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Faulty Wiring : A Collection of Short Fiction Keith Blenman
Book DescriptionKeith Blenman returns with his second collection of offbeat short fiction. From the misadventure of a delightfully deceptive statistical engineer to a sidesplitting deal with Death, these stories will definitely leave you thinking. What about? Well, we don't know. But thinking will be done. Happy thoughts. Sad thoughts. Oh yes, your mind will wander in so many tangled and loopy directions; we can't even begin to describe them. But they're loopy. So loopy in fact, you may want to lie down.But first, crack this bad boy to the first page and get ready for the occasionally dark, typically bizarre and always entertaining tales from the faulty mind of an author who screams best seller! No, really. He literally screams it. Honestly. He's screaming it in repetition while holding us hostage as we proofread his back cover. Please, just buy Faulty Wiring and recommend it to a friend. Maybe if it sells he'll actually let us go. Please, there's no time. Save us before he......
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Stories from the Ballet Margaret Greaves
Book DescriptionFrom "Coppelia" to "Giselle", from "The Sleeping Beauty" to "Swan Lake", here are eight stories of famous ballets. Romantic and classical themes take their place beside folk and fairy tales, while much loved comic ballets provide the fun,offering readers an introduction into the world of dance....
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The Pumpkin Fairy William T. Boyd
Book DescriptionThis is the story of the advent of the Pumpkin Fairy. It tells of her quest, which all new fairies must undertake, to find the right good deed with which to earn her magic powers. And how, one memorable Halloween night, she discovers those powers in defense of the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch. In her role as protector of the pumpkins, she deals magically with friends and foes alike. Her new friends include Rollo, the generous pumpkin, and Tatterpatches, the brave but futile scarecow. The villains of the piece are Roggard and his band of marauding coyotes....
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Advances in Radiation Oncology in Lung Cancer (Medical Radiology / Radiation Oncology) J. Franklin Dyer
Book DescriptionAlthough decades of laboratory and clinical research have led to incremental improvement in treatment outcome, lung cancer remains one of the most deadly diseases. This volume is unique in being devoted solely to the radiation oncology oflung cancer, and will be of great value to all who are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Both non-small cell and small cell lung cancer are considered in detail. Current state-of-the-art treatment strategies and novel approaches that promise further improvements in outcome are explained and evaluated, with the aid of high-quality illustrations. Treatment-related toxicity is discussed, and further individual chapters focus on topics such as quality of life studies, prognostic factorsand pitfalls in the design and analysis of clinical trials....
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Every Woman's Guide to Personal Power Wendie Pett
Book DescriptionThis book of self-resistance exercises and the Transformetrics Training System require less time than it takes to drive to the gym and change into exercise clothles, do not require a gym or expensive equipment, and can be done anything inthe comfort and privacy of home....
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Faulty Wiring : A Collection of Short Fiction. Keith Blenman . Книги.
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