Настольная книга садового дизайнера

Розмари Александер

  Настольная книга садового дизайнера  Розмари Александер  ЗАО ЗАО "БММ". Цель этой книги - обучение садоводов методам планировки сада. Следуя приведенным рекомендациям, вы научитесь осматривать и оценивать участок, ставить задачи и находить возможности их решать, а затем воплощать свои идеи в оригинальный и действенный дизайн. Формат: 20 см х 25 см....


  Christine  Arnim  Arnim  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Arnim...

The Selected Poems of William Blake

William Blake

  The Selected Poems of William Blake  William Blake  Wordsworth Editions Limited.   The Wordsworth Poetry Library.   William Blake was an engraver, painter and visionary mystic as well as one of the most revolutionary of the Romantic poets. His writing attracted the astonished admiration of authors as diverse as Wordsworth, Ruskin, W.B.Yeats, and more recently beat poet Allen Ginsberg and the 'flower power' generation. He is one of England's most original artists whose works aim to liberate imaginative energies and subvert 'the mind-forged manacles' of restriction. This volume contains many of his writings, including: Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and a generous selection from the Prophetic Books including Milton and Jerusalem.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wordsworth Editions Limited. The Wordsworth Poetry Library. William Blake was an engraver, painter and visionary mystic as well as one of the most revolutionary of the Romantic poets. His writing attracted the astonished admiration of authors as diverse as Wordsworth, Ruskin, W.B.Yeats, and more recently beat poet Allen Ginsberg and the 'flower power' generation. He is one of England's most original artists whose works aim to liberate imaginative energies and subvert 'the mind-forged manacles' of restriction. This volume contains many of his writings, including: Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and a generous selection from the Prophetic Books including Milton and Jerusalem....

Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation: IFIP Working Group 2.13 on Open Source Software, June 11-14, 2007, Limerick, Ireland

Edited by Joseph Feller, Brian Fitzgerald, Walt Scacchi, Alberto Sillitti

  Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation: IFIP Working Group 2.13 on Open Source Software, June 11-14, 2007, Limerick, Ireland  Edited by Joseph Feller, Brian Fitzgerald, Walt Scacchi, Alberto Sillitti  Springer.   International Federation for Information Processing.   Open source software (free software) has emerged as a major field of scientific inquiry across a number of disciplines. When the concept of open source began to gain mindshare in the global business community, decision makers faced a challenge: to convert hype and potential into sustainable profit and viable business models. This volume addresses this challenge through presenting some of the newest, extensively peer-reviewed research in the area.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Springer. International Federation for Information Processing. Open source software (free software) has emerged as a major field of scientific inquiry across a number of disciplines. When the concept of open source began to gain mindshare in the global business community, decision makers faced a challenge: to convert hype and potential into sustainable profit and viable business models. This volume addresses this challenge through presenting some of the newest, extensively peer-reviewed research in the area....

Sterling Biographies: Rosa Parks: Courageous Citizen (Sterling Biographies)

  Sterling Biographies: Rosa Parks: Courageous Citizen (Sterling Biographies)  Ruth Ashby  Ruth Ashby  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ruth Ashby...

<<<  Трудовые отношения. Дегтярева Г.Г.             Life-Like Characters: Tools, Affective Functions, ... >>>

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Настольная книга садового дизайнера. Розмари Александер . Книги.

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