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Каталог монголоязычных фольклорных материалов Архива востоковедов при Спб ИВ РАН И. В. Кульганек
Петербургское Востоковедение. Каталог монголоязычных фольклорных материалов Архива востоковедов при Спб ИВ РАН. "Каталог монголоязычных фольклорных материалов Архива востоковедов при СПб Ив РАН" является первым каталогом такого рода. Он содержит три тысячи наименований уникальных фольклорных произведений на многих диалектах монгольского, бурятского и калмыцкого языков, таких как халкаский, ордосский, чахарский, дербетский, сунитский, абага, кижингинский, хоринский, узумчинский, донских и ставропольских калмыков, и др. Каталог отражает жанровое разнообразие и тематическое богатство монгольского фольклора....
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The Answer to How Is Yes: Acting On What Matters Peter Block
Modern culture?s worship of "how-to" pragmatism has turned us into instruments of efficiency and commerce?but we?re doing more and more about things that mean less and less. We constantly ask how? but rarely why? We use how as a defense?instead of acting on what we know to be of importance, we wait until we?ve attended one more workshop, read one more book, gotten one more degree. Asking how keeps us safe?instead of being led by our hearts into uncharted territory, we keep our heads down and stick to the map. But we are gaining the world and losing our souls. In The Answer to How Is Yes, Block places the "how-to" craze in perspective and presents a guide to the difficult and life-granting journey of bringing what we know isof personal value into an indifferent or even hostile corporate and cultural landscape. He raises our awareness of the trade-offs we?ve made in the name of practicality and expediency, and offers hope for a way of life in which......
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Fast Track To The Top Ros Taylor, John Humphrey
Everyone desires success at work - but the challenge is how to achieve it. This book, based on in-depth research, is about bridging that gap. It looks at the skills, attitudes, backgrounds and working habits of high achievers including: Bob Reid, Rocco Forte, Sir Richard Greenbury, Michael Bloomberg, Tim Melville-Ross, Sir Ian McAllister, and Stella Rimmington. This results in a true guide to the necessary characteristics for reaching the top of a given profession and achieving long term success. The reader is then given the opportunity to analyze their own personality and match their profile with those of the successful executives'. In this way, they can discover the requirements for their success, and brush up on the necessary skills....
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Microeconomics: Neoclassical and Institutional Perspectives on Economic Behaviour Susan Himmelweit, Roberto Simonetti, Andrew Trigg
In economics the dominant framework for exploring the structure of market economies is provided by the neoclassical school of thought. This text aims to show how neoclassical theory is used to model market mechanisms, both in particular markets and in the market economy as a whole. Underpinning this analysis is an examination of what neoclassical economists regard as key decision makers in a market economy, namely households and firms. In analysing these demand and supply activities, this text aims to provide an introduction to the microeconomics of markets, that is, the behaviour of individual units of economic activity. However, individuals do not behave as independent entities in the economy. They make economic decisions in the context of a variety ofinstitutional structures. The text presents an alternative to neoclassicism by introducing the institutionalist perspective of economic thought. In this approach the social interactions between individuals are placed at the heart of......
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The Independent Consultant's Brochure and Letter Handbook Herman Holtz
America's bestselling consulting author shows you how to create letters and brochures that get results! In The Independent Consultant's Brochure and Letter Handbook, nationally recognized business and consulting authority Herman Holtz gives you expert advice on how to produce letters and brochures that demand attention and get results. Packed with samples that cover virtually every business situation, this unique handbook shows you how to turn your everyday correspondence into effective marketing tools for you and your consulting business. What's more, it will save you countless hours of struggling to write from scratch and leave you free to do more important work. With the help of the samples in this invaluable reference guide, you'll be able to: Plan, set goals, and devise strategies for all of your general business correspondence, including marketing, sales, and promotional letters Create your own library of letters that can be easily adapted to different......
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Каталог монголоязычных фольклорных материалов Архива востоковедов при Спб ИВ РАН. И. В. Кульганек . Книги.
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