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Computer Simulation Analysis of Biological and Agricultural Systems Barney K. Huang
Computer Simulation Analysis of Biological and Agricultural Systems focuses on the integration of mathematical models and the dynamic simulation essential to system analysis, design, and synthesis. The book emphasizes the quantitative dynamic relationships between elements and system responses. Problems of various degrees of difficulty and complexity are discussed to illustrate methods of computer-aided design and analysis that can bridge the gap between theories and applications. These problems cover a wide variety of subjects in the biological and agricultural fields. Specific guidelines and practical methods for defining requirements, developing specifications, and integrating system modeling early in simulation development are included as well. Computer Simulation Analysis of Biological and Agricultural Systems is an excellent text and self-guide for agricultural engineers, agronomists, foresters, horticulturists, soil scientists, mechanical engineers, and computer simulators....
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Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, Third Edition Stuart R. Ball
The less-experienced engineer will be able to apply Ball's advice to everyday projects and challenges immediately with amazing results. In this new edition, the author has expanded the section on debug to include avoiding common hardware, software and interrupt problems. Other new features include an expanded section on system integration and debug to address the capabilities of more recent emulators and debuggers, a section about combination microcontroller/PLD devices, and expanded information on industry standard embedded platforms. * Covers all 'species' of embedded system chips rather than specific hardware * Learn how to cope with 'real world' problems * Design embedded systems products that are reliable and work in real applications...
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Information Security Management Handbook on CD-ROM, 2003 Edition Harold F. Tipton, Micki Krause
The four-volume set of the Information Security Management Handbook is now available on CD-ROM. Containing the complete contents of the set, readers get a resource that is lightweight and portable, linked and searchable by keyword, and organized under the Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) domains. Exportable text and hard copies are available at the click of a mouse. In addition to the four volumes of the most comprehensive resource on information security management, the CD-ROM version provides an extra volume's worth of information that readers will not find anywhere else....
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Data Analysis with JMP-IN« 4.0 Thomas Johnson
The book provides step-by-step instructions in enough detail to allow a user to turn to any section once they know the basics of the JMP® program and the brief form in which the instructions are written. Both the order of the topics and the presentation of this book are centered on the analysis of data....
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Essentials of Dreamweaver MX (Skills and Drills) Kevin A. Siegel
"Skills and Drills" Learning! Learn Dreamweaver MX using IconLogic's critically acclaimed "skills & drills" approach. You will learn how to define sites, format text using cascading style sheets, use the new Design View to create tables, use theHistory palette, import text into a table and format tables, create templates, use libraries, create and work with online forms, create and use frames, add animation and even FTP your completed files to your Internet Service Provider (ISP). This book is a "beginner-intermediate" tutorial that will give you a head start on using Dreamweaver to create and manage Web sites. This is not a bible --nor is it intended for people who consider themselves advanced Dreamweaver users (or for people who already knew older versions of Dreamweaver). That said, there are many people who consider some of the lessons presented (such as style sheets, layers templates, behaviors and timelines) to be advanced topics. We do not agree. The......
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Computer Simulation Analysis of Biological and Agricultural Systems. Barney K. Huang . Книги.
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