Computer Programs for Qualitative Data Analysis : A Software Sourcebook

Eben Weitzman, Matthew B. Miles

  Computer Programs for Qualitative Data Analysis : A Software Sourcebook  Eben Weitzman, Matthew B. Miles  Written by qualitative researchers for qualitative researchers, and not presuming extensive computer experience, this user-friendly guide takes a critical look at the wide range of software currently available. The book gives detailed reviews of24 programs in five major categories: text retrievers, textbase managers, code-and-retrieve programs, code-based theory-builders and conceptual network-builders. In addition, the book provides ratings of over 75 features per program. The authors also offer detailed guidance on the operation of each program, helping the reader to ask key questions about the use of the computer - the nature of the project being undertaken, what time-line analyses are planned and what worksheets are re  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Written by qualitative researchers for qualitative researchers, and not presuming extensive computer experience, this user-friendly guide takes a critical look at the wide range of software currently available. The book gives detailed reviews of24 programs in five major categories: text retrievers, textbase managers, code-and-retrieve programs, code-based theory-builders and conceptual network-builders. In addition, the book provides ratings of over 75 features per program. The authors also offer detailed guidance on the operation of each program, helping the reader to ask key questions about the use of the computer - the nature of the project being undertaken, what time-line analyses are planned and what worksheets are re...

Network-Based Distributed Planning Using Coevolutionary Algorithms (Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation - Vol. 13)

Raj Subbu, Arthur C. Sanderson

  Network-Based Distributed Planning Using Coevolutionary Algorithms (Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation - Vol. 13)  Raj Subbu, Arthur C. Sanderson  In this book, efficient and scalable coevolutionary algorithms for distributed, network-based decision-making, which utilize objective functions are developed in a networked environment where internode communications are a primary factor in system performance. A theoretical foundation for this class of coevolutionary algorithms is introduced using techniques from stochastic process theory and mathematical analysis. A case study in distributed, network-based decision-making presents an implementation and detailed evaluation of the coevolutionary decision-making framework that incorporates distributed evolutionary agents and mobile agents. The methodology discussed in this book can have a fundamental impact on the principles and practice of engineering in the distributed, network-based environment that is emerging within and among corporate enterprise systems. In addition, the conceptual framework of the approach to distributed decision systems described may have much wider...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this book, efficient and scalable coevolutionary algorithms for distributed, network-based decision-making, which utilize objective functions are developed in a networked environment where internode communications are a primary factor in system performance. A theoretical foundation for this class of coevolutionary algorithms is introduced using techniques from stochastic process theory and mathematical analysis. A case study in distributed, network-based decision-making presents an implementation and detailed evaluation of the coevolutionary decision-making framework that incorporates distributed evolutionary agents and mobile agents. The methodology discussed in this book can have a fundamental impact on the principles and practice of engineering in the distributed, network-based environment that is emerging within and among corporate enterprise systems. In addition, the conceptual framework of the approach to distributed decision systems described may have much wider......

Capital Punishment - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Re

  Capital Punishment - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Re  In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....

Business Component Factory : A Comprehensive Overview of Component-Based Development for the Enterprise

Peter Herzum, Oliver Sims

  Business Component Factory : A Comprehensive Overview of Component-Based Development for the Enterprise  Peter Herzum, Oliver Sims  In this book, Peter Herzum and Oliver Sims present a complete component based strategy, the business component approach, that applies and extends component thinking to all aspects of the software life cycle for enterprise systems. The approach includes aconceptual framework that brings components into the world of scalable systems, and outlines the different component granularities. It also includes a methodology that goes beyond current object-oriented practices to provide the concepts required to meet the real challenges of component-based development. Using their business component approach, the authors then provide a blueprint for a business component factory--a development capability that can produce software with the quality, speed, and flexibility needed to match changing business needs. Sprinkled with guidelines, tips, and architectural patterns, this book fully prepares you for the approaching component revolution. Praise for Business Component...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this book, Peter Herzum and Oliver Sims present a complete component based strategy, the business component approach, that applies and extends component thinking to all aspects of the software life cycle for enterprise systems. The approach includes aconceptual framework that brings components into the world of scalable systems, and outlines the different component granularities. It also includes a methodology that goes beyond current object-oriented practices to provide the concepts required to meet the real challenges of component-based development. Using their business component approach, the authors then provide a blueprint for a business component factory--a development capability that can produce software with the quality, speed, and flexibility needed to match changing business needs. Sprinkled with guidelines, tips, and architectural patterns, this book fully prepares you for the approaching component revolution. Praise for Business Component......

Удача. Позитивные мысли на каждый день 2005 года

Наталия Правдина

  Удача. Позитивные мысли на каждый день 2005 года  Наталия Правдина  АСТ, Астрель-СПб.   Наталия Правдина, специалист по позитивной психологии, практикующий мастер фэн-шуй, представляет вашему вниманию уникальный ежедневник позитивных утверждений - аффирмаций. Начиная день с жизнеутверждающей мысли, вы создаете свой прекрасный мир, наполненный счастьем, красотой, радостью. Иллюстрации ежедневника, созданные в соответствии с правилами фэн-шуй, усиливают действие аффирмаций.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель-СПб. Наталия Правдина, специалист по позитивной психологии, практикующий мастер фэн-шуй, представляет вашему вниманию уникальный ежедневник позитивных утверждений - аффирмаций. Начиная день с жизнеутверждающей мысли, вы создаете свой прекрасный мир, наполненный счастьем, красотой, радостью. Иллюстрации ежедневника, созданные в соответствии с правилами фэн-шуй, усиливают действие аффирмаций....

<<<  Global Electronic Commerce: Theory and Case Studies. ...             Стоматология детского возраста. Л. С. Персин, В. ... >>>

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Computer Programs for Qualitative Data Analysis : A Software Sourcebook. Eben Weitzman, Matthew B. Miles . Книги.

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