Fedora 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Bible (Bible)

Christopher Negus

  Fedora 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Bible (Bible)  Christopher Negus  From home desktop to enterprise server, here's all the Linux you need! With Fedora Core 5, you get the latest Linux technology and previews of upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux software. Run Fedora Core 5 live (no installation required), install it to hard disk when you're ready, and add hundreds of Fedora Extras packages. Everything comes on the DVD and two CDs included with this book. Use the latest Linux desktop, server, and systems administration features as you learn skills that scale up to professional, commercial-quality Linux systems. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From home desktop to enterprise server, here's all the Linux you need! With Fedora Core 5, you get the latest Linux technology and previews of upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux software. Run Fedora Core 5 live (no installation required), install it to hard disk when you're ready, and add hundreds of Fedora Extras packages. Everything comes on the DVD and two CDs included with this book. Use the latest Linux desktop, server, and systems administration features as you learn skills that scale up to professional, commercial-quality Linux systems. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file....

Money Laundering: A Concise Guide for All Business

  Money Laundering: A Concise Guide for All Business  Doug Hopton  Doug Hopton  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Doug Hopton...

Rescue from Domestic Perfection: The Not-So Secrets of Balancing Life and Style

Dan Ho

  Rescue from Domestic Perfection: The Not-So Secrets of Balancing Life and Style  Dan Ho  With slogans such as With slogans such as "Life over Style" and "Real life is gorgeous, makeovers not allowed," Dan Ho plans to save the DIY audience from home-improvement magazines and home makeover shows by emphasizing self-expression and individualism--not a prescripted formula for a showroom-perfect dwelling. Ho's easy, humorous tone makes the advice accessible and fun to read. Every aspect of domestic life is addressed--cooking, entertaining, decorating, cleaning, organizing, gardening, and maintenance, and, of course, simply being....

Information Technology Investment: Decision-Making Methodology

Marc J. Schniederjans, Jamie L. Hamaker, Ashlyn M. Schniederjans

  Information Technology Investment: Decision-Making Methodology  Marc J. Schniederjans, Jamie L. Hamaker, Ashlyn M. Schniederjans  From the individual to the largest organization, everyone today has to make investments in information technology. Making a good investment that will best satisfy all the necessary decision criteria requires a careful and inclusive analysis. Information Technology Investment: Decision-Making Methodology is a textbook that will provide the understanding of methodologies available to aid in this area of complex, multi-criterion decision-making. It presents a detailed, step-by-step set of procedures and methodologies that readers can use immediately to improve their IT investment decision-making. Unique to this textbook are both financial investment models and more complex decision-making models from management science, so users can extend the analysis benefits to confirm and enhance the ideal IT investment choices. A complimentary copy of the `Instructors Manual and Test Bank' and the PowerPoint presentations of the text materials are available for all instructors who adopt this...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From the individual to the largest organization, everyone today has to make investments in information technology. Making a good investment that will best satisfy all the necessary decision criteria requires a careful and inclusive analysis. Information Technology Investment: Decision-Making Methodology is a textbook that will provide the understanding of methodologies available to aid in this area of complex, multi-criterion decision-making. It presents a detailed, step-by-step set of procedures and methodologies that readers can use immediately to improve their IT investment decision-making. Unique to this textbook are both financial investment models and more complex decision-making models from management science, so users can extend the analysis benefits to confirm and enhance the ideal IT investment choices. A complimentary copy of the `Instructors Manual and Test Bank' and the PowerPoint presentations of the text materials are available for all instructors who adopt this......

Созвездье Пса

Андрей Валентинов

  Созвездье Пса  Андрей Валентинов  Эксмо.   Стрела Времени.   Под бешеным крымским солнцем археологи раскапывают древний Херсонес. Но все ли подвластно науке? Не существует ли некая грань, за которой - непознанное, непознаваемое? Можно ли столкнуться с Фантастикой не в виртуальном, вымышленном мире, а в нашей реальности? Роман Андрея Валентинова написан с использованием подлинных результатов научных исследований автора и его коллег. Тайна Подземного Храма в Херсонесе до сих пор не раскрыта до конца...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Стрела Времени. Под бешеным крымским солнцем археологи раскапывают древний Херсонес. Но все ли подвластно науке? Не существует ли некая грань, за которой - непознанное, непознаваемое? Можно ли столкнуться с Фантастикой не в виртуальном, вымышленном мире, а в нашей реальности? Роман Андрея Валентинова написан с использованием подлинных результатов научных исследований автора и его коллег. Тайна Подземного Храма в Херсонесе до сих пор не раскрыта до конца......

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Fedora 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Bible (Bible). Christopher Negus . Книги.

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