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The Economics of the European Patent System: IP Policy for Innovation and Competition Dominique Guellec, Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie
Why does society allow, or even encourage, private appropriation of inventions? When do patents encourage competition, when do they hamper it? How should society design the compromise between the interest of the inventor and the interest of the users of patented inventions? How should the patent system adapt to new technological areas? These questions and many more are addressed by the authors in this groundbreaking analysis of the economics behind the European patent system. Beginning with the history and principles of the patent system, the book then examines the economic effects of patenting on innovation and the diffusion of technology and growth. Throughout the book the theory and the reality are discussed alongside real world examples and comparison between the European, USA, and Japanese patent systems....
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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guides) Michael Knight
Danger is right across the border--and so are the ghosts • Complete campaign walkthrough • Weapons stats • Multiplayer tips, tactics, and maps • Bids for the Ghost Squad • Detailed campaign maps...
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The Devil's Rose Brom
Abrams Books. From the creator of the celebrated Plucker comes a frightening glimpse into hell and the afterlife. Escapees from the fiery underworld fill the richly illustrated pages of this novel set in modern-day Texas. They terrify and slay the living while trying to elude the guards who have been sent to round them up. Cole, one of the undead, has been sent to reclaim these souls in flight and return them to the fiery depths. But one escaped soul is not like the others: Rath, who in fact wants to return to hell. But why? And why does Cole, a tormented soul from hell, strive to capture his fellow hellmates? It has to do with a woman named Rose—a woman he has wronged—and a pact he made with the devil....
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Who Stole the American Dream II: The Book Your Boss Still Doesn't Want You to Read!
Burke Hedges...
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Булавоусые чешуекрылые Восточной Европы А. Л. Львовский, Д. В. Моргун
КМК. Определители по флоре и фауне России. Настоящее издание содержит диагностические ключи для определения 303 видов булавоусых чешуекрылых (дневных бабочек) Восточной Европы (Европейской части России, включая Урал и Северный Кавказ, Украины, Беларуси, Прибалтийских государств), что соответствует территории европейской части бывшего СССР, а также характеристики семейств, родов и подробные видовые очерки с данными о синонимах, типовой местности, распространении, биологии, этимологии названий, замечаниями по систематике. Предназначено для широкого круга читателей - зоологов, студентов естественных факультетов, работников системы охраны природы и эколого-биологического образования, натуралистов-любителей....
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The Economics of the European Patent System: IP Policy for Innovation and Competition. Dominique Guellec, Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie . Книги.
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