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В. Войнович. Малое собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Том 1 В. Войнович
Фабула. Владимир Войнович. Малое собрание сочинений. В. Войнович. Малое собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Том 1. Издание 1993 года. Сохранность хорошая. В первый том собрания сочинений Владимира Войновича вошли повести и рассказы, написанные автором при жизни в СССР и тогда же и тогда же опубликованные (кроме "Путем взаимной переписки" и "В кругу друзей"). Уже первые публикации незаурядного писателя вызвали внимание и одобрение писателей и критиков, а также злобную хулу советских критиканов-ведь настоящее творчество никого не оставляет равнодушным....
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Living & dying with your IRA and other retirement plans: Estate planning for people with large retirement plans (after the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997) Bill S Wolfkiel, Bill, S. Wolfkiel
Living & Dying With Your IRA and Other Retirement Plans is specifically written for IRA participants with account balances of over $750,000 and large estate holders with additional assets. This book outlines current lifetime distribution rules, income and estate tax issues, QTIP marital trust and trust usage rules, with applicable IRS regulations included as endnotes. It is an easy-to-use, in-depth manual, with many actual supported cases, that tells you: How to pay the absolute least amount of tax under the new IRS regulations. How to delay paying tax as long as possible. How to avoid critical mistakes that have crushing consequences. How to maximize and preserve assets for your family-not the government....
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The Political Economy of Environmental Protection: Analysis and Evidence Roger D. Congleton
Underlying all the contributions to this volume is the understanding that both political and economic considerations affect environmental outcomes. Political decisions largely determine the feasible uses of natural resources by defining and enforcing fundamental property rights and entitlements over matters with environmental consequences. By determining the rules of the game, political decisions determine the extent to which humanity is empowered to transform the world, the processes used, and the waste products remaining. Environmental policies and thereby environmental outcomes emerge from a complex political process that accommodates a variety of conflicting interests. The essays in this volume examine the links between politics and economic interdependencies, using the modern tools of economics and public choice. Each essay develops a balanced and generally positive analysis of a particular environmental policy area ranging from international treaties on......
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Entrepreneurial Teams as Determinants of of New Venture Performance (Garland Studies in Entrepreneurship) Michael D. Ensley
Using a multi-dimensional model of the author's own design, this study explores the effect of entrepreneurial team behavior on both organizational strategy and new venture performance. In line with recent research arguing that the entrepreneur may well be a group and not simply an individual, and to provide a much richer and more widely applicable model, this book examines the entrepreneurial team....
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Managing with a Global Mindset Jean-Pierre Jeannet
The new global economic order with its new global imperatives requires substantial changes in the practice of management. Adapting to these changes requires a huge fundamental shift. When companies change so must their managers....
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В. Войнович. Малое собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Том 1. В. Войнович . Книги.
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