Купечество Москвы. История. Традиции. Судьбы

  Купечество Москвы. История. Традиции. Судьбы  АСТ, Олимп.   Московские купцы. Именно они были истинными патриотами своего города. Именно им мы обязаны тем, что Москва была и остается одним из самых красивых городов мира. В столице России до сих пор чувствуется какой-то особый патриархальный купеческий дух. В книге АСТ, Олимп. Московские купцы. Именно они были истинными патриотами своего города. Именно им мы обязаны тем, что Москва была и остается одним из самых красивых городов мира. В столице России до сих пор чувствуется какой-то особый патриархальный купеческий дух. В книге "Купечество Москвы..." рассказывается о тех, кто создавал Москву, строил храмы и церкви, фабрики и заводы, дороги и мосты, учреждал банки и биржи, умножая могущество державы, и плодами чьего труда мы, граждане России XXI в., до сих пор пользуемся, порой не зная об этом. "Неуважение к предкам есть первый признак дикости и безнравственности", - сказал наш великий поэт А.С.Пушкин. Данная книга, созданная членами Московского купеческого общества, написана именно для того, чтобы пробудить желание узнать нашу историю, напомнить, что мы теряем, и возродить гордость за прошлое России....

Phonetik Simsalabim: Begleitbuch

  Phonetik Simsalabim: Begleitbuch  U Hirschfeld, K Reinke  U Hirschfeld, K Reinke  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин U Hirschfeld, K Reinke...

Helsinki: Insight Pocket Guide (+ Pullout Map)

Norman Renouf

  Helsinki: Insight Pocket Guide (+ Pullout Map)  Norman Renouf  Apa Publications.   Insight Guides.   This 96-page book offers an experts guide to Helsinki, with seven walking tours of the city and three excursions to attractions further afield. In Helsinki, almost every corner reveals another intriguing detail: an elegantly carved facade, a statue, a curved window, or a figurine so full of humour it makes you burst out laughing. This guidebook describes seven walking tours of Finlands coastal capital, followed by three excursions by train or car to interesting towns in southern Finland, plus a day-trip to Talinn, the capital of Estonia, just a short hop across the bay from Helsinki. It also includes a chapter detailing Finland's history and culture, as well as leisure-time suggestions and an information section packed with essential contact addresses and numbers. Plus dozens of full-colour photographs and maps, including a pull-out map that clearly shows all the tours and excursions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Apa Publications. Insight Guides. This 96-page book offers an experts guide to Helsinki, with seven walking tours of the city and three excursions to attractions further afield. In Helsinki, almost every corner reveals another intriguing detail: an elegantly carved facade, a statue, a curved window, or a figurine so full of humour it makes you burst out laughing. This guidebook describes seven walking tours of Finlands coastal capital, followed by three excursions by train or car to interesting towns in southern Finland, plus a day-trip to Talinn, the capital of Estonia, just a short hop across the bay from Helsinki. It also includes a chapter detailing Finland's history and culture, as well as leisure-time suggestions and an information section packed with essential contact addresses and numbers. Plus dozens of full-colour photographs and maps, including a pull-out map that clearly shows all the tours and excursions....

Хомячок (миниатюрное издание)

Анна Алферова

  Хомячок (миниатюрное издание)  Анна Алферова  Дрофа-Медиа.   Книжки-малышки.   Стихотворение Дрофа-Медиа. Книжки-малышки. Стихотворение "Хомячок" Анны Алферовой в иллюстрированной книге специально для малышей. Формат: 6,5 см х 8,5 см....

Surface Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Examination

John S. P. Lumley

  Surface Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Examination  John S. P. Lumley  This innovative and highly praised book describes the visible and palpable anatomy that forms the basis of clinical examination. The first chapter considers the anatomical terms needed for precise description of the parts of the body and movements from the anatomical positions. The remaining chapters are regionally organised and colour photographs demonstrate visible anatomy. Many of the photographs are reproduced with numbered overlays, indicating structures that can be seen, felt, moved or listened to. The surface markings of deeper structures are indicated together with common sites for injection of local anaesthetic, accessing blood vessels, biopsying organs and making incisions. The accompanying text describes the anatomical features of the illustrated structures.Over 250 colour photographs with accompanying line drawings to indicate the position of major structures.The seven regionally organised chapters cover all areas of male and female anatomy.The text is closely aligned with...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This innovative and highly praised book describes the visible and palpable anatomy that forms the basis of clinical examination. The first chapter considers the anatomical terms needed for precise description of the parts of the body and movements from the anatomical positions. The remaining chapters are regionally organised and colour photographs demonstrate visible anatomy. Many of the photographs are reproduced with numbered overlays, indicating structures that can be seen, felt, moved or listened to. The surface markings of deeper structures are indicated together with common sites for injection of local anaesthetic, accessing blood vessels, biopsying organs and making incisions. The accompanying text describes the anatomical features of the illustrated structures.Over 250 colour photographs with accompanying line drawings to indicate the position of major structures.The seven regionally organised chapters cover all areas of male and female anatomy.The text is closely aligned with......

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Купечество Москвы. История. Традиции. Судьбы. . Книги.

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