Copyright for Archivists and Users of Archives

Tim Padfield

  Copyright for Archivists and Users of Archives  Tim Padfield  Book DescriptionMany Americans - from scholars and genealogists to hobbyists and re-enactors - find themselves using Great Britain's extensive historical archives. The advent of the Internet and the CD Rom has even further increased the use of such materials. It should be noted that British law in regard to use of public documents differs considerably from that of the United States. Tim Padfield is Copyright Officer of the Public Record Office in London and Secretary of the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Council on Public Records. This handy guide offers advice and examples which take account of the special interests of archivists and archive users, and provides sample cases based on actual inquiries. Also included is the full text of the British statutory regulations for the copying of archival and library materials.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionMany Americans - from scholars and genealogists to hobbyists and re-enactors - find themselves using Great Britain's extensive historical archives. The advent of the Internet and the CD Rom has even further increased the use of such materials. It should be noted that British law in regard to use of public documents differs considerably from that of the United States. Tim Padfield is Copyright Officer of the Public Record Office in London and Secretary of the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Council on Public Records. This handy guide offers advice and examples which take account of the special interests of archivists and archive users, and provides sample cases based on actual inquiries. Also included is the full text of the British statutory regulations for the copying of archival and library materials....

Beyond Recall

Mary Meigs

  Beyond Recall  Mary Meigs  Book Description An exquisite painter; intellectual; social activist; and articulate lesbian feminist, Mary Meigs began her writing career at age sixty. She suffered a stroke in 1999. Undaunted, she embraced her new discontinuous fate with both a penetrating curiosity and an utterly undiminished will to create. New, discrete forms of writing emerged: an incisively contemplative journal; a beautifully witty, illustrated fax correspondence; and a fascinating series of collaborative Book Description An exquisite painter; intellectual; social activist; and articulate lesbian feminist, Mary Meigs began her writing career at age sixty. She suffered a stroke in 1999. Undaunted, she embraced her new discontinuous fate with both a penetrating curiosity and an utterly undiminished will to create. New, discrete forms of writing emerged: an incisively contemplative journal; a beautifully witty, illustrated fax correspondence; and a fascinating series of collaborative "free writing" sketches. Lise Weil has constructed a celebratory gathering of these magical pieces in Beyond Recall , Meigs's paean to the indomitable human spirit and its triumph over the infirmities and obstacles old age imposes on the human condition....

The Art of Looking in Hitchcock's Rear Window

Stefan Sharff

  The Art of Looking in Hitchcock's Rear Window  Stefan Sharff  Amazon.comReaders who agree with Stefan Sharff that Amazon.comReaders who agree with Stefan Sharff that "the voyeuristic drive is an unavoidable part of watching a film," will find much food for thought in this book. Sharff contends that the hero of Rear Window , played by James Stewart, is himself a voyeur, and that through him Hitchcock replicates and satirizes the experience of movie watching itself. The author further argues that Hitchcock uses a cinematic "high vernacular" to convey his complex ideas. As he reveals the relationship between the film's visual style and meaning, its form and its content, Sharff walks through it no fewer than three times. In the chapters that make up the heart of this book, he summarizes the movie's plot, then comments on each of its shots in succession, and finally provides a sequential shot list for easy reference. The result is one of the most meticulous analyses of a single film available in print. It should hold a special interest for Hitchcock fans who own Rear Window on......

Bollyworld : Popular Indian Cinema Through A Transnational Lens

  Bollyworld : Popular Indian Cinema Through A Transnational Lens  Book DescriptionThis volume brings together a group of international scholars to analyze the globalized networks of Indian cinema. It provides a critique of a common scholarly tendency in the field of popular cinema of defining Indian films in terms of their modernity and desire for nationhood. Bollyworld argues that Indian cinema cannot be understood in terms of this national paradigm, and must be more properly described as a field of visual and cultural production that interlinks sites as diverse as the cosmopolitan city of Bombay, the provincial region of Maharashtra, and countries such as Nigeria, Germany, South Africa and the United Kingdom. The twelve essays track the intra-national and trans-national movements of Bollywood cinema.Divided into three sections, the first discusses the technology and aesthetics of India's commercial cinema as it developed in the period that spans the silents from 1913 to the advent of the talkies in 1931. The second...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis volume brings together a group of international scholars to analyze the globalized networks of Indian cinema. It provides a critique of a common scholarly tendency in the field of popular cinema of defining Indian films in terms of their modernity and desire for nationhood. Bollyworld argues that Indian cinema cannot be understood in terms of this national paradigm, and must be more properly described as a field of visual and cultural production that interlinks sites as diverse as the cosmopolitan city of Bombay, the provincial region of Maharashtra, and countries such as Nigeria, Germany, South Africa and the United Kingdom. The twelve essays track the intra-national and trans-national movements of Bollywood cinema.Divided into three sections, the first discusses the technology and aesthetics of India's commercial cinema as it developed in the period that spans the silents from 1913 to the advent of the talkies in 1931. The second......

Everything Is Cinema: The Working Life of Jean-Luc Godard

Richard Brody

  Everything Is Cinema: The Working Life of Jean-Luc Godard  Richard Brody  Metropolitan Books.   When Jean-Luc Godard wed the ideals of filmmaking to the realities of autobiography and current events, he changed the nature of cinema. Unlike any earlier films, Godards work shifts fluidly from fiction to documentary, from criticism to art. The man himself also projects shifting imagescultural hero, fierce loner, shrewd businessman. Hailed by filmmakers as aif not thekey influence on cinema, Godard has entered the modern canon, a figure as mysterious as he is indispensable. In Everything Is Cinema, critic Richard Brody has amassed hundreds of interviews to demystify the elusive director and his work. Paying as much attention to Godards technical inventions as to the political forces of the postwar world, Brody traces an arc from the directors early critical writing, through his popular success with Breathless, to the grand vision of his later years. He vividly depicts Godards wealthy conservative family, his fluid politics, and his tumultuous dealings with women and fellow New Wave...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Metropolitan Books. When Jean-Luc Godard wed the ideals of filmmaking to the realities of autobiography and current events, he changed the nature of cinema. Unlike any earlier films, Godards work shifts fluidly from fiction to documentary, from criticism to art. The man himself also projects shifting imagescultural hero, fierce loner, shrewd businessman. Hailed by filmmakers as aif not thekey influence on cinema, Godard has entered the modern canon, a figure as mysterious as he is indispensable. In Everything Is Cinema, critic Richard Brody has amassed hundreds of interviews to demystify the elusive director and his work. Paying as much attention to Godards technical inventions as to the political forces of the postwar world, Brody traces an arc from the directors early critical writing, through his popular success with Breathless, to the grand vision of his later years. He vividly depicts Godards wealthy conservative family, his fluid politics, and his tumultuous dealings with women and fellow New Wave......

<<<  Executive Reports: The Consulting Industry Guide for Client Acquisition & ...             Л. Н. Толстой. Собрание сочинений в 20 томах. Том 13. Воскресение. ... >>>

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Copyright for Archivists and Users of Archives. Tim Padfield . Книги.

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