Thank You for the Music : Stories

Jane McCafferty

  Thank You for the Music : Stories  Jane McCafferty  Book DescriptionIn 14 original stories, Jane McCafferty illuminates modern life weaving her love of music throughout the lives and stories of her characters. From two middle-aged strangers who meet in an empty baseball stadium during a rainstorm, to a 23-year-old man who brings his 62-year-old wife home to meet his parents, to a young couple who live next door to an unemployed clown and his wife, these stories are at one unexpected and enthralling. This collection of short stories, linked by the theme of music, is a gorgeous follow-up to One Heart , award-winning writer Jane McCafferty?s critically acclaimed debut novel.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn 14 original stories, Jane McCafferty illuminates modern life weaving her love of music throughout the lives and stories of her characters. From two middle-aged strangers who meet in an empty baseball stadium during a rainstorm, to a 23-year-old man who brings his 62-year-old wife home to meet his parents, to a young couple who live next door to an unemployed clown and his wife, these stories are at one unexpected and enthralling. This collection of short stories, linked by the theme of music, is a gorgeous follow-up to One Heart , award-winning writer Jane McCafferty?s critically acclaimed debut novel....

The Politics and Plays of Bernard Shaw

Judith Evans

  The Politics and Plays of Bernard Shaw  Judith Evans  Book DescriptionDo politics and the playhouse go together? For Bernard Shaw they most certainly did. As a playwright with a message he saw the theatre as the ideal medium for conveying his view of life, which was essentially socialistic. The theatre was to Shaw a latter-day temple of the arts within a community. But Shaw was, of course, multi-voiced, not only through the characters he created but also in his own persona as public speaker, essayist, tract writer and author of works on political economy. Much of the thinking that is expressed in his non-dramatic works is contained also in his plays. This work offers a readily accessible means of looking at the nature and the progression of Shaw?s thinking. All the plays included in the majorcanon are reviewed and, except for brief plays and playlets (which are grouped), they are presented in sequential order.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDo politics and the playhouse go together? For Bernard Shaw they most certainly did. As a playwright with a message he saw the theatre as the ideal medium for conveying his view of life, which was essentially socialistic. The theatre was to Shaw a latter-day temple of the arts within a community. But Shaw was, of course, multi-voiced, not only through the characters he created but also in his own persona as public speaker, essayist, tract writer and author of works on political economy. Much of the thinking that is expressed in his non-dramatic works is contained also in his plays. This work offers a readily accessible means of looking at the nature and the progression of Shaw?s thinking. All the plays included in the majorcanon are reviewed and, except for brief plays and playlets (which are grouped), they are presented in sequential order....

Oliver Stone's USA: Film, History, and Controversy

Robert Brent Toplin

  Oliver Stone's USA: Film, History, and Controversy  Robert Brent Toplin  University Press of Kansas.   Challenging audiences and leaving critics in disarray, the films of Oliver Stone have compelled viewers to reexamine many of their most revered beliefs about America's past. Like no other filmmaker, Stone has left an indelible mark on public opinion and political life, even as he has generated enormous controversy and debate among those who take issue with his dramatic use of history. This book brings Stone face-to-face with some of his most thoughtful critics and supporters and allows Stone himself ample room to respond to their views. Featuring such luminaries as David Halberstam, Stephen Ambrose, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Walter LaFeber, and Robert Rosenstone, these writers critique Stone's most contested films to show how they may distort, amplify, or transcend the historical realities they appear to depict. These essays--on Salvador, Platoon, Wall Street, Born on the Fourth of July, The Doors, JFK, Heaven and Earth, Natural Born Killers, and Nixon --enlarge...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин University Press of Kansas. Challenging audiences and leaving critics in disarray, the films of Oliver Stone have compelled viewers to reexamine many of their most revered beliefs about America's past. Like no other filmmaker, Stone has left an indelible mark on public opinion and political life, even as he has generated enormous controversy and debate among those who take issue with his dramatic use of history. This book brings Stone face-to-face with some of his most thoughtful critics and supporters and allows Stone himself ample room to respond to their views. Featuring such luminaries as David Halberstam, Stephen Ambrose, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Walter LaFeber, and Robert Rosenstone, these writers critique Stone's most contested films to show how they may distort, amplify, or transcend the historical realities they appear to depict. These essays--on Salvador, Platoon, Wall Street, Born on the Fourth of July, The Doors, JFK, Heaven and Earth, Natural Born Killers, and Nixon --enlarge......

Elfriede's Cat: Notes of a High School Literature Teacher : Notes of a High School Literature Teacher

George Roberts

  Elfriede's Cat: Notes of a High School Literature Teacher : Notes of a High School Literature Teacher  George Roberts  Book DescriptionDesigned to enhance public discourse about education, to honor the work teachers are doing every day in their classrooms, and to honor students.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDesigned to enhance public discourse about education, to honor the work teachers are doing every day in their classrooms, and to honor students....

Ходячие и меткие слова

М. И. Михельсон

  Ходячие и меткие слова  М. И. Михельсон  Терра.   Ходячие и меткие слова. Сборник русских и иностранных цитат, пословиц, поговорок, пословичных выражений и отдельных слов (иносказаний).   Педагог и общественный деятель Михельсон Мориц Ильич (1825 - 1908), закончив Главный педагогический институт, работал инспектором училищ Санкт - Петербургского учебного округа. В 80 - х гг. был деятельным гласным Санкт - Петербургской городской думы. Михельсон автор - составитель `Приготовительного курса русского языка` (1856), `Практического руководства для переводов с французского языка на русский и обратно для старших классов средних учебных заведений` (1865). В 1890 г. появился его немецкий перевод Кольцова, замечательный по близости к подлиннику; за ним последовали `Russischer Fabelschatz` (1890) - перевод басен Хемницера, Крылова, Измайлова и др. - и обширное и ценное собрание типичных выражений на семи языках `Ходячие и меткие слова`.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Терра. Ходячие и меткие слова. Сборник русских и иностранных цитат, пословиц, поговорок, пословичных выражений и отдельных слов (иносказаний). Педагог и общественный деятель Михельсон Мориц Ильич (1825 - 1908), закончив Главный педагогический институт, работал инспектором училищ Санкт - Петербургского учебного округа. В 80 - х гг. был деятельным гласным Санкт - Петербургской городской думы. Михельсон автор - составитель `Приготовительного курса русского языка` (1856), `Практического руководства для переводов с французского языка на русский и обратно для старших классов средних учебных заведений` (1865). В 1890 г. появился его немецкий перевод Кольцова, замечательный по близости к подлиннику; за ним последовали `Russischer Fabelschatz` (1890) - перевод басен Хемницера, Крылова, Измайлова и др. - и обширное и ценное собрание типичных выражений на семи языках `Ходячие и меткие слова`....

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Thank You for the Music : Stories. Jane McCafferty . Книги.

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