Security Fundamentals for E-Commerce (Artech House Computer Security Series)

Vesna Hassler

  Security Fundamentals for E-Commerce (Artech House Computer Security Series)  Vesna Hassler  If you're charged with maintaining the security of e-commerce sites, you need this unique book that provides an in-depth understanding of basic security problems and relevant e-commerce solutions, while helping you implement today's most advanced security technologies. From designing secure Web, e-commerce, and mobile commerce applications to securing your internal network to providing secure employee/user authentication, this cutting-edge book gives you a valuable security perspective you won't find in other resources. Flexibly structured to give you a comprehensive overview or to help you quickly pinpoint topics of immediate concern, the book includes sections on basic security mechanisms, the specific requirements of electronic payment systems, communication security, and Web- and Java-related security issues. A full section is devoted to the security aspects of code and customer mobility, specifically mobile agents, mobile devices, and smart cards. Over 70...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин If you're charged with maintaining the security of e-commerce sites, you need this unique book that provides an in-depth understanding of basic security problems and relevant e-commerce solutions, while helping you implement today's most advanced security technologies. From designing secure Web, e-commerce, and mobile commerce applications to securing your internal network to providing secure employee/user authentication, this cutting-edge book gives you a valuable security perspective you won't find in other resources. Flexibly structured to give you a comprehensive overview or to help you quickly pinpoint topics of immediate concern, the book includes sections on basic security mechanisms, the specific requirements of electronic payment systems, communication security, and Web- and Java-related security issues. A full section is devoted to the security aspects of code and customer mobility, specifically mobile agents, mobile devices, and smart cards. Over 70......

Multi-Agent Systems and Application III: 3rd International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, Ceemas 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, June 16-18, 2003 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2691.)

Ceemas 200, V. Marik, J. P. Muller, Michal Pechouek, Jorg Muller, Michal Pechoucek, Vladimir Marik

  Multi-Agent Systems and Application III: 3rd International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, Ceemas 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, June 16-18, 2003 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2691.)  Ceemas 200, V. Marik, J. P. Muller, Michal Pechouek, Jorg Muller, Michal Pechoucek, Vladimir Marik  This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Central and European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2003, held in Prague, Czech Republic in June 2003. The 58 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 109 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on formal methods, social knowledge and meta-reasoning, negotiation, and policies, ontologies and languages, planning, coalitions, evolution and emergent behaviour, platforms, protocols, security, real-time and synchronization, industrial applications, e-business and virtual enterprises, and Web and mobile agents.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Central and European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2003, held in Prague, Czech Republic in June 2003. The 58 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 109 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on formal methods, social knowledge and meta-reasoning, negotiation, and policies, ontologies and languages, planning, coalitions, evolution and emergent behaviour, platforms, protocols, security, real-time and synchronization, industrial applications, e-business and virtual enterprises, and Web and mobile agents....

QuarkXPress 4.0 : A Step-by-Step Approach

Joanne R. Saliger

  QuarkXPress 4.0 : A Step-by-Step Approach  Joanne R. Saliger  This two-color, spiral-bound textbook is in a workbook format; that is, an explanation of a concept followed by a hands-on activity to demonstrate what was explained. At the end of each chapter are Review Questions and additional exercises for you to complete to reinforce what you learned in the chapter. The step-by-step format begins with basic functions and progresses through more difficult concepts. In the back of the book is a tear-out sheet of all the Macintosh keyboard commands and a tear-out sheet of Windows keyboard commands. In addition, there is a removable clear acetate sheet containing an E-scale for measuring point size, a leading guide for measuring the space between lines of type, a rule guide to assist in determining the width of a rule, and a 10-inch pica/point ruler. A CD-ROM is attached to the back cover containing: * text and graphics files required to complete the activities and exercises in the book * demo copy of QuarkXPress 4.0. It has limited printing...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This two-color, spiral-bound textbook is in a workbook format; that is, an explanation of a concept followed by a hands-on activity to demonstrate what was explained. At the end of each chapter are Review Questions and additional exercises for you to complete to reinforce what you learned in the chapter. The step-by-step format begins with basic functions and progresses through more difficult concepts. In the back of the book is a tear-out sheet of all the Macintosh keyboard commands and a tear-out sheet of Windows keyboard commands. In addition, there is a removable clear acetate sheet containing an E-scale for measuring point size, a leading guide for measuring the space between lines of type, a rule guide to assist in determining the width of a rule, and a 10-inch pica/point ruler. A CD-ROM is attached to the back cover containing: * text and graphics files required to complete the activities and exercises in the book * demo copy of QuarkXPress 4.0. It has limited printing......

Навозный жук летает в сумерках...

Мария Грипе

  Навозный жук летает в сумерках...  Мария Грипе  ОГИ (Объединенное Гуманитарное Издательство).   Дети ОГИ. Книжки на вырост.   В этой ОГИ (Объединенное Гуманитарное Издательство). Дети ОГИ. Книжки на вырост. В этой "детективной" повести сами дети расследуют "дело" о пропавшей когда-то древнеегипетской статуе. Каждого из героев в этом расследовании интересует свое: кого-то статуя, кого-то философия, кого-то человеческие отношения. Из увлекательного детектива дети смогут почерпнуть не только исторические сведения, но и, к примеру, сведения по ботанике и даже философии. Для среднего и старшего школьного возраста....

Исчисление и уплата налога с продаж

В. Б. Гуккаев

  Исчисление и уплата налога с продаж  В. Б. Гуккаев  Главбух.   Библиотека журнала Главбух. Библиотека журнала "Главбух". Налог с продаж действует на территории субъектов РФ уже не первый год. Оп был введен Федеральным законом от 31 июля 1998 г. №150-ФЗ "О внесении изменений и дополнений в статью 20 Закона Российской Федерации "Об основах налоговой системы в РФ". В этом Законе были прописаны лишь общие принципы взимания налога. Конкретные же ставки налога, льготы по нему, порядок исчисления и уплаты устанавливались законами субъектов РФ. С 1 января 2002 года ситуация изменилась. Дело в том, что теперь порядок расчета и уплаты налога с продаж регулирует глава 27 НК РФ. Она изменила объект обложения, установила закрытый перечень льгот по налогу, разъяснила, как нужно уплачивать налог при продаже товаров на территории разных субъектов РФ или через посредников. Предлагаемая книга поможет разобраться в том, как рассчитывать налог с продаж в различных ситуациях. Кроме того, из примеров вы узнаете, как отражать начисление и уплату налога в бухгалтерском учете. Книга будет полезна......

<<<  Mission-Critical Microsoft Exchange 2000, ...             Л. Н. Толстой. Собрание сочинений в 20 томах. Том 13. Воскресение. ... >>>

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Security Fundamentals for E-Commerce (Artech House Computer Security Series). Vesna Hassler . Книги.

Новокуйбышевск, Ковров, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Братск, Южно-Сахалинск, Новочеркасск, Щёлково, Пермь, Стерлитамак, Нефтекамск, Омск, Сочи, Старый Оскол, Орёл, Братск, Старый Оскол, Тобольск, Ярославль, Пенза, Москва , Златоуст, Щёлково, Пятигорск,
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