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Нектар. Роман искушения Лили Прайор
Издательство Ольги Морозовой. Роман обольщения. Новый роман Лили Прайор, как и ее дебют "La Cucina", тоже о любви. И снова нас ждет оригинальный сюжет, щедро приправленный пикантностью и абсурдом. Героиня романа прекрасно знает, чем именно привлекает мужчин и чего они от нее хотят. Остается лишь использовать их в своих интересах. Жертвами коварной Рамоны станут пасечник-интеллектуал, влюбленный горбун и полоумный синьор. А если ей вдруг самой захочется большой и чистой любви?.. Что ж, посмотрим, что из этого получится....
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Breast Lumps : A Guide to Diseases of the Breast Jane Smith
Book DescriptionThis new edition of Breast Lumps (which was first published in ) provides updated information on both benign breast conditions and breast cancer. The book has been substantially revised, particularly with regard to the changes that have occurred in the treatment of breast cancer during the last few years. It discusses all aspects of the management of breast lumps and the ways in which this differs in the UK and USA....
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Dizzy: The Life and Times of John Birks Gillespie Donald L. Maggin
HarperEntertainment. Dizzy Gillespie has secured his place in the jazz pantheon as one of the most expressive and virtuosic improvisers in the history of music. But he was much more than that. As one of the primary creators of the bebop and Afro-Cuban revolutions, he twice fundamentally changed the way jazz improvisation was done. And he later extended his revolutionary reach by transforming the aesthetic of big band jazz. This vivid biography chronicles Dizzy's saga from the lowest rung on the American social and political ladder to the highest. Born black in fiercely racist Cheraw, South Carolina, in 1917, Dizzy combined great energy, a furious drive to succeed, and a one-in-a-million talent to climb quickly out of rural poverty to a role among the Swing Era jazz elite before his twenty-first birthday. Author Donald L. Maggin shows how, with bebop during the late 1930s and early 1940s, Dizzy and four colleagues -- Charlie Parker, Kenny Clarke, Thelonious Monk, and Charlie Christian --......
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Rules for a Pretty Woman Suzette Francis
Book Description Rule #9: I will heed the warnings of my inner voice Dr. Lenita Mae Faulkner has come a long way from her dirt-poor beginnings in Madoosa County. All she's missing is a family. And with her nine-year live-in lover Ralph seemingly about to pop the question, it looks like she's about to get her wish -- a good thing, too, since Lenny's biological clock is ticking rapidly toward thirty-five. Rule #7: I will never again go fetch thebeer But instead of proposing, Ralph skips out, empties their joint bank account, and runs off with another woman. And on top of that, a true family catastrophe is calling her back to tiny Madoosa -- the last place Lenny wants to be. Home again at the lowest point of her once-charmed life, Lenny is blasted by a forgotten piece of her past: a diary she kept in the fifth grade containing a list of rules she had created to live by. And in their simple, fervent......
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Integrating Music into the Elementary Classroom (with CD) William M. Anderson
Book Description The market-leading text for the Elementary School Music Methods course, INTEGRATING MUSIC IN THE ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM boasts an author team who helped set the national standards for teaching music in elementary schools. The first to emphasize the theme of integrating music throughout the school day, Anderson and Lawrence show future educators how to make music an effective part of the entire elementary curriculum. The text introduces the songs, instruments, sources of age-appropriate music, and methods of making music in a multicultural environment--making the text perfect for students with no prior knowledge of the fundamentals of music. With easy-to-use techniques for teaching young children how to sing, play instruments, move to music, create music, listen to music, and understand music, this text relates music to all subject areas. Notably, the authors provide sample lesson plans for kindergarten through grade six, along with more than 150 songs from different......
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На главную
Нектар. Роман искушения. Лили Прайор . Книги.
Миасс, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Волжский, Новосибирск, Уссурийск, Пятигорск, Бийск, Сызрань, Петрозаводск, Коломна, Северск, Калининград, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Ульяновск,
Основы предпринимательства| География| Экономическая география| Люди шоу-бизнеса| Развлекательные программы| Криминальные комедии| Современная история России (с 1991 года)| Коллекции изображений| Европейские языки| Фантастические триллеры| Телевизионные комедии| Информатика| Военные комедии| Конструкторы из картона. Умная бумага| Исторические драмы| Электронный бизнес| Кинематография России и СССР| Книжная полка. Поэзия для детей| Хирургия| Сборники зарубежных мультфильмов| Отечественная фантастика| Кассеты, диски, стартовые комплекты для видеокамер| Общество, история| Государство и право| История СССР| Альбомы, анкеты, дневнички| Программы о туризме, путешествиях| Современная история России (с 1991 года)| Комедийные боевики| Приключенческие фильмы| Криминальные драмы| Молодежные приключения| Хоккей| Астрология| Финансовый анализ, оценка, учет и планирование. Бюджет| Общий менеджмент| Классические детективы| Иронический детектив| Драмы отношений| Сборники зарубежных мультфильмов| Фильмы для всей семьи| Банковское дело| Криминальные комедии| Кулинария. Напитки| Иронический детектив| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции|
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