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An Introduction to Spanish for Health Care Workers: Communication and Culture, Third Edition (Yale Language) Robert O. Chase, Clarisa B. Medina de Chase
Now in its third edition, this widely used textbook is designed for students with little or no formal background in Spanish. It provides the necessary language and vocabulary to facilitate better communication between health care providers and the growing Spanish-speaking community. This classroom text uses readings, exercises, and interactive activities such as challenging and enjoyable improvisation to integrate structure, Spanish medical vocabulary, and colloquial terms that nurses, doctors, dentists, and allied health professionals need most. Rich cultural notes explain Latino customs and communication styles.New to the Third Edition:• DVD video featuring dramatic interactions between a family and its health care providers as well as demonstrations of specific communication tasks in health care• More communicative activities and larger lexicon • Revised and expanded cultural notes • A companion Web site - yalebooks.com/medicalspanish - with self-correcting quizzes and links to......
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The Cradle: A Novel Patrick Somerville
Early one summer morning, Matthew Bishop kisses his still-sleeping wife Marissa, gets dressed and eases his truck through Milwaukee, bound for the highway. His wife, pregnant with their first child, has asked him to find the antique cradle taken years before by her mother Caroline when she abandoned Marissa, never to contact her daughter again. Soon to be a mother herself, Marissa now dreams of nothing else but bringing her baby home to the cradle she herself slept in. His wife does not know-does not want to know-where her mother lives, but Matt has an address for Caroline's sister near by and with any luck, he will be home in time for dinner.Only as Matt tries to track down his wife's mother, he discovers that Caroline, upon leaving Marissa, has led a life increasingly plagued by impulse and irrationality, a mysterious life that grows more inexplicable with each new lead Matt gains, and door he enters. As hours turn into days and Caroline's trail takes Matt from Wisconsin to......
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Clear-Cutting Eden: Ecology and the Pastoral in Southern Literature Christopher Rieger
Clear-Cutting Eden examines how Southern literary depictions of the natural world were influenced by the historical, social, and ecological changes of the 1930s and 1940s. Rieger studies the ways that nature is conceived of and portrayed by four prominent Southern writers of the era: Erskine Caldwell, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Zora Neale Hurston, and William Faulkner. Specifically, he argues that these writers created new versions of an old literary modea??the pastorala??in response to the destabilizing effects of the Great Depression, the rise of Southern modernism, and the mechanization of agricultural jobs. Mass deforestation, soil erosion, urban development, and depleted soil fertility are issues that come to the fore in the works of these writers. In response, each author depicts a network model of nature, where humans are part of the natural world, rather than separate, over, or above it, as in the garden pastorals of the Old South, thus significantly revising the pastoral......
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Эсхил. Софокл. Еврипид. Античная трагедия (аудиокнига MP3) Эсхил. Софокл. Еврипид
аКнига. Прикованный Прометей, Эдип-царь, Эдип в Колоне, Медея, Ипполит, Вакханки. Издание содержит аудиоверсии произведений величайших трагиков античности - Эсхила, Софокла и Еврипида....
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Свинг Инна Александрова
Права человека. В текстах этой книги нет одного - неправды. От первого до последнего слова - как было. Все пережито, передумано, выстрадано автором, чья жизнь не была обычной: в пятидесятом, девятнадцати лет от роду, была репрессирована по политическим мотивам, в пятьдесят пятом - реабилитирована. Инна Александрова - автор нескольких книг. Окончила Казанский университет. Филолог. Учительствовала, преподавала в пединституте, более тридцати лет проработала редактором. Предлагаемая книга - о полных страданий человеческих судьбах, о сталинской неволе, об антисемитизме и, несмотря на это, - о любви. Книга названа джазовым термином потому, что в ней - как в свинге - душа автора: собрано самое сокровенное из того, что написано....
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На главную
An Introduction to Spanish for Health Care Workers: Communication and Culture, Third Edition (Yale Language). Robert O. Chase, Clarisa B. Medina de Chase . Книги.
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