Семь лекций по вычислительной математике

Э. Э. Шноль

  Семь лекций по вычислительной математике  Э. Э. Шноль  ЛКИ.   Предмет этих лекций - первоначальное знакомство с вычислительной математикой. Они рассчитаны на широкий круг читателей, не специализирующихся в этой области. Студентам, обучающимся по специальностям ЛКИ. Предмет этих лекций - первоначальное знакомство с вычислительной математикой. Они рассчитаны на широкий круг читателей, не специализирующихся в этой области. Студентам, обучающимся по специальностям "Математика", "Прикладная математика", "Физика", и лицам, преподающим вычислительную математику, могут быть интересны отдельные замечания, сделанные в лекциях 1-3 и 7....

Энциклопедия спорных ситуаций по налогу на прибыль

  Энциклопедия спорных ситуаций по налогу на прибыль  Статут.   Эта книга является печатной версией электронной Статут. Эта книга является печатной версией электронной "Энциклопедии спорных ситуаций по налогу на прибыль", размещенной в справочной правовой системе КонсультантПлюс. В ней собраны наиболее интересные, неоднозначно разрешаемые ситуации, возникающие при исчислении налога на прибыль и не урегулированные Налоговым кодексом РФ. При подготовке "Энциклопедии" были проанализированы не только положения НК РФ, но и сотни тысяч других документов - правовых актов, материалов судебной практики, разъяснений налоговых органов, консультаций и публикаций специализированной прессы. К каждой ситуации, представленной в книге, приводятся все существующие позиции - Минфина России и ФНС России, судебных органов, независимых специалистов; к ним прилагаются списки документов, обосновывающих эти позиции. В книге приводится полное содержание электронной версии "Энциклопедии", в котором помечены разделы, публикуемые в настоящем издании. Книга адресована главным бухгалтерам организаций, юристам,......

Summer at Tiffany LP

Marjorie Hart

  Summer at Tiffany LP  Marjorie Hart  Do you remember the best summer of your life? New York City, 1945. Marjorie Jacobson and Marty Garrett arrive fresh from the Kappa house at the University of Iowa hoping to find summer positions as shopgirls. Turned away from the top department stores, they miraculously find jobs as pages at Tiffany & Co., becoming the first women to ever work on the sales floor. Hart takes us back to the magical time when she and Marty rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous, pinched pennies to eat at the Automat, and danced away their weekends with dashing midshipmen. Between being dazzled by Judy Garland's honeymoon visit to Tiffany, celebrating VJ Day in Times Square, and mingling with CafA© society, she fell in love, made important decisions that would change her future, and created the remarkable memories she now shares with all of us.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Do you remember the best summer of your life? New York City, 1945. Marjorie Jacobson and Marty Garrett arrive fresh from the Kappa house at the University of Iowa hoping to find summer positions as shopgirls. Turned away from the top department stores, they miraculously find jobs as pages at Tiffany & Co., becoming the first women to ever work on the sales floor. Hart takes us back to the magical time when she and Marty rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous, pinched pennies to eat at the Automat, and danced away their weekends with dashing midshipmen. Between being dazzled by Judy Garland's honeymoon visit to Tiffany, celebrating VJ Day in Times Square, and mingling with CafA© society, she fell in love, made important decisions that would change her future, and created the remarkable memories she now shares with all of us....

Multidimensional Executive Coaching

Ruth L. Orenstein

  Multidimensional Executive Coaching  Ruth L. Orenstein  According to a recent study, there is a 40% failure rate among executives in the U.S. today. To combat the difficulties inherent in assuming high-level corporate roles companies are using new tools to help executives achieve maximum effectiveness, including the hiring of an executive coach. This unique book, written by a trained psychologist and executive coach with decades of experience as a business executive, offers a step-by-step guide to the practice of executive coaching. Using actual case studies, the author builds a multidimensional approach to coaching; clients are encouraged to look at multiple forces in their lives, including the Individual and the Organization, Unconscious Forces, Multi-Level Forces, and their Use of Self. Examining each force then guides the executive coach in joint goal setting, commitment to a coaching contract, meeting objectives, evaluating outcomes, and concluding the coaching process. Written specifically for graduate...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин According to a recent study, there is a 40% failure rate among executives in the U.S. today. To combat the difficulties inherent in assuming high-level corporate roles companies are using new tools to help executives achieve maximum effectiveness, including the hiring of an executive coach. This unique book, written by a trained psychologist and executive coach with decades of experience as a business executive, offers a step-by-step guide to the practice of executive coaching. Using actual case studies, the author builds a multidimensional approach to coaching; clients are encouraged to look at multiple forces in their lives, including the Individual and the Organization, Unconscious Forces, Multi-Level Forces, and their Use of Self. Examining each force then guides the executive coach in joint goal setting, commitment to a coaching contract, meeting objectives, evaluating outcomes, and concluding the coaching process. Written specifically for graduate......

Traces of Song: Selections from Ancient Arabic Poetry

  Traces of Song: Selections from Ancient Arabic Poetry  This book brings together two of the most important and fascinating art forms in Arabic culture: poetry and calligraphic painting. Walid Khazendar, one of the leading poets in the Arab world, has selected and translated into English twenty-five texts and twenty-three quotations from ancient Arabic poetry. To date, Khazendar has published three collections. His poetry has been translated in Agenda (1997), Modern Poetry in Translation (1998), and some of his poems are included in Tom Paulin's The Road to Inver (2004). Accompanying the translations, the book contains forty-eight calligraphic paintings in colour by the Arab artist Mouneer al-Shaarani, of the texts and quotations. Also contains an introduction to ancient Arabic poetry, the original texts in Arabic and notes in English on the poets.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book brings together two of the most important and fascinating art forms in Arabic culture: poetry and calligraphic painting. Walid Khazendar, one of the leading poets in the Arab world, has selected and translated into English twenty-five texts and twenty-three quotations from ancient Arabic poetry. To date, Khazendar has published three collections. His poetry has been translated in Agenda (1997), Modern Poetry in Translation (1998), and some of his poems are included in Tom Paulin's The Road to Inver (2004). Accompanying the translations, the book contains forty-eight calligraphic paintings in colour by the Arab artist Mouneer al-Shaarani, of the texts and quotations. Also contains an introduction to ancient Arabic poetry, the original texts in Arabic and notes in English on the poets....

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Семь лекций по вычислительной математике. Э. Э. Шноль . Книги.

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