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Как управлять своим временем. 10-минутный тренинг для менеджера Джефф Дэвидсон
Олимп-Бизнес. 10-минутный тренинг. Книга известного специалиста по вопросам управления временем и информацией Д.Дэвидсона продолжает серию 10-минутных тренингов для менеджеров, заинтересованных в быстрых результатах и росте эффективности. Вы овладеете простыми, но действенными приемами по поддержанию контроля за временем: научитесь ставить цели и определять приоритеты, содержать в порядке свое рабочее пространство, справляться с растущим потоком информации и сопутствующим ему стрессом, экономить время с помощью новых технологий, более рационально проводить встречи и многому другому. Ценность этих приемов в их универсальности - ими можно пользоваться в разнообразных ситуациях. Книга снабжена словарем терминов и подробным указателем. Эти 14 уроков помогут вам не торопясь, не отвлекаясь на мелочи, без суеты добиваться успеха на своем поприще в максимально короткий срок....
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Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide Neal Allen
Today's rapidly changing technology offers increasingly complex challenges to the network administrator, MIS director and others who are responsible for the overall health of the network. This Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide picks up where other network manuals and texts leave off. It addresses the areas of how to anticipate and prevent problems, how to solve problems, how to operate a healthy network and how to troubleshoot. Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide also providesbasic technical and troubleshooting information about cable testing, Ethernet and Token Ring networks and additional information about Novell's IPX protocol and TCP/IP. Examples are shown as either diagrams and tables, or screen captures from Fluke instruments. Network professionals will appreciate the guide's "real world" orientation toward solving network crises quickly, by guiding readers to solutions for restoration of end to end data delivery as quickly as possible. The......
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Essentials of RoboHelp HTML 9 : Skills & Drills Kevin A Siegel, Kevin A. Siegel
No Faster Way to Master the essentials of RoboHelp HTML 9! RoboHelp HTML is NOT just an HTML Authoring tool. Instead, RoboHelp HTML was created specifically to produce HTML Help for Windows 95, 98, 2000, and NT 5.0. You'll find this book to be aneasy-to-use, step-by-step tutorial that will have you creating HTML Help systems within two short days. Here's some of the lessons covered in this book: The Basics: Create a New RoboHTML Project, Explore RoboHTML, Explore the Project Pane, Changethe Project Title, Add Text to an Existing Topic, Add a New Topic, Rename Topics and Files, Change the Title Text in an Existing File, Change the Project's Default Topic, Create a Book, Remove a Book, Rename a Book, Move Books, Add Topics to Books, Compile a Project Formatting Text: Import a Text Files into RoboHTML, Rename Imported Topics, Create and work with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Use Inline Styles , Create and use Font Sets, Create and Use a Character Style, Spell Check,......
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Microsoft Excel 2002 Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, James S. Quasney
Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman Series, Microsoft Excel 2002 Introductory Concepts and Techniques provides step-by-step instructions accompanied by full-color screen shots, helping students learn basic Excel 2002 skills quickly and easily....
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Physlet Physics: Interactive Illustrations, Explorations and Problems for Introductory Physics Wolfgang Christian, Mario Belloni
Benjamin Cummings. By now it is hard to imagine an instructor who has not heard the call to "teach with technology," as it has resounded through educational institutions and government agencies alike over the past several years. However, teaching with technology has often resulted in the use of technology for technology's sake and also often resulted in the development of tools that are not pedagogically sound. For example, consider PowerPoint lectures, which are a popular response to the "teach with technology" push. While PowerPoint lectures are more colorful, they are generally no more interactive than chalkboard lectures. The physics community has, to its credit, worked to use technology in a variety of highly interactive and effective ways including wireless classroom response systems that allow for in-class quizzing of students and MBLs (microcomputer-based laboratories) that free students from the drudgery of data collection so that they can spend more time understanding the underlying physical......
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Как управлять своим временем. 10-минутный тренинг для менеджера. Джефф Дэвидсон . Книги.
Рыбинск, Чебоксары, Москв, Хабаровск,
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