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Французский часослов XV века (суперэксклюзивное издание)
СЛОВО/SLOVO. Том 1, Французский часослов XV века, Том 2, Комментарий. Факсимильно воспроизведенная рукописная книга XV века и том комментариев вложены в шкатулку, обтянутую кожей и украшенную эмалевым геральдическим медальоном. Переплет выполнен из кожи с золотым тиснением, скопированным с оригинала. Миниатюры расписаны вручную твореным золотом (23,5 карата) по технологиям средневековых мастеров. В хранилище рукописей Российской государственной библиотеки в Москве был обнаружен уникальный французский часослов XV века, богато украшенный превосходными миниатюрами и изящными орнаментами. Эта книга - точное ее воспроизведение. Часословы - молитвенники для мирян - пришли на смену псалтири и стали необычайно популярны в Западной Европе в XIV-XV веках. Небольшого формата, компактные, в кожаном переплете с драгоценными застежками, эти книги были спутниками своих владельцев. С часословом в руках молились в спальне, в домашней капелле и в дороге во время далекого путешествия. Каждая такая книга бережно хранилась, передавалась по наследству и......
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Angel Diary Volume 4 (Angel Diary) YunHee Lee, Kara
Mi-Hyang - Bi-Wol's fiancee who has a serious crush on him - also comes to the human world determined to get rid of the angel princess. Assuming Ah-Hin is the princess, she tracks her down, only to capture Dong-Young by coincidence. But who knew that Dong-Young was the real princess?! With her secret identity revealed, will Dong-Young be able to escape from this pinch?!...
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Sengoku Nights 2 Kei Kusunoki, Alethea Nibley
When Oni-hime's father plans to retrieve Oni-hime, he calls upon four powerful warriors who swore loyalty to evil in the past life. These warriors can summon magic and change their bodily forms, and have fought many fierce and grueling battles. How can Masayoshi kill someone who's already dead? He must act fast if he is to discover the truth behind Oni-hime's deal with the devil before the restless spirits enact their vengeance. The finale to Sengoku Nights erupts in a chilling, bloody climax!...
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Poems and a Novella: Translated from Kannada A. K. Ramanujan
These four works add yet another dimension to the rich contribution A. K. Ramanujan has made to Indian and American letters. The books of poems are written in an extraordinary variety of modes and moods. The novella, Someone Else's Autobiography is an unusually complex story told by the fictional K.K. Ramanujan, which manages to tell us a great deal about the author's own life story....
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Fyodor Dostoevsky (Bloom's Biocritiques)
Modern psychologists applaud Dostoevsky's insight into madness, while French Existentialists acknowledge him as the forerunner of their ethic. This edition of Modern Critical Views offers examinations of Crime and Punishment, Notes from Underground, Writer's Diary, The Gambler, White Nights, and Winter Notes on Summer Impressions. This title, Fyodor Dostoevsky, part of Chelsea House Publishers' Modern Critical Views series, examines the major works of Fyodor Dostoevsky through full-length critical essays by expert literary critics. In addition, this title features a short biography on Fyodor Dostoevsky, a chronology of the author's life, and an introductory essay written by Harold Bloom, Sterling Professor of the Humanities, Yale University....
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Французский часослов XV века (суперэксклюзивное издание). . Книги.
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