Cuentos De Mujeres Solas

Marcela Serrano

  Cuentos De Mujeres Solas  Marcela Serrano  Book DescriptionThe solitude of women is one of the great subjects of universal Literature. All women either with impossible or tragically lost loves face solitude at some time in their lives. This anthology presents unforgettable stories that portray a psychological state and a peculiar way of life to which women end up getting used to. This anthology contains stories by Flaubert, O?Connor, Chejov, Cheever, Maupassant, Mujica Lainez, Katherine Mansfield and Carlos Fuentes among others. Description in Spanish: Book DescriptionThe solitude of women is one of the great subjects of universal Literature. All women either with impossible or tragically lost loves face solitude at some time in their lives. This anthology presents unforgettable stories that portray a psychological state and a peculiar way of life to which women end up getting used to. This anthology contains stories by Flaubert, O?Connor, Chejov, Cheever, Maupassant, Mujica Lainez, Katherine Mansfield and Carlos Fuentes among others. Description in Spanish: "Si le temes a la soledad, no te cases", aconsejaba Chejov. La soledad de las mujeres es uno de los grandes temas de la literatura universal escrita por hombres y mujeres. Ninas, adolescentes, casadas, viudas, huerfanas, solteras, con amores imposibles o perdidos tragica o incomprensiblemente se enfrentan en algun momento de su vida a la soledad. Esta antologia reune un punado de cuentos inolvidables que retratan, con......

Enciclopedia de las plantas medicinales (Naturaleza y ocio series)

Adolfo Perez

  Enciclopedia de las plantas medicinales (Naturaleza y ocio series)  Adolfo Perez  Book DescriptionFrom vitamins and minerals to aromatherapy and diet, this encyclopedia provides the answers and information for restoring and maintaining good health with natural medicine and remedies. Desde vitaminas y minerales a aromaterapia y dieta, esta enciclopedia contesta todas las preguntas y provee toda la informacion necesaria para lograr y mantener la buena salud con medicinas y remedias naturales.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFrom vitamins and minerals to aromatherapy and diet, this encyclopedia provides the answers and information for restoring and maintaining good health with natural medicine and remedies. Desde vitaminas y minerales a aromaterapia y dieta, esta enciclopedia contesta todas las preguntas y provee toda la informacion necesaria para lograr y mantener la buena salud con medicinas y remedias naturales....

Beauty & the Beast

Christian Benedetto

  Beauty & the Beast  Christian Benedetto  Book Description Beauty and the Beast - a collection of love poems deals with Mr. Benedetto's search for love and his analysis of past and potential loves of his life.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Beauty and the Beast - a collection of love poems deals with Mr. Benedetto's search for love and his analysis of past and potential loves of his life....

The Moviegoing Experience, 1968-2001

Richard W. Haines

  The Moviegoing Experience, 1968-2001  Richard W. Haines  Book DescriptionThe experience of going to the movies, be it a single screen theater, twin, multiplex or drive-in, is affected by many different factors that have shifted over the years. Just as movies emerged from silent to talking, black and white to color, there has invariably been change in the way movies are made, copied, distributed and viewed. This change in the moviegoing experience, for better or for worse, is worth studying. This work examines the American moviegoing experience from 1968 to 2001?the way in which movies are made and regulated (including the demise of the Production Code and the emergence of the ratings system) as well as changes in lighting, cinematography and coloring techniques. The projection practices of the past and present, during and after the presence of the Projectionists Union, and the advent of the Book DescriptionThe experience of going to the movies, be it a single screen theater, twin, multiplex or drive-in, is affected by many different factors that have shifted over the years. Just as movies emerged from silent to talking, black and white to color, there has invariably been change in the way movies are made, copied, distributed and viewed. This change in the moviegoing experience, for better or for worse, is worth studying. This work examines the American moviegoing experience from 1968 to 2001?the way in which movies are made and regulated (including the demise of the Production Code and the emergence of the ratings system) as well as changes in lighting, cinematography and coloring techniques. The projection practices of the past and present, during and after the presence of the Projectionists Union, and the advent of the "platter," which allowed for automated projection, are discussed. How home video and cable affected the content of films after the......

The Promise : How One Woman Made Good on Her Extraordinary Pact to Send a Classroom of 1st Graders to College

Oral Lee Brown

  The Promise : How One Woman Made Good on Her Extraordinary Pact to Send a Classroom of 1st Graders to College  Oral Lee Brown  Book DescriptionIn the bestselling tradition of The Pact and The Freedom Writers Diary —the inspiring story of one woman’s extraordinary promise and steely determination to make a difference in the world. One morning in 1987 Oral Lee Brown walked into a corner store in East Oakland, California, to buy snacks for work. A little girl asked her for a quarter, and Brown assumed that she wanted to buy candy, but surprisingly she bought bread and bologna—staples forher family. Later that day Brown couldn’t get the little girl out of her mind. Why wasn’t she in school? Why was she out begging for money to buy food for her family? After several weeks of not being able to sleep, Brown went to look for the girl at the local elementary school and soon found herself in a first-grade classroom. She didn’t find the little girl, but before she left she found herself promising the kids that if they finished high school, she would...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn the bestselling tradition of The Pact and The Freedom Writers Diary —the inspiring story of one woman’s extraordinary promise and steely determination to make a difference in the world. One morning in 1987 Oral Lee Brown walked into a corner store in East Oakland, California, to buy snacks for work. A little girl asked her for a quarter, and Brown assumed that she wanted to buy candy, but surprisingly she bought bread and bologna—staples forher family. Later that day Brown couldn’t get the little girl out of her mind. Why wasn’t she in school? Why was she out begging for money to buy food for her family? After several weeks of not being able to sleep, Brown went to look for the girl at the local elementary school and soon found herself in a first-grade classroom. She didn’t find the little girl, but before she left she found herself promising the kids that if they finished high school, she would......

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Cuentos De Mujeres Solas. Marcela Serrano . Книги.

Тольятти, Питер, Новокузнецк, Мытищи, Абакан, Каменск-Уральский, Северодвинск, Благовещенск, Томск, Элиста, Электросталь, Рыбинск, Белгород, Курган, Ачинск, Киселёвск, Подольск, Междуреченск, Арзамас, Пятигорск, Чита, Саратов, Омск, Стерлитамак, Абакан, Таганрог, Тула, Калининград, Люберцы, Ставрополь, Воронеж,
Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры| Археология| Испанский, португальский| Компьютерные игры| Молодежные мелодрамы| Обществознание| Общие вопросы права| Эзотерика. Парапсихология. Тайны| Воздушный транспорт. Космонавтика| Спортивные программы| Боевики (actions)| Историческая проза, мифы, легенды| Право. Юридические науки| Таможенное регулирование| Экранизации фантастической литературы| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Исторические драмы| Искусствоведение. История искусств| Мюзиклы| Алгебра. Геометрия| Биографии писателей| Рок| Киноарт, фестивали и награды| Таможенное регулирование| Индийские мелодрамы| Научная фантастика| Гражданское право| Микроэкономика| Культура. Культурология| Статистика| Коммерческое и акционерное право| Литературная критика| Трагикомедии| Семейные комедии| Современные мелодрамы| Беременность. Роды| Делопроизводство и секретарское дело.Офис-менеджмент.| Политика| Науки о Земле| Бизнес-планирование| Хирургия| Информатика|
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