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Chad Energy Policy, Laws and Regulation Handbook (World Law Business Library) Ibp Usa
Chad Energy Policy, Laws and Regulation Handbook...
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The New Managers Primer Dr. Woodrow Sears
As a new manager, how will you win with the people at work the people you will supervise and lead and who will ultimately make you successful? The New Manager s Primer provides practical guidance all the way from Slovakia and is your shortcut to success. Author Woodrow Sears is an internationally renowned consultant who has worked with countless American managers in hundreds of organizations and industries. This book began as his notes of stories he told to young Slovaks who were working in a center established by the U.S. Agency for International Development. They wanted to know about life in corporate America and expectations they would have to meet when they entered a market-driven company. The nine small lessons cover issues that are central to understanding the people-requirements of any enterprise: Getting results Planning in a managed environment How to plan Getting people to perform Celebrating the best work and best workers Building your team Discovering the way your......
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The Idea Generator: Tools for Business Growth Ken Hudson
The effective and practical tools outlined in this powerful handbook help businesspeople solve problems, create new opportunities, and improve individual and team performance. Exploring the typical ways businesses and their leaders get stuck—being trapped by precedent, incremental growth, familiar ideas and solutions, and career blockage—this reference gives fresh, resourceful techniques for overcoming such scenarios. Anyone involved in business, whether in innovation, sales, marketing, advertising, business development, or new-product development, will benefit from the simple tools and hints offered and will be better able to generate creative, profitable ideas....
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Accounting for Financial Instruments Rebecca Chyi Woan Tan
This work, motivated by the controversy surrounding fair value accounting for all financial instruments in financial institutions, generates empirical evidence on preparer and user preferences. An understanding of actual perceptions is important for standard-setters to determine the most acceptable accounting standard for financial instruments, particularly for the complex financial institutions industry in Australia and Singapore, two prominent financial markets of the Asian Pacific region. On average, preparers neither strongly support nor strongly oppose fair value accounting, while users are slightly more supportive. Results show that achieving the qualitative characteristics espoused by the IASB framework for financial reporting is far more important than trying to fulfill the different needs of various groups. This slight support for fair value accounting is part of a bigger tapestry of a slow but steady movement towards fair value measurement in financial accounting and......
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Пленник Кэрин Монк
АСТ, АСТ Москва. Мини-шарм. Женевьеву Макфейл не интересует мнение высшего света. Она намерена все свои силы отдать воспитанию детей-сирот. Однако мирному течению жизни приходит конец, когда в доме Женевьевы решается искать убежища Хейдон Кент, маркиз Редмонд, обвиненный в убийстве. Принять в доме такого человека - значит подвергнуть опасности не только себя, но и своих воспитанников. Стоит ли так рисковать? Леди Макфейл колеблется. Но сердце ее не знает сомнений - оно подсказывает влюбленной женщине, что Хейдон невиновен. Его можно спасти, и ради этого стоит рискнуть......
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Chad Energy Policy, Laws and Regulation Handbook (World Law Business Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.
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