Generation Rx: How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies

Greg Critser

  Generation Rx: How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies  Greg Critser  Mariner Books.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Mariner Books. -...

Sunrise Tai Chi: Awaken, Heal and Strengthen Your Mind, Body and Spirit

  Sunrise Tai Chi: Awaken, Heal and Strengthen Your Mind, Body and Spirit  Ramel Rones, David Silver  Ramel Rones, David Silver  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ramel Rones, David Silver...

Pius XII, the Holocaust, and the Cold War

Michael Phayer

  Pius XII, the Holocaust, and the Cold War  Michael Phayer  Indiana University Press.   Using newly available material from the U.S. National Archives, Michael Phayer sheds new light on the actions of the Vatican and of the man whom some have called Indiana University Press. Using newly available material from the U.S. National Archives, Michael Phayer sheds new light on the actions of the Vatican and of the man whom some have called "Hitler's Pope." As a new world war loomed, the Vatican believed it had to make a choice between communism and Nazism. Reluctantly, both Pius XII and his predecessor chose the Nazis as the lesser of two evils. In the balance rested the genocide of European Jews. As difficult as his wartime behavior is to accept, perhaps nothing demonstrates Pius's fear of communism more than his misguided and unethical attempt to thwart its growth in South America by abetting the escape of Nazis and Ustasi war criminals. The story of these Vatican "ratlines" adds another facet to the complex picture of Pius XII and the Holocaust....

The Atonement Debate: Papers from the London Symposium on the Theology of Atonement

  The Atonement Debate: Papers from the London Symposium on the Theology of Atonement  Zondervan.   When a popular British evangelical leader appeared to denounce the idea that God was punishing Christ in our place on the cross as a Zondervan. When a popular British evangelical leader appeared to denounce the idea that God was punishing Christ in our place on the cross as a "twisted version of events," "morally dubious," and a "huge barrier to faith" that should be rejected in favour of preaching only that God is love, major controversy was stirred. Many thought the idea of penal substitution was at the heart of the evangelical understanding of the cross, if not the only legitimate interpretation of the death of Christ. Yet for some time less popular evangelical theologians had been calling this traditional interpretation of the atonement into question. The public debate which resulted was often heated. In order to act as reconcilers, the Evangelical Alliance and the London School of Theology called for a symposium in which advocates of the different positions could engage with each other....

Chesterton and Tolkien As Theologians: The Fantasy of the Real

  Chesterton and Tolkien As Theologians: The Fantasy of the Real  Alison Milbank  Alison Milbank  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Alison Milbank...

<<<  Sound Mixing Tips and Tricks. Eddie Bazil             Л. Н. Толстой. Собрание сочинений в 20 томах. Том 13. Воскресение. ... >>>

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Generation Rx: How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies. Greg Critser . Книги.

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