Pratt's Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources, 2008 Edition (Pratt's Guide to Private Equity Sources)

  Pratt's Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources, 2008 Edition (Pratt's Guide to Private Equity Sources)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Focus on Cuba: Current Issues and Developments

  Focus on Cuba: Current Issues and Developments  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Culture and Conflict in the Middle East

Philip Carl Salzman

  Culture and Conflict in the Middle East  Philip Carl Salzman  Humanity Books.   In an era of increasing interaction between the United States and the countries of the Middle East, it has become ever more important for Americans to understand the social forces that shape Middle Eastern cultures. Based on years of his own field research and the ethnographic reports of other scholars, anthropologist Philip Carl Salzman presents an incisive analysis of Middle Eastern culture that goes a long way toward explaining the gulf between Western and Middle Eastern cultural perspectives. Salzman focuses on two basic principles of tribal organization that have become central principles of Middle Eastern life--balanced opposition (each group of whatever size and scope is opposed by a group of equal size and scope) and affiliation solidarity (always support those closer against those more distant). On the positive side, these pervasive structural principles support a decentralized social and political system based upon individual independence, autonomy, liberty, equality,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Humanity Books. In an era of increasing interaction between the United States and the countries of the Middle East, it has become ever more important for Americans to understand the social forces that shape Middle Eastern cultures. Based on years of his own field research and the ethnographic reports of other scholars, anthropologist Philip Carl Salzman presents an incisive analysis of Middle Eastern culture that goes a long way toward explaining the gulf between Western and Middle Eastern cultural perspectives. Salzman focuses on two basic principles of tribal organization that have become central principles of Middle Eastern life--balanced opposition (each group of whatever size and scope is opposed by a group of equal size and scope) and affiliation solidarity (always support those closer against those more distant). On the positive side, these pervasive structural principles support a decentralized social and political system based upon individual independence, autonomy, liberty, equality,......

What Were They Thinking?: When Organizations Say One Thing But Do Another

Jim Ollhoff

  What Were They Thinking?: When Organizations Say One Thing But Do Another  Jim Ollhoff  The research question for this study was, ?What are the cognitive or emotional mechanisms that enable people to pursue strategy that is contrary to their stated goals, even in light of evidence that suggests that their strategy is failing to achieve those goals?? The phenomena under study were people in systems that pursued strategies contrary to their desired goals. The people under study were driven by activities contrary to their own self-interest?until massive failure occurred. An examination of each of these cases revealed what the participants were thinking as they rushed to their own demise. The study identified 6 patterns of thinking that were present in the cases. These error-prone patterns were the magic answer, tyranny of the immediate, strategic inertia, strategic muddling, wooden-headedness, and invulnerability. A common fundamental error was found to underlie each of the patterns. The fundamental error was the denial of complexity?reducing the complex issues into...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The research question for this study was, ?What are the cognitive or emotional mechanisms that enable people to pursue strategy that is contrary to their stated goals, even in light of evidence that suggests that their strategy is failing to achieve those goals?? The phenomena under study were people in systems that pursued strategies contrary to their desired goals. The people under study were driven by activities contrary to their own self-interest?until massive failure occurred. An examination of each of these cases revealed what the participants were thinking as they rushed to their own demise. The study identified 6 patterns of thinking that were present in the cases. These error-prone patterns were the magic answer, tyranny of the immediate, strategic inertia, strategic muddling, wooden-headedness, and invulnerability. A common fundamental error was found to underlie each of the patterns. The fundamental error was the denial of complexity?reducing the complex issues into......

Практический курс арабского литературного языка. Том 2. Часть 3. Основной курс

В. Г. Лебедев, Л. С. Тюрева

  Практический курс арабского литературного языка. Том 2. Часть 3. Основной курс  В. Г. Лебедев, Л. С. Тюрева  АСТ, Восток-Запад.   Основной курс арабского языка является продолжением нормативного курса АСТ, Восток-Запад. Основной курс арабского языка является продолжением нормативного курса "Практического курса арабского литературного языка" и завершает Базовый учебник арабского языка. Рассчитан на студентов, успешно усвоивших грамматический и лексический материал "Нормативного курса" и обладающих прочными навыками и умениями речевой деятельности в пределах изученной тематики. Учебник построен по той же технологии, что и "Нормативный курс". Каждая тема состоит из 5 уроков. Учебник ориентирован на обучение студентов по специальностям "Перевод и переводоведение", "Культурология", "Регионоведение", предусмотренным Госстандартом высшего образования....

<<<  Пунктирная линия. Сергей Высоцкий             Практическая грамматика разговорного английского языка ... >>>

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Pratt's Guide to Private Equity & Venture Capital Sources, 2008 Edition (Pratt's Guide to Private Equity Sources). . Книги.

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