series about angels, "Bereft," an elegy to R. S. Thomas, and a persuasive group called "Riding the Flood."...

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Marc Klionsky. John Russell . Книги.

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