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It's Broken, Let's Fix It Gerard M. De Beuckelaer
We used to have this saying: "If it ain't broken, don't fix it." It was a powerful piece of wisdom. But then, the re-engineering fashion emerged and that changed everything. This book describes the behavior of the "creature" enterprise as it evolves in an increasingly complex universe. What is this elusive creature really like? Are we able to thoroughly understand its survival and reproduction mechanisms? The book offers a rather merciless analysis of the way things really work. It does so from a human perspective, as we, the people, are at the same time the perpetrators and the victims in the corporate game. The objective is not to indoctrinate or even convince, but to stimulate thought: Let's try to understand things, and then find ways to improve them, without breaking more than we already have....
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Strategic Positioning in the Oil Industry: Trends and Options Paul Stevens, Paul Steven, United Arab Emirates) Energy Conference 1996 Abu Zaby, Paul Stevens Editors)
New challenges and a more competitive market have forced oil producers to search for new technologies in order to remain competitive, whether a producer from the latest technologies is able to dispose of its oil in the international market, or profit from the oil price fluctuations in the commodity market. This new study considers strategic positioning and the options available to countries and companies alike in terms of their upstream and downstream industries....
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The Governance of Privatization Funds: Experiences of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia Marko Simoneti, Saul Estrin, Andreja Bohm
Privatization investment funds are the key feature of mass privatization programs in transitional economies. This book offers a thorough survey of mass privatization programs in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia, supported with extensive empirical analysis. The study of 'top-down' privatization funds in Poland and 'bottom-up' funds in the Czech Republic and Slovenia offers different solutions to the problem of how to improve the governance of privatization funds. The authors argue that the institutional structure of closed-end investment companies and open-end mutual funds has not provided the right incentives to maximize the value for the shareholders. In addition too many regulations are in place in underdeveloped markets to protect new shareholders unaccustomed to exercising their ownership rights. Instead, the authors argue that they need to promote adjustment in fund portfolios and ownership structures in order to spur the development of capital ......
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Sustainable Livelihoods in Kalahari Environments: A Contribution to Global Debates (Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies Series) Deborah Sporton, David S. G. Thomas
This collection provides a comprehensive overview of the dynamics of contemporary natural resource based livelihoods and implications for their sustainability in the context of the Kalahari environment of southern Africa, a region subject to marked spatial and temporal natural variability. Each chapter is written by an active Kalahari researcher and addresses, from an environmental or a social perspective, the implications of different policies for rural livelihoods and coping strategies....
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Managing Scotland's Environment Charles Warren
Scotland's natural environment is its most treasured asset and the subject of its most vociferous debates. Why have the farms, forests, lochs and hills generated such passionate disagreement? Is it so difficult to reconcile the competing demands of society and nature? Can there really be no acceptable way of integrating the various land uses? These are the questions explored in this book. Written in the light of international thinking in environmental management and of the author's practical experience in the Scottish highlands, it tackles the hottest current debates--land reform, the future of farming, public access, conservation of moorland and birds of prey, the place of forestry, and the control of alien species and red deer--and takes up thechallenge of integrating conservation with social and economic objectives. The author also discusses the ethical and philosophical considerations that underlie the practical options. The book is illustrated with photographs and......
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It's Broken, Let's Fix It. Gerard M. De Beuckelaer . Книги.
Нефтекамск, Муром, Энгельс, Коломна, Киров, Орехово-Зуево, Великие Луки, Батайск, Королёв, Тамбов, Ангарск, Прокопьевск, Набережные Челны, Ижевск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Иркутск, Москва ,
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