Information Visualization, Second Edition: Perception for Design (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies)

Colin Ware

  Information Visualization, Second Edition: Perception for Design (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies)  Colin Ware  Most designers know that yellow text presented against a blue background reads clearly and easily, but how many can explain why, and what really are the best ways to help others and ourselves clearly see key patterns in a bunch of data? This book explores the art and science of why we see objects the way we do. Based on the science of perception and vision, the author presents the key principles at work for a wide range of applications--resulting in visualization of improved clarity, utility, and persuasiveness. The book offers practical guidelines that can be applied by anyone: interaction designers, graphic designers of all kinds (including web designers), data miners, and financial analysts. *First work to use the science of perception to help serious designers and analysts optimize understanding and perception of their data visualizations. * Major revision of this classic work, with a new chapter on visual thinking, new sections on face perception and flow...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Most designers know that yellow text presented against a blue background reads clearly and easily, but how many can explain why, and what really are the best ways to help others and ourselves clearly see key patterns in a bunch of data? This book explores the art and science of why we see objects the way we do. Based on the science of perception and vision, the author presents the key principles at work for a wide range of applications--resulting in visualization of improved clarity, utility, and persuasiveness. The book offers practical guidelines that can be applied by anyone: interaction designers, graphic designers of all kinds (including web designers), data miners, and financial analysts. *First work to use the science of perception to help serious designers and analysts optimize understanding and perception of their data visualizations. * Major revision of this classic work, with a new chapter on visual thinking, new sections on face perception and flow......

Cybercrime: An Overview of the Federal Computer Fraud And Abuse Statute And Related Federal Criminal Laws

  Cybercrime: An Overview of the Federal Computer Fraud And Abuse Statute And Related Federal Criminal Laws  Charles Doyle, Alyssa Bartlett Weir  Charles Doyle, Alyssa Bartlett Weir  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Charles Doyle, Alyssa Bartlett Weir...

Photo Projects: Plan and Publish Your Photography - in Print and on the Internet

Chris Dickie

  Photo Projects: Plan and Publish Your Photography - in Print and on the Internet  Chris Dickie  Digital technology now makes it possible for photographers to publish their work in a wide variety of forms and media. This unique book is aimed at photographers who wish to give their work a new direction and focus. Undertaking a personal project?whether for a magazine, a book, a website, a commission, or an exhibition?offers photographers an opportunity to broaden their horizons and develop their art. This outstanding guide takes photographers through all the thought processes and planning necessary to successfully publish their work, and offers a wealth of expert advice from both the author and the 30 other featured photographers. Highly illustrated with color and monochrome images from project-based practice, the book showcases a mix of commercial, fine-art, documentary, and commissioned photographs. Chris Dickie has been a photographer and leading photographic editor for more than 30 years.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Digital technology now makes it possible for photographers to publish their work in a wide variety of forms and media. This unique book is aimed at photographers who wish to give their work a new direction and focus. Undertaking a personal project?whether for a magazine, a book, a website, a commission, or an exhibition?offers photographers an opportunity to broaden their horizons and develop their art. This outstanding guide takes photographers through all the thought processes and planning necessary to successfully publish their work, and offers a wealth of expert advice from both the author and the 30 other featured photographers. Highly illustrated with color and monochrome images from project-based practice, the book showcases a mix of commercial, fine-art, documentary, and commissioned photographs. Chris Dickie has been a photographer and leading photographic editor for more than 30 years....

Drive to Win: The Essential Guide to Race Driving

Carroll Smith

  Drive to Win: The Essential Guide to Race Driving  Carroll Smith  SAE International.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин SAE International. -...

Алгебра сигнатур "Пустота"

Михаэль Гаухман

  Алгебра сигнатур ЛКИ. Книга "Пустота" является очередной частью единого исследования под общим названием "Алгебра сигнатур" (Алсигна). В данной части Алсигны рассматривается топологически расслоенная, бесконечномерная структура "пустоты" (вакуума), исследуется спинорная структура вакуума, излагаются основы вакуумной кинематики и динамики. В последних главах данной части Алсигны заложены основы геометризированной вакуумной электродинамики. С другой стороны, данная часть Алсигны - это попытка осознать, как Непроизносимое Имя Творца (Тетраграмматон) многолико и многогранно Раскрывается в глубинах "Бесконечной Пустоты", являющейся Исходной Основой для Процесса Творения миров. Это своеобразная попытка наполнить физику Духом Торы. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся проблемами строения Мироздания. Она может представлять интерес и для специалистов в области естественных и гуманитарных наук - физиков, математиков, философов и лингвистов....

<<<  Полковая наша семья. М. Ф. Манакин             Практическая грамматика разговорного английского языка ... >>>

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Information Visualization, Second Edition: Perception for Design (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies). Colin Ware . Книги.

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