Заупокойная свеча

Элина Самарина

  Заупокойная свеча  Элина Самарина  РИК Русанова.   Аз воздам!.   Окунувшись в жестокий мир бизнеса, Алиса сталкивается с вероломством, предательством, изменой близких людей. Ей ничего не остается, как встать на тропу мести. Но месть ее носит особый характер.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин РИК Русанова. Аз воздам!. Окунувшись в жестокий мир бизнеса, Алиса сталкивается с вероломством, предательством, изменой близких людей. Ей ничего не остается, как встать на тропу мести. Но месть ее носит особый характер....

К востоку от Эдема. Том 2

Джон Стейнбек

  К востоку от Эдема. Том 2  Джон Стейнбек  СЛОВО/SLOVO.   У камина.   Роман классика американской литературы Джона Стейнбека СЛОВО/SLOVO. У камина. Роман классика американской литературы Джона Стейнбека "К востоку от Эдема" ("East of Eden", 1952), по определению автора, главная книга всего его творчества. Это - своего рода аллегория библейской легенды о Каине и Авеле, действие которой перенесено в современную Америку; семейная сага, навеянная историей предков писателя по материнской линии....

Global Credit Management : An Executive Summary (The Wiley Finance Series)

Ron Wells

  Global Credit Management : An Executive Summary (The Wiley Finance Series)  Ron Wells  In many companies credit management is a passive and reactive discipline. This results in significant receivables assets weighing heavily on balance sheets, dragging down cash flow and inhibiting growth. The power of credit is shackled, muted. Release the power and passion of credit management in your company. Proactively squeeze every morsel of value out of receivables and simultaneously, protect your company from the bad debt danger that lurks in the value chain. Harness the power of credit to effectively manage your company's receivables. Immediately make a positive difference in your company, and use this book as a resource for years to come. Reading Global Credit Management will help you wake the sleeping giant on your balance sheet make receivables earn their keep, just like every other asset. wrest control of credit from bureaucratic processes, grab it by the throat and wring out...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In many companies credit management is a passive and reactive discipline. This results in significant receivables assets weighing heavily on balance sheets, dragging down cash flow and inhibiting growth. The power of credit is shackled, muted. Release the power and passion of credit management in your company. Proactively squeeze every morsel of value out of receivables and simultaneously, protect your company from the bad debt danger that lurks in the value chain. Harness the power of credit to effectively manage your company's receivables. Immediately make a positive difference in your company, and use this book as a resource for years to come. Reading Global Credit Management will help you wake the sleeping giant on your balance sheet make receivables earn their keep, just like every other asset. wrest control of credit from bureaucratic processes, grab it by the throat and wring out......

Forecasting Non-Stationary Economic Time Series (Zeuthen Lectures)

Michael P. Clements, David F. Hendry

  Forecasting Non-Stationary Economic Time Series (Zeuthen Lectures)  Michael P. Clements, David F. Hendry  In their second book on economic forecasting, Michael Clements and David Hendry ask why some practices seem to work empirically despite a lack of formal support from theory. After reviewing the conventional approach to economic forecasting, they look at the implications for causal modeling, present a taxonomy of forecast errors, and delineate the sources of forecast failure. They show that forecast-period shifts in deterministic factors--interacting with model misspecification, collinearity, and inconsistent estimation--are the dominant source of systematic failure. They then consider various approaches for avoiding systematic forecasting errors, including intercept corrections, differencing, co-breaking, and modeling regime shifts; they emphasize the distinction between equilibrium correction (based on cointegration) and error correction (automatically offsetting past errors). Their results on forecasting have wider implications for the conduct of empirical econometric research,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In their second book on economic forecasting, Michael Clements and David Hendry ask why some practices seem to work empirically despite a lack of formal support from theory. After reviewing the conventional approach to economic forecasting, they look at the implications for causal modeling, present a taxonomy of forecast errors, and delineate the sources of forecast failure. They show that forecast-period shifts in deterministic factors--interacting with model misspecification, collinearity, and inconsistent estimation--are the dominant source of systematic failure. They then consider various approaches for avoiding systematic forecasting errors, including intercept corrections, differencing, co-breaking, and modeling regime shifts; they emphasize the distinction between equilibrium correction (based on cointegration) and error correction (automatically offsetting past errors). Their results on forecasting have wider implications for the conduct of empirical econometric research,......

Xenophon's Socratic Discourse: An Interpretation of the Oeconomicus

Leo Strauss, Carnes Lord

  Xenophon's Socratic Discourse: An Interpretation of the Oeconomicus  Leo Strauss, Carnes Lord  Xenophon's only true Socratic discourse, the Oeconomicus, is a dialogue between Socrates and a gentleman-farmer on the art of household management and the art of farming as practiced on a gentleman's estate. It is generally acknowledged to be the oldest surviving work devoted to Xenophon's only true Socratic discourse, the Oeconomicus, is a dialogue between Socrates and a gentleman-farmer on the art of household management and the art of farming as practiced on a gentleman's estate. It is generally acknowledged to be the oldest surviving work devoted to "economics," and it constitutes the classic statement of "economic" thought in ancient Greece. The dialogue examines the roles of husband and wife in the household and the division of labor between them, and considers the duties of the farm steward and the housekeeper. It discusses the goals of efficient management and the means for attaining these goals....

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Заупокойная свеча. Элина Самарина . Книги.

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