Портрет второй жены

Анна Берсенева

  Портрет второй жены  Анна Берсенева  Эксмо.   Под знаком любви.   Московская жизнь, выглядевшая издалека такой привлекательной, неласкова к Лизе Успенской. Работая гувернанткой, она вынуждена терпеть капризы взбалмошной хозяйки. Попытки устроиться на другую работу приводят к очередным унижениям - теперь уже со стороны богатых Эксмо. Под знаком любви. Московская жизнь, выглядевшая издалека такой привлекательной, неласкова к Лизе Успенской. Работая гувернанткой, она вынуждена терпеть капризы взбалмошной хозяйки. Попытки устроиться на другую работу приводят к очередным унижениям - теперь уже со стороны богатых "хозяев жизни", считающих красивую женщину игрушкой. Но самое тяжелое испытание предстоит Лизе, когда она встречает мужчину, без которого не мыслит своей жизни. Лиза узнает, что большие деньги - это не только большие возможности. Они открывают все двери. Кроме той, за которой находится истинная любовь…...

Просто вместе

Анна Гавальда

  Просто вместе  Анна Гавальда  АСТ, Астрель.   Новая французская линия.   Анна Гавальда - одна из самых читаемых авторов мира. Ее называют АСТ, Астрель. Новая французская линия. Анна Гавальда - одна из самых читаемых авторов мира. Ее называют "звездой французской словесности", "новой Франсуазой Саган", "нежным Уэльбеком", "литературным феноменом" и "главной французской сенсацией". Ее книги, покорившие миллионы читателей, переводятся на десятки языков, отмечены целым" созвездием премий, по ним ставят спектакли и снимают фильмы. Роман "Просто вместе" - это мудрая и светлая книга о любви и одиночестве, о жизни, о счастье. Эта удивительная история, простыми словами рассказывающая о главном, легла в основу одноименного фильма Клода Берри с Одри Тоту в главной роли (2007)....

Watercolor Secrets: An Inside Look at the Techniques of Award-Winning Splash Artists

Rachel Rubin Wolf

  Watercolor Secrets: An Inside Look at the Techniques of Award-Winning Splash Artists  Rachel Rubin Wolf  The how behind the wow Dive deeper into the creative waters that have made North Light Books? Splash: The Best of Watercolor series today?s most celebrated showcase of contemporary watercolor paintings. Watercolor Secrets invites you into the studios of 15 Splash artists as they reveal the creative processes behind their stunning work. From meticulous glazes to loose, luscious color, these artists joyfully embrace watercolor in gloriously individual and expressive ways, sharing their unique journeys inspirations and techniques. Step-by-step demonstrations, sketchbook pages and inspiring finished art from 15 modern-day watercolor mastersExpert tips on creating stunning color, capturing the magic of light, turning on-location sketches into personal keepsakes, designing compositions with impact, and more A variety of subjects, including flowers, landscapes, waterscapes, city scenes, interiors and portraitsWhether you are a watercolor artist looking to make a big splash in your own...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The how behind the wow Dive deeper into the creative waters that have made North Light Books? Splash: The Best of Watercolor series today?s most celebrated showcase of contemporary watercolor paintings. Watercolor Secrets invites you into the studios of 15 Splash artists as they reveal the creative processes behind their stunning work. From meticulous glazes to loose, luscious color, these artists joyfully embrace watercolor in gloriously individual and expressive ways, sharing their unique journeys inspirations and techniques. Step-by-step demonstrations, sketchbook pages and inspiring finished art from 15 modern-day watercolor mastersExpert tips on creating stunning color, capturing the magic of light, turning on-location sketches into personal keepsakes, designing compositions with impact, and more A variety of subjects, including flowers, landscapes, waterscapes, city scenes, interiors and portraitsWhether you are a watercolor artist looking to make a big splash in your own......

Historic Walking Guides Edinburgh

Andrew Hayes

  Historic Walking Guides Edinburgh  Andrew Hayes  Edinburgh is one of Britain's most visited cities, and it is also one of its most historic cities. If you're visiting Edinburgh for the festivals, or as a regular tourist, Historic Walking Guides: Edinburgh is the perfect companion to your trip. Written by Edinburgh expert Andy Hayes, this book takes you on a series of walks through the city uncovering the historic sights and attractions you'll pass along the way. Each walk is themed, so you can tackle one at a time, or simply pick the ones that interest you. From hidden gardens to public railway tunnels, there is no other guide book that uncovers so much of Edinburgh's hidden attractions and history. Each map has clear directions, pictures and a handy map to follow.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Edinburgh is one of Britain's most visited cities, and it is also one of its most historic cities. If you're visiting Edinburgh for the festivals, or as a regular tourist, Historic Walking Guides: Edinburgh is the perfect companion to your trip. Written by Edinburgh expert Andy Hayes, this book takes you on a series of walks through the city uncovering the historic sights and attractions you'll pass along the way. Each walk is themed, so you can tackle one at a time, or simply pick the ones that interest you. From hidden gardens to public railway tunnels, there is no other guide book that uncovers so much of Edinburgh's hidden attractions and history. Each map has clear directions, pictures and a handy map to follow....

The Manning Brothers (Remarkable People)

Jennifer Howse

  The Manning Brothers (Remarkable People)  Jennifer Howse  "Remarkable People" explores the lives of some of the world's best-known people. It features individuals who have overcome major obstacles, achieved great success, or done important things to help others. Highlighting the life and times of each notable person, this biography series provides an in-depth look at the inspiration, achievements, and successes that define these great individuals. Informative firsthand accounts and stunning visuals engage students in compelling and timeless tales....

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Портрет второй жены. Анна Берсенева . Книги.

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