Keynes, Pigou and Cambridge Keynesians : Authenticity and Analytical Perspective in the Keynes-Classics Debate

Gerhard Michael Ambrosi

  Keynes, Pigou and Cambridge Keynesians : Authenticity and Analytical Perspective in the Keynes-Classics Debate  Gerhard Michael Ambrosi  Book Description The sequence of antagonistic Book Description The sequence of antagonistic "'revolutions" and counter-revolutions' between Keynesian and Classical Economics was in the end quite sterile. Fostering a dialogical conception of economics argument, we reconstruct the Pigouvian analytical "node" and the debate unfolding between Keynes and Pigou. The Cambridge "Keynesians" Joan Robinson and Richard Kahn broke that fledging dialogue and ungracefully abandoned a number of Keynes'--and also some of their own--central conceptions. Re-thinking this dialogue leads to new analytical paradigms and perspectives....

100 Secretos de la Gente Exitosa, Los : Lo que los Cientificos Han Descubierto y Como Puede Aplicarlo a Su Vida

David Niven

  100 Secretos de la Gente Exitosa, Los : Lo que los Cientificos Han Descubierto y Como Puede Aplicarlo a Su Vida  David Niven  Book Description La Ciencia del Exito ?Que tiene en comun la gente exitosa? Los cientificos han estudiado el caracter, las creencias y las costumbres de personas exitosas de toda profesion y clase social, pero sus investigaciones casi siempre acaban en publicaciones academicas que solamente leen otros cientificos. Ahora, el autor bestseller de Los 100 Secretos de la Gente Feliz ha reunido la informacion mas reciente e importante de los miles de estudios que se han hecho acerca del exito, y explica los descubrimientos claves en un lenguaje sencillo y facil de comprender. Los 100 Secretos de la Gente Exitosa ofrece excelentes consejos para lograr el exito en todos aspectos de su vida. Incluye inspiradoras historias como la de Paul Gonzales, un hombre que surgio de un vecindario de Los Angeles dominado por pandillas, para convertirse en medallero de oro de las Olimpiadas;...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description La Ciencia del Exito ?Que tiene en comun la gente exitosa? Los cientificos han estudiado el caracter, las creencias y las costumbres de personas exitosas de toda profesion y clase social, pero sus investigaciones casi siempre acaban en publicaciones academicas que solamente leen otros cientificos. Ahora, el autor bestseller de Los 100 Secretos de la Gente Feliz ha reunido la informacion mas reciente e importante de los miles de estudios que se han hecho acerca del exito, y explica los descubrimientos claves en un lenguaje sencillo y facil de comprender. Los 100 Secretos de la Gente Exitosa ofrece excelentes consejos para lograr el exito en todos aspectos de su vida. Incluye inspiradoras historias como la de Paul Gonzales, un hombre que surgio de un vecindario de Los Angeles dominado por pandillas, para convertirse en medallero de oro de las Olimpiadas;......

Developments in Organizational Politics: How Political Dynamics Affect Employee Performance in Modern Worksites

Eran Vigoda-Gadot

  Developments in Organizational Politics: How Political Dynamics Affect Employee Performance in Modern Worksites  Eran Vigoda-Gadot  Book DescriptionDevelopments in Organizational Politics presents a comprehensive analysis of organizational politics and its meaning and application for employees and managers in modern worksites. Eran Vigoda suggests an integrative model that triesto explain how politics, and especially perceptions of politics, emerges, transforms and affects employees? performance and other work related outcomes in organizations. The analysis is based on empirical data collected over almost a decade of fieldstudies. This data uses a variety of scientific methods to demonstrate how internal politics may be related to job attitudes, behavioral intentions as well as actual behaviors of employees. Special attention is given to non-profit organizations but analysis of businesses and private firms is also included. The book will be essential reading for academics and researchers from the fields of organizational behavior, human resource management and is also useful for practitioners who...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDevelopments in Organizational Politics presents a comprehensive analysis of organizational politics and its meaning and application for employees and managers in modern worksites. Eran Vigoda suggests an integrative model that triesto explain how politics, and especially perceptions of politics, emerges, transforms and affects employees? performance and other work related outcomes in organizations. The analysis is based on empirical data collected over almost a decade of fieldstudies. This data uses a variety of scientific methods to demonstrate how internal politics may be related to job attitudes, behavioral intentions as well as actual behaviors of employees. Special attention is given to non-profit organizations but analysis of businesses and private firms is also included. The book will be essential reading for academics and researchers from the fields of organizational behavior, human resource management and is also useful for practitioners who......

Inside the Minds: Public Relations Best Practices--Industry Insiders Offer Proven Tips for the Most Effective Communications Strategies (Inside the Minds)

Kari Russ

  Inside the Minds: Public Relations Best Practices--Industry Insiders Offer Proven Tips for the Most Effective Communications Strategies (Inside the Minds)  Kari Russ  Allyn & Bacon.   Book DescriptionInside the Minds: Public Relations Best Practices is an authoritative, insider's perspective on the ins and outs of public relations today and the future of the industry on a global scale. Featuring Presidents and CEOs representing some of the nation's leading PR firms, this book provides a broad, yet comprehensive overview of the most significant issues in PR today. Stressing the importance of carefully planned and professionally executed communications strategies, authors articulate thefiner points of what can often be a nebulous realm within the business world. From targeted regional campaigns to proven online tactics, from the effects of the regulatory corporate environment to the role of the CEO, each chapter provides specific and relevant information for any organization, whether embarking on a new PR program, managing a crisis, or building a brand. An unprecedented collection of different niches and perspectives from the public relations world, this book! is...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Allyn & Bacon. Book DescriptionInside the Minds: Public Relations Best Practices is an authoritative, insider's perspective on the ins and outs of public relations today and the future of the industry on a global scale. Featuring Presidents and CEOs representing some of the nation's leading PR firms, this book provides a broad, yet comprehensive overview of the most significant issues in PR today. Stressing the importance of carefully planned and professionally executed communications strategies, authors articulate thefiner points of what can often be a nebulous realm within the business world. From targeted regional campaigns to proven online tactics, from the effects of the regulatory corporate environment to the role of the CEO, each chapter provides specific and relevant information for any organization, whether embarking on a new PR program, managing a crisis, or building a brand. An unprecedented collection of different niches and perspectives from the public relations world, this book! is......

Счастье земное, кара небесная. Роковые тайны окружения Пушкина

Елена Шатохина

  Счастье земное, кара небесная. Роковые тайны окружения Пушкина  Елена Шатохина  Вагриус.   Роман Елены Шатохиной можно отнести к гипотетическим произведениям о жизни поэта. Используя подлинные письма Пушкина и его окружения, автор мастерски соединил эпистолярный жанр, детектив, историческую повесть и мелодраму. Тонкие намеки в письмах, игра слов рисуют сюжет последнего года жизни поэта - неожиданный и ужасный.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Вагриус. Роман Елены Шатохиной можно отнести к гипотетическим произведениям о жизни поэта. Используя подлинные письма Пушкина и его окружения, автор мастерски соединил эпистолярный жанр, детектив, историческую повесть и мелодраму. Тонкие намеки в письмах, игра слов рисуют сюжет последнего года жизни поэта - неожиданный и ужасный....

<<<  Mac OS X Jaguar. Полное руководство пользователя. Джесси Фейлер             Стоматология детского возраста. Л. С. Персин, В. ... >>>

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Keynes, Pigou and Cambridge Keynesians : Authenticity and Analytical Perspective in the Keynes-Classics Debate. Gerhard Michael Ambrosi . Книги.

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