Вызов Хордика

Грег Фаршти

  Вызов Хордика  Грег Фаршти  Оникс.   Бионикл. Приключения.   Герои Тоа возвращаются в Метру Нуи. Город захвачен огромными ужасными пауками, чей яд вызывает мутацию. Смогут ли Тоа победить новых врагов и остаться в живых? Или главная задача их жизни окажется под угрозой?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Оникс. Бионикл. Приключения. Герои Тоа возвращаются в Метру Нуи. Город захвачен огромными ужасными пауками, чей яд вызывает мутацию. Смогут ли Тоа победить новых врагов и остаться в живых? Или главная задача их жизни окажется под угрозой?...


Laeta Kalogridis, Christopher Shy

  Pathfinder  Laeta Kalogridis, Christopher Shy  Five hundred years before Columbus, barbaric Viking invasions ravaged North America. Pathfinder is the story of a young Viking boy left behind as the only survivor of a shipwrecked expedition. A stranger in a strange land, the boy is raised by a tribe of American Indians - the very people the Vikings had sworn to destroy. When Vikings again storm the eastern shores, waging another barbaric campaign, they slaughter the tribe that adopted the young man. Now he wages a violent personal war to stop the Vikings' trail of death and destruction.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Five hundred years before Columbus, barbaric Viking invasions ravaged North America. Pathfinder is the story of a young Viking boy left behind as the only survivor of a shipwrecked expedition. A stranger in a strange land, the boy is raised by a tribe of American Indians - the very people the Vikings had sworn to destroy. When Vikings again storm the eastern shores, waging another barbaric campaign, they slaughter the tribe that adopted the young man. Now he wages a violent personal war to stop the Vikings' trail of death and destruction....

SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

Stuart A. Boyer

  SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition  Stuart A. Boyer  Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) technology has evolved over the past 30 years as a method of monitoring and controlling large processes. This newly revised reference book offers overviews of SCADA's component technologies, as well as details necessary to understand the big picture. SCADA processes cover areas that may be measured in the thousands of square miles, and have dimensions that may be hundreds, occasionally thousands, of miles long. Now a mature technology, SCADA includes, but is not limited to, software packages that can be incorporated in a larger system. After completing its 14 self-study units, readers should be conversant with SCADA nomenclature and architecture, understand the basic technology of the system's building blocks, understand its limitations, understand how it can benefit particular operations, and have a basis for selecting appropriate SCADA technologies for their operational requirements.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) technology has evolved over the past 30 years as a method of monitoring and controlling large processes. This newly revised reference book offers overviews of SCADA's component technologies, as well as details necessary to understand the big picture. SCADA processes cover areas that may be measured in the thousands of square miles, and have dimensions that may be hundreds, occasionally thousands, of miles long. Now a mature technology, SCADA includes, but is not limited to, software packages that can be incorporated in a larger system. After completing its 14 self-study units, readers should be conversant with SCADA nomenclature and architecture, understand the basic technology of the system's building blocks, understand its limitations, understand how it can benefit particular operations, and have a basis for selecting appropriate SCADA technologies for their operational requirements....

Think!: Why Crucial Decisions Can't Be Made in the Blink of an Eye

Michael R. LeGault

  Think!: Why Crucial Decisions Can't Be Made in the Blink of an Eye  Michael R. LeGault  This isn't the time to Blink. It's time to THINK! -- before it's too late. Outraged by the downward spiral of American intellect and culture, Michael R. LeGault offers the flip side of Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling phenomenon, Blink, which theorized that our best decision-making is done on impulse, without factual knowledge or critical analysis. If bestselling books are advising us to not think, LeGault argues, it comes as no surprise that sharp, incisive reasoning has become a lost art in the daily life of Americans. Somewhere along the line, the Age of Reason morphed into the Age of Emotion; this systemic erosion is costing time, money, jobs, and lives in the twenty-first century, leading to less fulfillment and growing dysfunction. LeGault provides a bold, controversial, and objective analysis of the causes and solutions for: ? the erosion of growth and market share at many established American companies,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This isn't the time to Blink. It's time to THINK! -- before it's too late. Outraged by the downward spiral of American intellect and culture, Michael R. LeGault offers the flip side of Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling phenomenon, Blink, which theorized that our best decision-making is done on impulse, without factual knowledge or critical analysis. If bestselling books are advising us to not think, LeGault argues, it comes as no surprise that sharp, incisive reasoning has become a lost art in the daily life of Americans. Somewhere along the line, the Age of Reason morphed into the Age of Emotion; this systemic erosion is costing time, money, jobs, and lives in the twenty-first century, leading to less fulfillment and growing dysfunction. LeGault provides a bold, controversial, and objective analysis of the causes and solutions for: ? the erosion of growth and market share at many established American companies,......

Social Communication in Advertising: Persons, Products and Images of Well-Being

William Leiss, Stephen Kline, Sut Jhally, Jacqueline Botterill, Jackie Botterill

  Social Communication in Advertising: Persons, Products and Images of Well-Being  William Leiss, Stephen Kline, Sut Jhally, Jacqueline Botterill, Jackie Botterill  Now available in a significantly updated third edition to address new issues such as the Internet and globalization, Social Communication in Advertising remains the most comprehensive historical study of advertising and its function within contemporary society. It traces advertising's influence within three key social domains: the new commodities industry, popular culture, and the mass media that manages the constellation of images that unifies all three.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Now available in a significantly updated third edition to address new issues such as the Internet and globalization, Social Communication in Advertising remains the most comprehensive historical study of advertising and its function within contemporary society. It traces advertising's influence within three key social domains: the new commodities industry, popular culture, and the mass media that manages the constellation of images that unifies all three....

<<<  Синтаксис и пунктуация. Контрольные и проверочные работы по русскому ...             Первобытное искусство. Н. А. Померанцева >>>

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Вызов Хордика. Грег Фаршти . Книги.

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Каталоги| Изобразительное искусство. Архитектура. Альбомы| Естествознание| Хирургия| Медицина. Фармакология| Религии древности| Стратегии (Strategy)| Microsoft Windows| Биографические фильмы| Информационные технологии в предпринимательстве| Космос, техника, транспорт| Биологические науки. Анатомия| Мелодрамы и драмы| Беременность. Роды| Ценные бумаги. Инвестиции. Оценочная деятельность| Этнография (этнология, народоведение)| Естественные науки в целом| История. Археология. Этнография| Другие языки|
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