Gershwin: An American in Paris

George Gershwin

  Gershwin: An American in Paris  George Gershwin  Editio Musica Budapest.   EMB Study Scores.   Herausgegeben von - Edited by - Kozreadja Jancsovics Antal. Формат: 14 см x 20 cм.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Editio Musica Budapest. EMB Study Scores. Herausgegeben von - Edited by - Kozreadja Jancsovics Antal. Формат: 14 см x 20 cм....

Borderlines: Genders and Identities in War and Peace 1870-1930

Edited by Billie Melman

  Borderlines: Genders and Identities in War and Peace 1870-1930  Edited by Billie Melman  Routledge.   Routledge. "Borderlines" brings the relationship between gender, nationalism and colonialism in the First World War to the forefront, locating the war in the broader context of 1870-1930. The contributors explore how the borders of feminine and masculine identities were formed, contested and reformed in relation to women's and men's lived experience of global modern war, revolution, the rise of new nationalisms and societal break-up. Drawing on a wide range of material, from governmental policies and propaganda to literature, the theater, subversive trench journalism and performance, the essays demonstrate how shifts in gender relations and identities, especially in the identities of women, were tied to the evolving integral and "cultural" nationalisms. With its multinational perspective and comparison between Western Europe and societies outside the West, and with broader periodization, "Borderlines" challenges interpretations about gender and the Great War as well as nationalism and......

Dutch Utopia: American Artists in Holland, 1880-1914

Telfair Museum of Art

  Dutch Utopia: American Artists in Holland, 1880-1914  Telfair Museum of Art  Dutch Utopia is the first major exhibition to explore the little-known but fascinating phenomenon of American artists settling or working in Holland around the turn of the twentieth century and to consider the cultural significance of their production. These artists created visions of Dutch society that celebrated a preindustrial lifestyle and, in some cases, alluded to America's own colonial Dutch heritage.The exhibition includes seventy-three works by artists who remain celebrated today, such as Robert Henri, William Merritt Chase, John Henry Twachtman, and John Singer Sargent, along with painters admired in their own time but less well known now, including George Hitchcock, Gari Melchers, George Boughton, Elizabeth Nourse, and Walter MacEwen.In addition to full-color reproductions of the works in the exhibition, the catalog presents important new scholarship. Essays in the volume are by Dr. Nina Lubbren, Senior Lecturer in Art History, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Dutch Utopia is the first major exhibition to explore the little-known but fascinating phenomenon of American artists settling or working in Holland around the turn of the twentieth century and to consider the cultural significance of their production. These artists created visions of Dutch society that celebrated a preindustrial lifestyle and, in some cases, alluded to America's own colonial Dutch heritage.The exhibition includes seventy-three works by artists who remain celebrated today, such as Robert Henri, William Merritt Chase, John Henry Twachtman, and John Singer Sargent, along with painters admired in their own time but less well known now, including George Hitchcock, Gari Melchers, George Boughton, Elizabeth Nourse, and Walter MacEwen.In addition to full-color reproductions of the works in the exhibition, the catalog presents important new scholarship. Essays in the volume are by Dr. Nina Lubbren, Senior Lecturer in Art History, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United......

Запад против России. За что нас ненавидят

Николай Стариков

  Запад против России. За что нас ненавидят  Николай Стариков  Яуза, Эксмо.   Исторические расследования.   Яуза, Эксмо. Исторические расследования. "У России два верных союзника: ее Армия и ее Флот; все остальные при первой возможности на нас ополчатся" - этот знаменитый афоризм Александра III выстрадан всей русской историей. Нет повести печальнее на свете, чем история взаимоотношений России с западными "друзьями" и "партнерами". Автор этой книги, проанализировав огромный объем информации за последние три столетия, неопровержимо доказывает: все наши европейские "союзники", зачастую обязанные России не только своими победами, но и самим своим существованием, клявшиеся в верности и вечной дружбе, неизменно предавали нас при первом удобном случае. Все попытки ориентироваться на Запад заканчивались для нашей страны военными трагедиями и политическими катастрофами. "На Западном фронте без перемен" - вот универсальная формула русской внешней политики. Запад был главным врагом России на протяжении всей нашей истории и остается им до сих пор. Меняется только форма противостояния - открытая или завуалированная, "холодная" или......

Knife Song Korea (Excelsior Editions)

Richard Selzer

  Knife Song Korea (Excelsior Editions)  Richard Selzer  A tumultuous year in the life of a young surgeon during the Korean War.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A tumultuous year in the life of a young surgeon during the Korean War....

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Gershwin: An American in Paris. George Gershwin . Книги.

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