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Изопериметры. Максимальные и минимальные свойства геометрических фигур Д. А. Крыжановский
Едиториал УРСС. Настоящая книга рассчитана на читателя, владеющего элементарной геометрией. В доступной, увлекательной форме даются ответы на вопросы, какая фигура, ограниченная данным периметром, имеет наибольшую площадь, какая фигура, имеющая данную площадь, имеет наименьший периметр, какое тело с данной поверхностью имеет наибольший объем; доказываются теоремы о том, что из всех треугольников с данным периметром наибольшую площадь имеет равносторонний треугольник, и т.п. Книга явится ценным пособием для школьных математических кружков, будет полезна и интересна студентам первых курсов и вообще всем интересующимся вопросами элементарной математики....
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Learning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation: Experiences from the United States and Europe Amy Lind
Book DescriptionLearning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation presents US and European experiences and insights on the evaluation of policies and programs to foster research, innovation, and technology (RIT). In recent years, policymakers have promoted RIT policies to accelerate scientific and technological development in emerging fields, encourage new patterns of research collaboration and commercialization and enhance national and regional economic competitiveness. At the same time, budgetary pressures and new public management approaches have strengthened demands for RIT performance measurement and evaluation. The contributors - leading experts in science and technology policy and evaluation - analyze and contrast the need and demand for RIT performance measurement and evaluation within the US and European innovation and policy making systems. They assess current US and European RIT evaluation practices and methods in key areas, discuss applications of new evaluative......
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The Action Learning Handbook: Powerful Techniques for Education, Professional Development and Training Ian McGill
Book DescriptionThis new book opens up this powerful technique for those new to action learning, whether working in organizations, business, or education....
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Model Reduction Methods for Vector Autoregressive Processes (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems) Ralf Bruggemann
Book DescriptionVector Autoregressive (VAR) models have become one of the dominant tools for the empirical analysis of macroeconomic time series. Sometimes the flexibility of VAR models leads to overparameterized models, making accurate estimates of impulse responses and forecasts difficult. This book introduces a variety of data-based model reduction methods and provides a detailed investigation of different reduction strategies in the context of popular VAR modelling classes, including stationary, cointegrated and structural VAR models. VAR practitioners benefit from guidelines being developed for using model reduction in applied work. The use of different reduction techniques is illustrated by means of empirical models for US monetary policy shocks and a structural vector error correction model of the German labor market....
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The Prince of America: Achieving Wealth As a Corporate Employee Dennis W. Bowland
Book DescriptionThere are hundreds of how-to books that promise to reveal the secrets to attaining wealth. But what if you are not a brilliant entrepreneur or investment wizard? Can the average employee toiling at the daily grind realize the same dream of achieving financial security? Author Dennis W. Bowland knows that it can be done. Always upbeat and insightful, The Prince of America is the tale of Beauregard T. Frog, a little fellow with big aspirations. Told in the styles of a classic fairytale, this deceptively simple parable contains time-tested, practical information and sound financial guidance for anyone with a modest income who is determined to realize financial independence....
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Изопериметры. Максимальные и минимальные свойства геометрических фигур. Д. А. Крыжановский . Книги.
Электросталь, Копейск, Новороссийск, Москва , Братск, Нефтеюганск, Тула, Елец, Южно-Сахалинск, Назрань, Ульяновск, Астрахань, Королёв, Благовещенск, Вологда, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Новокузнецк, Каменск-Уральский, Тамбов, Нижний Тагил, Ижевск, Омск, Орёл, Нефтеюганск, Новый Уренгой,
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