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Суперинтеллект Тони Бьюзен
Попурри. Живите с умом. Один из самых известнейших на Земле знатоков устройства и работы человеческого разума доказывает, что природа одарила каждого из нас мощным инструментом познания и взаимодействия с окружающим миром. Но каждый ли умеет правильно пользоваться в действительности всеми возможностями этого инструмента? Для широкого круга читателей....
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Spatial Inequality And Development (W I D E R Studies in Development Economics)
Book DescriptionWhat exactly is spatial inequality? Why does it matter? And what should be the policy response to it? These questions have become important in recent years as the spatial dimensions of inequality have begun to attract considerable policy interest. In China, Russia, India, Mexico, and South Africa, as well as most other developing and transition economies, spatial and regional inequality - of economic activity, incomes, and social indicators - is on the increase. Spatial inequality is a dimension of overall inequality, but it has added significance when spatial and regional divisions align with political and ethnic tensions to undermine social and political stability. Also important in the policy debate is a perceived sense that increasinginternal spatial inequality is related to greater openness of economies, and to globalization in general. Despite these important concerns, there is remarkably little systematic documentation of what has happened to spatial and......
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Sonja Braas: Forces Susanne Pfleger
Book DescriptionNature as represented in Sonja Braas's photographs is not a sweet and gentle force but a violent and destructive one. Roaring waterfalls, crashing ice, and eroding rocks are pictured large-scale and at frighteningly close range, almost asif the camera tripod was set up in the middle of the action. Braas succeeds in capturing the unrestrained drama of nature, in all its visual and aural strength--but is the spectacle she frames entirely authentic? Subtle hints and surreal light effects suggest that parts of her photographs are simulated, for an artistically inflated version of nature. Essays by Susanne Pfleger and Thomas Seelig. Hardcover, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 72 pgs / 25 color....
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Drug Therapy for Osteoporosis
Book DescriptionHormone replacement therapy is clearly indicated for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Although its importance in treating this disease is no longer questioned, much remains to be fully understood about its effective application in practice. Drug Therapy for Osteoporosis examines what is known about the progress of osteoporosis and describes the impact of hormone replacement therapy. The author reviews the option for using SERMs as opposed to conventional HRT regimens, discusses not only the effectiveness of treatment but also the recommended duration, and provides clear guidelines on the laboratory evaluation of osteoporosis....
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Oracle Application Server 10g: J2EE Deployment and Administration Michael Wessler, Erin Mulder, Rob Harrop, Jan Machacek
Apress. This book is based on the very latest version of Oracle's fully J2EE-certified Application Server (previously called Oracle9iAS). Oracle Corp. is aggressively attacking this market with a new lost-cost version of the server and a program to move BEA customers onto Oracle free of charge. Adoption interest is growing rapidly amidst favorable reports regarding performance and reliability. Deploying J2EE applications and configuring the application server are known to be the most tricky and non-standard elements of J2EE development, and thus they receive scant attention in general J2EE texts. This book provides a focused, no-frills guide to getting J2EE applications up and running on 10G. It covers Oracle's J2EE container, OC4J (available for free for development purposes), in full detail and then moves on to explain how to configure and use the various enterprise-level features that come with the commercial editions....
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Суперинтеллект. Тони Бьюзен . Книги.
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