Principles of Macroeconomics

Soumyen Sikdar

  Principles of Macroeconomics  Soumyen Sikdar  This textbook introduces macroeconomics to students of economics and management who have limited exposure to the subject. It is a lucid and concise exposition of basic economic theory aided by numerical examples and simple diagrams. While touching on theoretical concepts the volume has also covered how these concepts are working for the Indian economy. Carefully chosen exercises in every chapter test the readers' understanding of the subject.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This textbook introduces macroeconomics to students of economics and management who have limited exposure to the subject. It is a lucid and concise exposition of basic economic theory aided by numerical examples and simple diagrams. While touching on theoretical concepts the volume has also covered how these concepts are working for the Indian economy. Carefully chosen exercises in every chapter test the readers' understanding of the subject....

Serve and Learn: Implementing and Evaluating Service-learning in Middle and High Schools

Florence Fay Pritchard, III, George I. Whitehead

  Serve and Learn: Implementing and Evaluating Service-learning in Middle and High Schools  Florence Fay Pritchard, III, George I. Whitehead  This volume makes two important contributions: First, it provides a framework grounded in theory and best professional practice that middle and high school teachers, their students, and community partners can use to design, implement, and evaluate service-learning projects that address authentic community needs. Second, it demonstrates ways collaborative service-learning can enhance students' intellectual development, promote their academic achievement, strengthen their citizenship skills, and accelerate the kinds of educational accountability and reform initiatives emphasized in the national educational standards movement, and the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act. Serve and Learn: Implementing and Evaluating Service-Learning in Middle and High Schools: *provides what may be the only comprehensive guide to implementing, assessing, and celebrating service-learning in today's middle and high schools; *emphasizes and explicates a collaborative approach to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume makes two important contributions: First, it provides a framework grounded in theory and best professional practice that middle and high school teachers, their students, and community partners can use to design, implement, and evaluate service-learning projects that address authentic community needs. Second, it demonstrates ways collaborative service-learning can enhance students' intellectual development, promote their academic achievement, strengthen their citizenship skills, and accelerate the kinds of educational accountability and reform initiatives emphasized in the national educational standards movement, and the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act. Serve and Learn: Implementing and Evaluating Service-Learning in Middle and High Schools: *provides what may be the only comprehensive guide to implementing, assessing, and celebrating service-learning in today's middle and high schools; *emphasizes and explicates a collaborative approach to......

Renzo Piano

Philip Jodidio

  Renzo Piano  Philip Jodidio  The mechanics of lightness Whereas some architects have a signature style, what sets Piano apart is that he seeks simply to apply a coherent set of ideas to new projects in extraordinarily different ways. The mechanics of lightness Whereas some architects have a signature style, what sets Piano apart is that he seeks simply to apply a coherent set of ideas to new projects in extraordinarily different ways. "One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again," Piano says. "Like a movie director doing a love story, a Western, or a murder mystery, a new world confronts an architect with each project." This explains why it takes more than a superficial glance to recognize Piano's fingerprints on such various projects as the Pompidou Center in Paris (1971-77), the Kansai airport in Osaka, Japan (1990-94), and the Tjibaou Cultural Center in NoumA©a, New Caledonia (1993-1998). This stunning monograph, illustrated by photographs, sketches, and plans, covers Piano's career to date. Also included are sneak peeks at Piano's current projects, including the New York Times Tower, a 52-story skyscraper to be built in Times Square, and the......

A Kaleidoscopia Coloring Book: Abstract Adventure (Kaleidoscopia Coloring Book)

Kendall Bohn

  A Kaleidoscopia Coloring Book: Abstract Adventure (Kaleidoscopia Coloring Book)  Kendall Bohn  Get ready for a one-of-a-kind exploration in creative coloring perfect for any age. These unique abstract images were created free hand by artist Kendall Bohn. Suitable for crayons, pastels, markers, pencils or paints, it brings out the artist in everyone!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Get ready for a one-of-a-kind exploration in creative coloring perfect for any age. These unique abstract images were created free hand by artist Kendall Bohn. Suitable for crayons, pastels, markers, pencils or paints, it brings out the artist in everyone!...

Сталин и евреи

Арно Люстигер

  Сталин и евреи  Арно Люстигер  Российская политическая энциклопедия.   История сталинизма.   Автор дает целостную картину истории евреев на территории бывшего СССР начиная от времен царизма, во время двух революций 1917 года и в сталинскую эпоху. В его книге документально засвидетельствована драматическая судьба евреев, переживших то периоды эмансипации, подъема, то - дискриминации и преследований. Показана деятельность еврейских организаций и партий, их ликвидация большевиками, рост антисемитизма в советском обществе после недолгого расцвета еврейской культуры в начале 1920-х годов и разгул его после Второй мировой войны и в последние годы сталинской диктатуры, достигший кульминации в виде кампаний против Российская политическая энциклопедия. История сталинизма. Автор дает целостную картину истории евреев на территории бывшего СССР начиная от времен царизма, во время двух революций 1917 года и в сталинскую эпоху. В его книге документально засвидетельствована драматическая судьба евреев, переживших то периоды эмансипации, подъема, то - дискриминации и преследований. Показана деятельность еврейских организаций и партий, их ликвидация большевиками, рост антисемитизма в советском обществе после недолгого расцвета еврейской культуры в начале 1920-х годов и разгул его после Второй мировой войны и в последние годы сталинской диктатуры, достигший кульминации в виде кампаний против "космополитов" и "сионистов", "дела врачей". В центре внимания автора - тщательно изученная история учрежденного в 1942 году Еврейского антифашистского комитета и тайного процесса против его членов. Люстигер подробно анализирует обвинительные заключения, разоблачая идеологические конструкторы, скрывающиеся за их юридическим языком....

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Principles of Macroeconomics. Soumyen Sikdar . Книги.

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