Sickness and Wealth: The Corporate Assault on Global Health

  Sickness and Wealth: The Corporate Assault on Global Health  In this powerful and accessible collection of new essays, international scholars and activists examine how official and corporate actors of globalization-including multinationals, the IMF and World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and In this powerful and accessible collection of new essays, international scholars and activists examine how official and corporate actors of globalization-including multinationals, the IMF and World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and "first world" governments-have enacted policies that limit medical access and promote disease and death for many in the poor world. The contributors to Sickness and Wealth provide a history of health and "development" strategies; reveal the grim health consequences of these policies throughout the world; and highlight the work of activists and organizations currently working for improved global health. Edited by affiliates of Health Alliance International, which is based at the University of Washington in Seattle, Sickness and Wealth features lucid explanations on this pressing topic, as well as instructive graphics and strong photography. Sickness and Wealth provides a history and context for health and development......

Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning (3rd Edition)

Timothy J. Newby, Donald Stepich, James Lehman, James D. Russell

  Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning (3rd Edition)  Timothy J. Newby, Donald Stepich, James Lehman, James D. Russell  The third edition of Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning introduces teachers to the approaches, methods, and procedures for integrating not only computers but also other media into the curriculum. This concise book provides the basics for becoming a knowledgeable educator in the 21st century: understanding the foundations of learning and technology; planning technology/media-supported learning experiences, integrating technology and media meaningfully into the curriculum, and ensuring the success of technology/media-supported lessons.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The third edition of Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning introduces teachers to the approaches, methods, and procedures for integrating not only computers but also other media into the curriculum. This concise book provides the basics for becoming a knowledgeable educator in the 21st century: understanding the foundations of learning and technology; planning technology/media-supported learning experiences, integrating technology and media meaningfully into the curriculum, and ensuring the success of technology/media-supported lessons....

Consensus, Confusion, and Controversy: Selected Land Reform Issues in Sub-saharan Africa (World Bank Working Papers) (World Bank Working Papers)

Rogier van den Brink , Hans Binswanger , John , W. Bruce

  Consensus, Confusion, and Controversy: Selected Land Reform Issues in Sub-saharan Africa (World Bank Working Papers) (World Bank Working Papers)  Rogier van den Brink , Hans Binswanger , John , W. Bruce  Land reform can be divided broadly into land tenure reform (the establishment of secure and formalized property rights in land) and land redistribution (the transfer of land from large to small farmers). This paper therefore is in two parts. The first part focuses on property rights, giving a short narrative of some of the key land tenure and land policy issues. Though these issues remain politically sensitive, a solid consensus is emerging on how to deal with them?but only once the confusion is cleared up surrounding private common property and formal and informal rights. The second part addresses redistributive land reform?the redistribution of property rights in land from large to small farmers. A heightened sense of urgency surrounds the need to address land redistribution, especially in the former settler colonies in southern Africa, but controversy exists regarding the appropriate implementation mechanisms. The study highlights the case of South Africa, because success there...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Land reform can be divided broadly into land tenure reform (the establishment of secure and formalized property rights in land) and land redistribution (the transfer of land from large to small farmers). This paper therefore is in two parts. The first part focuses on property rights, giving a short narrative of some of the key land tenure and land policy issues. Though these issues remain politically sensitive, a solid consensus is emerging on how to deal with them?but only once the confusion is cleared up surrounding private common property and formal and informal rights. The second part addresses redistributive land reform?the redistribution of property rights in land from large to small farmers. A heightened sense of urgency surrounds the need to address land redistribution, especially in the former settler colonies in southern Africa, but controversy exists regarding the appropriate implementation mechanisms. The study highlights the case of South Africa, because success there......

Tao of Sketching: The Complete Guide to Chinese Sketching Techniques

Qu Lei Lei

  Tao of Sketching: The Complete Guide to Chinese Sketching Techniques  Qu Lei Lei  Award-winning artist Qu Lei Lei offers an inspirational view of art from the Chinese perspective. Instead of looking at the sketch as an end in itself, he focuses on the work as personal fulfillment for the artist and as a valued meditation. All the essential techniques are here—from choosing and using materials to mixing the ink to mastering brushstrokes. With the natural world as his subject, Lei Lei pulls out key features—water, trees, landscapes—and focuses on practical ways of depicting their different varieties. A master class covers techniques for capturing pets at play, and for conveying the spirit of all living creatures  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Award-winning artist Qu Lei Lei offers an inspirational view of art from the Chinese perspective. Instead of looking at the sketch as an end in itself, he focuses on the work as personal fulfillment for the artist and as a valued meditation. All the essential techniques are here—from choosing and using materials to mixing the ink to mastering brushstrokes. With the natural world as his subject, Lei Lei pulls out key features—water, trees, landscapes—and focuses on practical ways of depicting their different varieties. A master class covers techniques for capturing pets at play, and for conveying the spirit of all living creatures...

Тайна одноглазой "Джоконды"

Валерий Роньшин

  Тайна одноглазой АСТ, Астрель, Харвест. Любимое чтение. Забраться ночью на кладбище, чуть не взорваться в поезде, бегать по подземелью, как диггер, плавать под водой, драться в самолете... - в каких только переделках не побывала эта девчонка! Еще бы - ведь Эмма Мухина не просто школьница из Москвы, она - агент 013. Она даже не агент, она суперагент; именно ей доверяют сложнейшие международные операции. Об одной из них, секретной, конечно, эта книга....

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Sickness and Wealth: The Corporate Assault on Global Health. . Книги.

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