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Developing And Managing a Successful Payment Cards Business
Jeff H. Slawsky, Samee Zafar...
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Challenges to Fiscal Adjustment in Latin America: The Cases of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico OECD. Published by : OECD Publishing
This volume discusses progress made to date in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico in putting their finances in order and points out the challenges ahead. It provides an overview of trends and highlights the diversity of fiscal adjustment pro...
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The French-Inspired Home, with French General Kaari Meng
Kaari Meng’s first-hand knowledge of what makes a beautiful, French-inspired home comes from years of combing French flea markets for unique treasures. Her popular shop, French General, offers handpicked linens and collectibles from her yearly visits to the south of France, plus an array of products to awaken the senses, from bath and laundry potions to ribbons, beads, and baubles. Here, she distills her much sought-after sensibility into 40 charming projects that capture the sights, scents, and textures of the French countryside. They include lavender sachets, lovely etched glasses, pillows, covered hangers, French potting boxes, and herbal lotions. A Selection of the Homestyle Book Club....
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Weaving: Methods, Patterns, and Traditions of the Oldest Art (Wooden Books) Christina Martin
In all early cultures, weaving represented the image of creation. In this beautiful book, Martin presents the history, folklore, and techniques of weaving through various cultures. She explains and illustrates the three basic weave structures-plain weave, twills, and satins-along with many famous weaving patterns. Traditions of dyeing, fiber preparation, and spinning are introduced along with the rich legacy of myths and legends they have engendered. Diagrams illustrate the construction of various looms, from the simple backstrap loom to the complex and revolutionary Jacquard loom. For anyone who has ever knitted, sewn, or woven, this book is a treasure....
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Performance Management: Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines Michael Armstrong
Managing staff performance is an effective mechanism for developing both staff and organizational growth. By clarifying an organization's objectives, translating these into clear individual goals, and reviewing these goals regularly, performance management provides a well-structured and effective management tool....
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Developing And Managing a Successful Payment Cards Business. Jeff H. Slawsky, Samee Zafar . Книги.
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