Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks)

Christopher Dyer

  Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks)  Christopher Dyer  Between 1200 and 1520 medieval English society went through a series of upheavals--wars, pestilence, and rebellion. This book looks at aristocrats, peasants, townsmen, wage-earners, and paupers, and examines how they obtained and spent their incomes. Didthe aristocracy practice conspicuous consumption? Did the peasants really starve? The book focuses on the varying fortunes of different social groups in the inflation of the thirteenth century, the crises of the fourteenth, and the apparent depression of the fifteenth. Dr. Dyer explains the changes in terms of the dynamics of a social and economic system subjected to stimuli and stresses.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Between 1200 and 1520 medieval English society went through a series of upheavals--wars, pestilence, and rebellion. This book looks at aristocrats, peasants, townsmen, wage-earners, and paupers, and examines how they obtained and spent their incomes. Didthe aristocracy practice conspicuous consumption? Did the peasants really starve? The book focuses on the varying fortunes of different social groups in the inflation of the thirteenth century, the crises of the fourteenth, and the apparent depression of the fifteenth. Dr. Dyer explains the changes in terms of the dynamics of a social and economic system subjected to stimuli and stresses....

Policy-Making and Diversity in Europe: Escaping Deadlock (Theories of Institutional Design)

Adrienne Heritier, Adrienne Heritier, Adrienne H^D'eritier

  Policy-Making and Diversity in Europe: Escaping Deadlock (Theories of Institutional Design)  Adrienne Heritier, Adrienne Heritier, Adrienne H^D'eritier  Policy-Making and Diversity in Europe examines the European Union and its policy-making processes. In particular, it asks how an institution that is so riddled with veto points manages to be such an active policy maker. Heritier argues that the diversity of actors' interests and the need for consensus in European institutions would almost inevitably lead to deadlock, were it not for the existence of creative informal strategies and policy-making patterns. Termed by the author Policy-Making and Diversity in Europe examines the European Union and its policy-making processes. In particular, it asks how an institution that is so riddled with veto points manages to be such an active policy maker. Heritier argues that the diversity of actors' interests and the need for consensus in European institutions would almost inevitably lead to deadlock, were it not for the existence of creative informal strategies and policy-making patterns. Termed by the author "subterfuge," these strategies prevent political impasses and "make Europe work."...

How to Pass Psychometric Tests, 2nd Ed

Mike Bryon

  How to Pass Psychometric Tests, 2nd Ed  Mike Bryon  Employers want to ensure they fill their top management positions with candidates of the highest caliber, consequently recruitment to any management position is by rigorous selection, often including a range of psychometric tests.With correct training and practice a candidate can improve on thier expected scores, and this book, from one of the leading testing publishers, provides that opportunity. Fully expanded with brand new tests, it covers the various different types of test faced by the aspiring candidate.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Employers want to ensure they fill their top management positions with candidates of the highest caliber, consequently recruitment to any management position is by rigorous selection, often including a range of psychometric tests.With correct training and practice a candidate can improve on thier expected scores, and this book, from one of the leading testing publishers, provides that opportunity. Fully expanded with brand new tests, it covers the various different types of test faced by the aspiring candidate....

Hard Won Wisdom: More Than 50 Extraordinary Women Mentor You to Find Self-Awareness, Perspective, and Balance

Fawn Germer

  Hard Won Wisdom: More Than 50 Extraordinary Women Mentor You to Find Self-Awareness, Perspective, and Balance  Fawn Germer  Through exclusive interviews with luminaries in everything from medicine and government to business, entertainment, and the military, Hard Won Wisdom shares the insights of female groundbreakers, dreamers, and survivors who've succeeded in their chosen fields and in life. These women know how hard life can be, but they've taken chances, confronted obstacles, and bet on themselves to win. Now they explain how others can follow in their footsteps.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Through exclusive interviews with luminaries in everything from medicine and government to business, entertainment, and the military, Hard Won Wisdom shares the insights of female groundbreakers, dreamers, and survivors who've succeeded in their chosen fields and in life. These women know how hard life can be, but they've taken chances, confronted obstacles, and bet on themselves to win. Now they explain how others can follow in their footsteps....

Behavioral Trading: Methods for Measuring Investor Confidence, Expectations, and Market Trends

Woody Dorsey

  Behavioral Trading: Methods for Measuring Investor Confidence, Expectations, and Market Trends  Woody Dorsey  Have you ever wondered to what extent investor confidence and expectations impact stock market prices? In Behavioral Trading, stock market contrarian, Woody Dorsey, gives readers for the first time insight into his highly profitable proprietary market diagnosis techniques. These are often described as market expectations theory, behavioral finance and most commonly contrary opinion analysis. Dorsey's work is followed by major investors and the financial media seeks his macroeconomic perspective that ismore than six months ahead of the crowd. For the first time, Woody Dorsey shows how his technique makes behavioral economics practical, accessible and understandable. He has developed his unique insights from his research of financial market probabilities during the past twenty years. Market Semiotics, both the name of Dorsey's company and his technique, is a research philosophy based on the logic of behavioral finance. In an illuminating and amusing fashion, this book offers an...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Have you ever wondered to what extent investor confidence and expectations impact stock market prices? In Behavioral Trading, stock market contrarian, Woody Dorsey, gives readers for the first time insight into his highly profitable proprietary market diagnosis techniques. These are often described as market expectations theory, behavioral finance and most commonly contrary opinion analysis. Dorsey's work is followed by major investors and the financial media seeks his macroeconomic perspective that ismore than six months ahead of the crowd. For the first time, Woody Dorsey shows how his technique makes behavioral economics practical, accessible and understandable. He has developed his unique insights from his research of financial market probabilities during the past twenty years. Market Semiotics, both the name of Dorsey's company and his technique, is a research philosophy based on the logic of behavioral finance. In an illuminating and amusing fashion, this book offers an......

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Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks). Christopher Dyer . Книги.

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