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Non-Governmental Organisations in Japanese Foreign Aid Strategy: Partners or Challengers? Akiko Nanami
Over the last decade, popularity of NGOs in Japan has grown rapidly and drastically after their heroic rescue mission in a site of the Great Awaji-Hanshin Earthquake in 1995 attracted wide media coverage. Acknowledging their popularity in the society, the Japanese government has named them as partners under Japanese official foreign aid strategy called Kao no Mieru Enjyo (Visible Japanese Aid) by establishing cooperative system for them in 1989. However, the initial intentions of the government was to utilise their good reputation to secure credibility for Japanese aid, which has long been internationally criticised. Understanding the intention or not, Japanese NGOs have used various methods of both official and unofficial to be influential over the Japanese official decision-making in foreign aid. This book has examined how they have become externally influential in exclusive political culture, therefore, it is ideal for those who seek to work in NGOs or professional who are already......
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Visual C# 2008 How to Program (3rd Edition) Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Associates Inc.
Created by world-renowned programming instructors Paul and Harvey Deitel, “Visual C# 2008 How to Program, Third Edition” introduces all facets of the C# 2008 language through the Deitels' signature "Live Code™ Approach", that features hundreds of working programs. This book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the major innovations Microsoft has incorporated in Visual C# 2008 and .NET 3.5; The many new platform features covered include: LINQ (Language Integrated Query), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), ASP.NET Ajax and the Microsoft Ajax Library, Silverlight-based rich Internet application development, and creating Web services with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). New language features introduced in this edition: automatic properties, object initializers, partial classes and methods, anonymous methods, Lambda expressions, extension methods, anonymous types, and collection initializers. Extensively updated coverage of delegates.and more sophisticated techniques,......
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Практическое руководство по интегральной йоге Шри Ауробиндо
Профит Стайл. "Работа, подобная той, что у Матери и у меня, - это пройти путь, исследовать все методы, преодолеть горы трудностей, сражаться, терпеть раны, прокладывать дороги через непроходимые болота, пустыню и лес, покорять враждебные массы - работы такой еще не было ни у кого до нас. Лидер в работе, подобной нашей, должен вести человечество к достижению высшей степени познания не в простой игре, а в неумолимой серьезности, побеждая все препятствия, трудности и расстроенные планы упорным трудом на пути... И только потому, что у нас был опыт, мы смогли показать дорогу, которая прямее и короче других. Наш опыт приобретен потрясающей ценой и мы можем предложить его сегодня вам." Шри Ауробиндо...
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Тесты по курсу "Окружающий мир". 3 класс О. В. Узорова, Е. А. Нефедова
АСТ, Астрель, ВКТ. Мастерская учителя начальных классов. В издании представлены контрольные и проверочные тесты по всем темам и разделам уроков курса "Окружающий мир" к учебнику А.А.Плешакова "Окружающий мир. В 2-х частях. 3 класс" (ранее выпускался под названием "Мир вокруг нас"). Они составлены известными учителями-практиками высшей категории О.В.Узоровой и Е.А.Нефедовой. Книгу можно использовать на уроках по курсу "Окружающий мир", а также для индивидуальной работы....
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Kitaj: The Architects, Colin St John Wilson and Mj Long
Through a collection of diary extracts written by the subjects themselves, Kitaj The Architects: Colin St John Wilson and MJ Long provides a fascinating insight into the artistic process of a painting in composition. RB Kitaj started painting The Architects in August of 1979 to celebrate the remodelling of his home by MJ Long. Painted largely without the models present, this portrait of his friends against the backdrop of the stepped bookcase designed for him by Long marks a significant transition in Kitaj's development as an artist. Breaking with his earlier graphic work, Kitaj experimented with technique in search of a renewed artistic vision, arriving at an awkwardness of composition reminiscent of Manet and a colouration inspired by van Gogh. Kitaj: The Architects closely follows this development, documenting each sitting session, from the first preliminary sketches to the final delivery of the painting in late 1981. A thoughtful and revealing take on Kitaj's artistic method,......
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Non-Governmental Organisations in Japanese Foreign Aid Strategy: Partners or Challengers?. Akiko Nanami . Книги.
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